my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 624 The ending of the two of you

Chapter 624 The ending of the two of you (2)

But now she is also cooperating with acting, making a dazed... girlish face.

The blond boy was about to snatch the computer, but the boy seemed to have finally regained his senses, and immediately reached out to grab it, "What nonsense are you talking about, this is my computer!"

"What evidence do you have? Turn on the computer, and there is your information in it?" The blond boy asked coldly.

Bodyguard B knew that the blond boy, the boss of Yi Rongzhong, was talking nonsense.

But to his surprise, when the boy heard this question, he hesitated and couldn't answer it!

The onlookers couldn't help but become even more suspicious.

The blond boy chased after the victory, "On Emma's computer, there is a sticker of a cartoon chestnut."

As he spoke, he snatched the computer from bodyguard B's hand and opened it in front of everyone. With his slender fingers, he stroked the area below the keyboard and on the side of the touchpad.

So lovely……

The notebooks were all about the same length, but because of those too beautiful hands, the picture instantly became eye-catching, and people couldn't take their eyes off it.

And when he moved his long finger away, everyone could see that there was indeed a sticker of a cartoon chestnut there!

A person with such beautiful hands really can't lie!
... No, they mean, this person looks righteous and won't lie! →_→

Bodyguard B is almost in tears. Most people use beauty tricks to trick beautiful men, and their boss can even use tricks... Boss, why are you so powerful and so good-looking! (┬_┬)
Besides, this is just a disguised appearance, if the boss shows his true colors, there is no need to use any tricks, just look at them stupidly!
The boy couldn't argue, he didn't understand why the computer he had just touched suddenly had a cartoon sticker.

But he couldn't tell if he wanted to... The blond boy beat him uprightly, and the onlookers applauded one after another...

He usually looked like a normal person at school, but he turned out to be such a scumbag!Stealing girls' computers and threatening to post their private photos on pornographic websites!
With such a low character, it seems that what he said about his original wish just now is absolutely false!

After the lesson was over, the blond boy left the boy with a bruised nose, took "Emma's computer", and walked away graciously.

Bodyguard B tried his best not to twitch the corners of his lips, and followed Yuan Yuan to leave the campus.


After leaving the school gate, they walked around to the cleanest alley, and sure enough, the blond boy was standing there waiting for them.

Bodyguard B immediately called someone.

Boss' disguise method is really powerful!If the voice hadn't been disguised, he wouldn't have recognized it!
But bodyguard B was excited, but the original wish beside him was always in a state of entanglement.

Even when he stood in front of the blond boy, he didn't look at him much, and frowned.

Bodyguard B was taken aback, and asked in a low voice, "Sister-in-law, you...don't recognize who this is?"

The original wish did not answer.

The "blonde boy" took off his wig and disguise mask, and said confidently, "Xinxin must recognize me~~~"

"Yeah, otherwise I wouldn't recognize Er Er, what if I lose Er Er~" Yuan Yuan waved his hand after finishing speaking, "But Er Er will not be lost, because Er Er will always be with me~ "


...Can you two stop talking with this "~" ending sound!Why can't he take care of the physical and mental health of his young children...

(End of this chapter)

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