my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 630 Exchange Conditions

Chapter 630 Exchange Conditions (2)

"Boy, do you know what this is?" The visitor touched his left arm, and a bloodthirsty and joyful smile appeared on his uncomfortably white face.

He laughed hoarsely, "I tell you, every time I kill a person, I will tattoo his name on my arm. This is my medal, my glory, and the light of my life!"

The eyes and tone that became more and more frenzied as he talked, looked like a perverted murderer.

But there was still no fear in Guan Xingrui's eyes.

He just looked at him calmly, looking at the dense rows of names on his arm, in which he found his parents.

Just like when they were still alive, his parents' names were always next to each other.

They have common ideals and pursuits, but they are also living a completely scientific geek life that may be difficult for outsiders to understand.

He has never heard the two of them say a word of sweet talk. The two always call each other's name by first name and last name like roll call in class. Ordinary people will put a group photo of husband and wife in the house. Hanging on the wall of their house, But it is a portrait of several physicists who discovered various laws and made countless candidates cry...

Even at the breakfast table, his parents often quarreled because of their disagreement, and went out angrily, rushing to the laboratory to prove their point of view to the other party.

... So also because of this, his mother is a hard worker in tidying up, but she has a superhuman speed of packing food. In less than half a minute, she can pack breakfast for two.

And during this time, his father will also take the fruit and milk that the two of them will eat all day, and then pick up the breakfast that his mother just packed.

After that, Dad would turn both bags to his left hand, stretch out his right hand, and catch the left hand that Mom just extended over. The two of them held hands for ten years, glared at each other...and went out.

Putting away the memories, Guan Xingrui's eyes turned back to that person.

That man was still standing in front of Guan Xingrui, showing off his status as the number one killer of the Four Seas Gang.

He arrogantly poked Guan Xingrui's shoulder, "Boy, why do you criticize my position?"

Before he finished speaking, his eyes suddenly turned hard, and his wrist flexibly twisted Guan Xingrui's shoulder, as if manipulating a toy, lifted him up and swung him in the air.

He has been a top killer who has been famous for many years, but Guan Xingrui is only a 12-year-old half-grown kid who accepts normal... no, he receives a literary education. He even went to a music school, majoring in piano.

Compared with him, Guan Xingrui has no chance of winning. Even if he just wants to punch this man, his arm will be broken immediately.

A roomful of adult men were booing and applauding, as if they were watching a monkey show.

They obviously won't take a fancy to Guan Xingrui, and they will never believe his rhetoric that he will become the number one killer. Therefore, it is even more impossible for them to agree to Guan Xingrui's quid pro quo to protect a person.

Before Yuanyuan's parents left, they said that those people would definitely kill the grass and roots, so Yuanyuan would not have any way to survive.

Seeing that the killer of the Four Seas Gang was about to throw Guan Xingrui to the ground, and seeing that everything was about to be a foregone conclusion, a sharp dagger suddenly slipped out of Guan Xingrui's sleeve.

With a little bit of cold light, the bloodthirsty meaning in the killer's eyes became more serious.

Still want to attack him?court death!

(End of this chapter)

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