my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 633 Important Questions about the Wedding

Chapter 633 Important Questions about the Wedding (1)

Guan Xingrui's super high IQ makes him have a meticulous mind far beyond his peers.

So when he stood at the door of the Four Seas Gang, he knew that doing so would expose Yuanyuan to the eyes of everyone in the Four Seas Gang.

In order to control him, they will try every means to suppress Yuanyuan, for example... give Yuanyuan some slow poison, so that she can only rely on the antidote given by the Four Seas Gang to save her life.

There will be many such dangers.

But at the time, he had no choice.

Fortunately, less than a month after joining the Four Seas Gang, Guan Xingrui knew about Sui Yi's existence.

At that time, Sui Yi, in everyone's perception, was basically a...a robot cat who appeared suddenly.

No one knows his origins, not even his nationality and gender because he never really shows up.

He doesn't even seem to have any subordinates, and he rents a house that looks like a dilapidated building although it is large.

But... like a god, he promises to respond to every request!

As long as people who conform to his rules ask him for help, he will help, and he can really solve any difficulties!
Of course, because he doesn't care about the bad debts of gamblers or the debts caused by his own investment mistakes, most of the time, he solves disputes between ordinary people and the underworld. Outsiders guess that he may be particularly skilled.

Guan Xingrui studied carefully for a long time, and after making sure that he could be trusted, he secretly came to Sui Yi's site late at night and asked him for help.

This is Guan Xingrui's biggest gamble.

In order for Yuan Yuan to avoid the claws of the Four Seas Gang, he asked Sui Yi to help him protect Yuan Yuan for two years. During these two years, he will grow rapidly and be strong enough to protect Yuan Yuan by himself.

On the side of the Four Seas Gang, he will also set up a trick to pretend that Yuan Yuan has died unexpectedly, so that Yuan Yuan will completely leave their sight.

In the end, Guan Xingrui won the bet, and Sui Yi really fulfilled his request properly.

He won the peace and peace he wished for, he won the brotherly friendship with Sui Yi, and he also won a legend of the underworld for himself.

However, in the eyes of a certain uncle, there was only one important point about this thrilling past—his heart was fine and he was not harmed.

And in front of him, there is obviously another major event that deserves the uncle's real attention--

His wedding with Yuanyuan.

That year, in order to avenge the murder of his father and mother, Guan Xingrui wiped out the Four Seas Gang.

He didn't touch the ordinary gang members, but all the senior gang members who participated in the murder of his parents were legally and reasonably killed by him under the pretext of helping the police catch the murderer.

Except for the son of the leader of the Four Seas Gang.

Compared with the current Guan Xingrui, the son of the leader of the Four Seas Gang has negligible power and power.

But the key question is - he knows the existence of the original wish.

At that time, Guan Xingrui had deceived the Four Seas Gang, but after the Four Seas Gang was destroyed, all the tricks he set up back then will definitely be suspected.

Sometimes, your opponent makes you worry, it may not be because of how strong your opponent is, but because he will threaten the safety of the person you care about the most.

Just like in many cases, a small cold can make people very irritable, because it will make the person you love the most and miss the most, unable to eat or sleep well, and suffer for several days.

So the son of the leader of the Four Seas Gang is indeed not very good, but he used to be the biggest thorn in Guan Xingrui's heart.

(End of this chapter)

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