my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 629 Exchange Conditions

Chapter 629 Exchange Conditions (1)

"X! Who do you think you are, my dad is someone you can see whenever you want!"

The man was still feeling sorry for his car, and after he finished cursing, he wanted to shoot Guan Xingrui in the head, but he felt that this was not enough to relieve his anger, so he turned the gun down to hit his knee.

Dare to smash his car?! Break one of his legs first, then the other, slowly torture him to death!
The people next to him hurriedly stopped him, "Master, don't be impulsive!"

"This kid is a bit evil, maybe he has some background." A cautious person reminded.

From the looks of it, he was only in his teens, but he didn't even blink his eyes when he saw a gun. This kind of courage and tolerance can't be matched by any adult!

"Come here!" The scolding was so scolding, but the young gang leader of the Four Seas Gang had a lot weaker momentum.

Yuan Yuan's family background is very good, and Yuan Yuan's parents completely regard Guan Xingrui as their own child, so whether it is Guan Xingrui's own temperament or his attire, it really doesn't look like an ordinary family.

Afraid of offending some important person's child, the young gang leader didn't dare to be rude again, but he still cursed.

Guan Xingrui didn't care about these things at all, he didn't look sideways, and under the guidance of others, he walked into the Four Seas Gang's vulgar and exaggerated headquarters, and came to the reception hall on the first floor.

"Haha, I don't know what to call the young master?"

The gang leader had already heard his subordinates talk about Guan Xingrui's performance, and he was afraid that he really had some kind of strong background, so the tone of his speech to him was extremely polite.

The person standing in front of him is his own enemy who killed his father and mother.

Guan Xingrui didn't even blink his eyes, and said calmly and calmly, "I want you to protect one person."


Everyone in the room burst into laughter.

The young gang leader finally had no taboos, and waved his hand in order to have Guan Xingrui taken away, "x! It really is a tm stupid x! Who do you think you are, and what right do you have to talk to my dad like that!"

After all, he is the leader of the gang, the boss of the Four Seas Gang, and he has a little brains, so he is not so reckless.

He raised his hand to stop his subordinates, and asked worriedly, "Is there any exchange condition?"

"Of course there is."

These three words full of confidence, like an order, stopped the laughter in an instant, "What conditions?" Everyone asked anxiously.

"I join the Four Seas Gang."

"Huh? Hahahaha... Listen to what this kid is talking about!"

"Boy, do you know where the Four Seas Gang is? Only other people can't get in if they want to. There's no reason for us to ask others to join! You're so naive, go home and feed yourself!"

Another burst of laughter.

Guan Xingrui didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment, he didn't even blink his eyes, and his tone was extremely calm, "I'm different from them. In six years, I will become the number one killer in the gang."


No one believed it, and many even slapped the table with laughter.

Guan Xingrui has been thin since he was a child, and he has an overly beautiful face. Coupled with the education he received since he was a child, even though he is still young, he already has the feeling of an elegant gentleman in his temperament.

So he looked at... There was really no deterrence, and it could even be said that it was a bit weak.

A huge black shadow stood in front of Guan Xingrui.

The person who came here was considered thin among a group of big and round people from the Four Seas Gang, but his height was close to 1.9 meters, his cold eyes were as cold as snakes, and the names of people densely patterned on his left arm all made people feel a strong sense of aura. uneasy feeling.

(End of this chapter)

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