my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 617 When Mensao meets a "rival in love"

Chapter 617 When Mensao meets a "rival in love" (1)

Of course, as a child husband with a high level of ideological awareness (?), Guan Xingrui wants to buy new pajamas, but it is definitely not for the vulgar purpose of trying to make a handsome man.

He bought pajamas to change into a pajamas without buttons, so that Xinxin would not hurt when he hugged him~~~
A certain uncle doesn't know what kind of energy he is trying to...

The ones with buttons are not good, and the ones with zippers are not good. The safest one is the bathrobe style, with only one belt around the waist.

It's still late summer and the weather is a bit hot, so Guan Xingrui finally chose a silk one. he became more tactile.

In other words, the silk is so easy to touch...

With Yuanyuan's mad personality, she can't wear silk, which is not easy to serve. In addition, she is abroad, and the chances of anyone around her wearing silk are too small. This is the first time she has touched real silk.

Yuan Yuan felt that it was very novel, "Two two, this one is delicate and slippery to the touch, it's easier to touch than you!"

Guan Xingrui, who has been compared in this way: "..."

So, as a child husband who loves to compete for favor, is he going to start to slander Zhensi, the "rival in love", and denounce its shortcomings?

of course not!

Of course, strange flowers will never take the usual path, and can always create new styles!

Guan Xingrui was silent for three seconds, then nodded in agreement, and echoed the original wish very professionally, "Silk can also keep the skin moist and smooth, because it contains more than ten kinds of amino acids, which can help maintain the metabolism of the lipid film on the skin surface."

"Such a god!" Yuan Yuan was very surprised when he heard that.

Guan Xingrui nodded again, his tone was very natural, and his movements were very calm... He stretched out his hand and untied the belt around his waist, "I often wear silk clothes, and my skin can be like mine." ←_←
Yuan Yuan didn't think this sentence was so weird at all, "Yeah, Er Er's skin is so good...Huh?"

In the middle of talking, he was suddenly distracted by the scenery (?) inside the nightgown, and Yuan Yuan took a closer look curiously.

...and get closer later.

A certain Tong Yangfu stood there calmly.

Yuan wished to watch it for a long time, but still couldn't get enough ←_←, "Two two, your legs are so long!"

"Hmm~~~" After being praised by his most precious little fiancée, a child foster husband's heart fluttered, but his expression was still very calm, "We used to swim together, didn't you notice?"

"No~" Yuan Yuan admitted very frankly, and after finishing speaking, she was still enthusiastically comparing the difference in leg length between the two, not rushing to say the second half of the sentence, and not afraid of causing misunderstandings.

Of course, Guan Xingrui couldn't misunderstand.

Xinxin likes him the most, it is absolutely impossible to ignore him~~~ Xinxin didn't pay attention, there must be some reason~
So he embraced the original wish to his side, and continued to wait for the following with a fluttering mood.

After the original wish was over, I happily said to him, "Because Er Er is so pretty~ I'm too busy looking at Er Er's face, and I don't even bother to look at anything else~"

"Hmm~~~" The answer really made a certain Mensao very turbulent.

Yuan Yuan has never been stingy in complimenting her baby Tong Yangfu, and continued to say, "At that time, everyone in the swimming pool was watching, because when Er Er came out of the water, it was very, very beautiful, like a lotus flower coming out of the water. ~~~”

There is a very famous old movie called "Water Lotus"... So Yuanyuan speaks this word very fluently...

Guan Xingrui, who was so graceful: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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