my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 618 When Mensao meets a "rival in love"

Chapter 618 When Mensao meets a "rival in love" (2)

After three seconds of silence, he looked at Yuanyuan calmly, "You are wrong, this word is used to describe women."

"...Is there still something to pay attention to?" Yuan Yuan was entangled, "But I think Er Er is much prettier than hibiscus~"

Guan Xingrui ignored this sentence calmly, and told her authoritatively, "There is such a thing, so if you want to praise me, you should call me..."

Yuan Yuan kept his eyes wide open and guessed eagerly, "Fleur, the water boy?"

"...No, it's the foster husband of the water boy."

Original wish: "..."

Now she was even more entangled than her foster husband, "Sounds weird..."

"No wonder," said a black-bellied person very calmly and modestly, "because only a very handsome person can be a foster husband."

"Ah..." Yuan was very willing, "I thought that only someone who is very, very good and very likable can be a foster husband."

"There is also this reason~~~~~~~"

Someone's rippling eyebrows almost turned into a "~" shape...

So after this wonderful discussion, Yuanyuan completely forgot about the silk that is easy to touch, and focused on her Tong Yangfu again~
So the next day, a certain uncle went out in a particularly good mood and went to the Four Seas Gang... to learn how to cook.

Yes, learn to cook.

At this time, Guan Xingrui was very low-key, and he didn't want the people of the Four Seas Gang to be alert to him. He never showed his true ability in front of outsiders.

On the surface, he was not keen on killer training either. After completing the daily mandatory physical training, he borrowed the gang's kitchen and dedicated himself as a chef.

What he wants to do today is beef with sauce.

Yuanyuan's mother cooks delicious food, especially this sauced beef, which has a secret family-made marinade.

Therefore, Guan Xingrui's craftsmanship is not at the level of a chef, but this beef sauce is definitely fragrant, making countless people drool almost as soon as they walked into the training base of the headquarters.

The two who had been slashed by Guan Xingrui that day, the one with the yellow hair and the one with the earrings, looked at each other after entering the door, and with malicious smiles on their faces, they squeezed into the kitchen, took chopsticks, and took a large piece with them each. Beef, provocatively gnawed in front of Guan Xingrui.

Guan Xingrui didn't respond.

It seems that he has a good temper and is easy to bully.

This pot of beef was obviously prepared by him for Yuan Yuan, and he wanted to take it home for Yuan Yuan to eat at night, but he didn't show any signs of getting angry now.

The two became more and more rampant.

Just outside the door, someone was bragging that he had killed another person.

They are all ready-to-kill assassins, and the Four Seas Gang hasn't sent them out on a mission yet, and most people are not qualified to assassinate them, but everyone likes to brag like this, to show off how powerful they are and how vicious their wrists are.

Huang Mao listened to him for a while, then ran against him in a strange way, "0179, aren't you amazing? Wasn't it cruel to hurt people that day? It's been three years, and I haven't seen you kill a single person!"

"X! Counseling one, a p who has the guts to kill someone!" The earring also laughed loudly.

Such a loud volume attracted the rest of the gang, and everyone looked like they were watching a good show.

And Guan Xingrui stood in the focus of everyone's eyes, slowly fished out a large piece of cooked beef, took out a sharp knife, and calmly sliced ​​the meat into thin slices.

While cutting, a faint smile suddenly appeared on the corner of his lips, "Don't you think that the piece of meat you ate just now doesn't taste like beef?"

(End of this chapter)

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