my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 611 Remember when I was young

Chapter 611 Remember when I was young (2)

"Mmm~~~" Uncle, he still nodded in agreement.

But Yuan Yuan's expression became more tense in an instant, as if he was about to shed tears, "But I've seen it, the only thing you lack is your little brother!"

"..." After three seconds of silence, Guan Xingrui calmly justified himself, "My little brother is still here."

"But it's very short!"

"I saw it that morning, it was obviously like this," Yuan Yuan said, comparing...the length in the air, and said worriedly, "But when I saw it again just now, it became so short!" Comparing again than.

That morning, Guan Xingrui, who was wishing to see his normal physiological reactions early in the morning, accidentally said, "..."

But a certain uncle has never been an ordinary person. Even if he is only 15 years old, he can calmly crawl out of a special big hole, turn around and dig a bigger hole...

He looked at Yuanyuan very calmly, "You misunderstood, it's because I'm handsome,"

"...What does this have to do with Shuai?" Yuan Yuan was puzzled.

Guan Xingrui glanced at her with calm and introverted eyes, and said in a natural and steady tone——

"It can be long or short, and the shape is ever-changing."

Original wish: "..."


Yuanyuan has always loved chestnuts since she was a child, and she likes everything that tastes like chestnuts.

So on this day, she took a long car ride with her Tong Yangfu to buy a very famous chestnut-flavored ice cream cake that was said to be very delicious.

The cake is very big. If two people eat it together, they can eat it for two days.

On the way home, Yuan Yuan was always excited, just waiting for a big meal.

In the end, the two arrived home hand in hand... Yuan Yuan also caught up with her first menstrual period.

This year, Yuan Yuan was 13 years old and Guan Xingrui was 15 years old.

Yuan Yuan's parents are no longer there, and no one taught her. Yuan Yuan only vaguely knows that there are girls in the class who have also encountered this situation, but she has no idea how to deal with it.

There was so much blood all of a sudden, I was a little scared to watch.

At the critical moment, a certain Tong Yangfu was unflappable in the face of danger, decisively and quickly...turned on the computer, and quickly searched the Internet.

As a result, Guan Xingrui misunderstood a keyword because he didn't know much about these things, and many of the results found were... adult websites.

At this age, it is the time to be curious about the opposite sex, but a certain Tong Yangfu frowned in disgust, without looking carefully, he quickly closed the web page.

Searching the internet didn't work, and he had other options.

He has learned to stop bleeding, and what he learned is at a professional level.

So Guan Xingrui moved quickly, and in the shortest possible time, he took out gauze, bandages, and a can of hemostatic medicine from his room.

...a big bag full of things.

But when he returned to Yuan Yuan's side, Yuan Yuan had already thoroughly inquired about it with his female classmate.

For example, Guan Xingrui ran out to help Yuan Yuan buy sanitary napkins, and helped her cook ginger syrup... Needless to say, with Guan Xingrui's love for Yuan Yuan, no matter whether it fits his style or not, as long as it is for Yuan Yuan, He will do it all.

But these two wonderful things are together... No matter how ordinary things are, there will be a follow-up development like a god...

After cleaning and tidying up, and drinking ginger syrup, Yuan Yuan lied on the sofa weakly, "Two two, my classmates said that this is called a big aunt in China."

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(End of this chapter)

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