my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 623 The ending of the two of you

Chapter 623 The ending of the two of you (1)

The boy walked up to Yuan Yuan with disgust in his eyes, "I wanted to save you some face, but since you've gone too far, then I don't have to be polite!"

He raised his hand, almost throwing the computer on Yuan Yuan.

Yuan Yuan calmly did not dodge or dodge, but bodyguard B immediately stood up and caught the computer.

The boy curled his lips in disdain, showing a sarcastic expression, "There are so many people here today, let's explain why you send me those explicit photos of you every day!"


There were faint whispers from around, probably because the words were too explosive, but few people believed them yet.

The original wish is so iceberg and so hard to chase!How could she turn around to harass a boy, and even send explicit photos to him!
Faced with everyone's questioning eyes, the boy pointed confidently at the computer that bodyguard B just took over, "It's all saved in my notebook, if you don't believe me, open it now!"

Bodyguard B was so angry that he let P!How could my sister-in-law send you that kind of photo!
Most likely he secretly took pictures of his sister-in-law, and then turned them into some disgusting pictures!
Dead wretched _ wretched man!He will turn on the computer now and expose this disgusting hooligan!
But just as he moved his hand, a tall and thin blond boy suddenly appeared behind the boy——

"You are Steven?" The boy's voice was cold.

... Boss, Boss?Bodyguard B was stunned.

This is the voice of the boss!

...Is the boss changing his face?
The boy didn't know the danger was approaching, and was eager to see Yuan Yuan make a fool of himself, so he turned his head impatiently, "It's me, you..."

The sound of flesh and blood colliding against the asphalt road made a group of people grin.

It hurts so much!
The blond-haired boy kicked the man down, stepped on the boy with his long legs unceremoniously, his cold eyes, like cold jade soaked in water, streamed lightly, but also revealed a biting chill.

The onlookers were frightened by the momentum, and subconsciously backed away.

Who is this?It seems that they are the same age as them, how can they have such a strong momentum!

The boy's face was stepped on the ground, he didn't see the blond boy's eyes clearly, but he was not so afraid of him, and still shouted desperately, "Who are you?! If you don't let go, I will make you look good!"

The blond boy ignored him, and asked him in a cold voice, "It's you who have been harassing Emma. She refused to date you, so you robbed her computer and said that you would send the private photos on the computer to pornographic websites." superior?"

……Wow!There is such a thing!

After being stunned for a moment, the people around him believed it almost immediately.

The boy was cursing, "Which Emma? I don't know what you're talking about?!"

The blond boy didn't seem to want to talk to him anymore, he raised his foot and pulled him up, as if to search his locker.

He moved quickly and vigorously, and the blond boy was pulled by him, swinging in the air for a small half circle like a bag of garbage, and hit the wall with pia, staring at him.

But because of such a turn around, the blond boy "coincidentally" saw the computer in the hand of bodyguard B.

His eyes became colder in an instant, "You still gave Emma's computer to other girls?"

...Don't bring such a thing! ! !Boss, you clearly know that I am a man!
Watching the play was lively, but the bodyguard B who was wearing a skirt was indeed sad and angry...

He didn't understand why his boss appeared in disguise and seemed to value the computer very much.

(End of this chapter)

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