my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 632 Too Powerful

Chapter 632 Too Powerful (2)

The deafening gunshots, the strong blood mixed with the smell of gunpowder...

The killer was shot in the head.

The person who shot was the leader of the Four Seas Gang.

His hands are useless, he can't take on the task, and he wants to destroy this good seed, so what's the use of keeping it!

The leader of the gang did not show mercy to this former number one killer who had made great contributions to the gang.

The killer stood too close to Guan Xingrui, Guan Xingrui's face even splashed his beaten brain...

This scene is really scary and disgusting.

Guan Xingrui, who had been calm all this time, finally had some reaction.

He glanced at the ball of paper in his hand that had just wiped off the blood stains, and then at the person closest to him.

After such a long time, he finally spoke again in a calm voice, "Where is the trash can?"

The person he asked gasped.

The leader of the Four Seas Gang laughed and clapped his hands, "Okay, okay! You are calm enough and have courage!"

It is a miracle that ordinary children who have not been trained can perform like this!
The ruthlessness to destroy the opponent even if his hands are abolished, really makes him feel ashamed!

Calculation flashed across the eyes of the gang leader, he couldn't wait, and then asked with a little worry, "Who is it that you want us to protect?"

Guan Xingrui took out his wallet with one hand, opened it, and showed him the original wish photo in the wallet, "Her."

"She will be hunted down soon, and I want you to get rid of the people who will hunt her down before all this begins."

The leader was overjoyed for a moment, and he didn't even care about Guan Xingrui's tone.

It's a girl!The girl he valued so much!
At such a young age, is there a girlfriend worth protecting even if he loses one hand?Of course, this is also likely to be his sister.

But none of this is important, the important thing is that this kid is ruthless, calm, and quick enough, he is a natural killer, and the most perfect thing is that he has weaknesses!
Such a ruthless person is usually brutal, bloodthirsty and inhumane, killing people just for pleasure, it is extremely difficult to control, but this kid is different!
This girl is his weakness, as long as he controls this girl, he can make this kid listen to him forever!

"Okay! I promise you!" The leader immediately agreed, beckoning his subordinates, "Old Du, take a few brothers and help him deal with it!"

The person surnamed Du is the deputy leader of the Four Seas Gang. Letting the deputy leader go out in person shows that the leader attaches great importance to Guan Xingrui.

In this way, Guan Xingrui changed his life plan, gave up the music school, gave up the piano he once loved, and joined the gang that killed his father and mother and enemies, in exchange for the peace he wanted.

He didn't tell Yuanyuan a word about this.

He told Yuan Yuan that his fingers had cramp from practicing the piano, and his hands needed to be kept warm, so he always wore a pair of bear paw-like gloves to cover the horrific wounds on his hands even after they had been bandaged.

He told Yuan Yuan that his uncle and aunt passed away unexpectedly in a car accident. The situation happened so suddenly that they died on the spot without suffering any pain.

After dealing with the funeral affairs of Yuanyuan's parents, when the two returned home, it was already a few nights later.

Yuan Yuan stood at the door, looking at the empty home, and stood blankly for a long time.

"Two two, are we the only ones left in the future?"

"No." Guan Xingrui's negation was extremely quick.

He took Yuanyuan's hand, "We are still together, you have me, I have you, we all still have a home."

(End of this chapter)

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