my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 637 Preparing for the wedding~

Chapter 637 Preparing for the wedding~ (1)

In order not to affect the wedding process, in the next period of time, both of them were concentrating on choosing the wedding dress.

The specific method is——

I don't hear what's going on outside the window with my ears, and I just play...fuck the sheets. ←_←
But there are really many things happening outside.

After waiting for two days, he felt that he couldn't let the situation go any further, so Qi Xiuyuan could only grimace, and ran to Yuan Yuan's house to find someone.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, he saw Yuan Yuan holding a large box of make-up that he couldn't name exactly like a palette in his hand, frowning in confusion, applying color by color to her foster husband's face.

The bed sheet matter... No matter how good your physical strength is, there must be an intermission~→_→

Congratulations to Qi Xiuyuan, he happened to be in time for two wonderful intermissions...

But Qi Xiuyuan didn't realize his luck at all, the corner of his mouth twitched fiercely, "Are you... playing with your foster husband?"

Yuan Yuan was stunned, "No, I'm trying on makeup."

In the bedroom upstairs, she had just finished playing Er Er~ It was because she had just finished playing that she couldn't play anymore, so Er Er took her downstairs~

Fortunately, the original wish did not say the second half of the sentence...

Qi Xiuyuan didn't realize that he had recovered half of his life, but "trying on makeup", something that normal stars would do, was horrified when Yuan Yuan did it, and he stared blankly at Yuan Yuan's actions for a long time.

Yuan Yuan was not in a hurry to wait for his response, and continued to paint various colors on Guan Xingrui's face on his own.

Those bright... coquettish pink and orange colors, painted on a big man's face, think about it, it's a bit horrible.

But the face of a certain uncle was already exquisite and enchanting enough, but now with these colors, it doesn't look like a girl at all, but instead has a charming charm that makes people heinous.

Qi Xiuyuan thought for a long time, and felt that there was only one sentence to describe this feeling——

I can't hold it anymore...

Qi Xiuyuan was about to be stunned to death by himself, so he wiped his face silently, and decided to ignore the scene in front of him and tell the reason for his visit first.

"Uncle Guan... When are you going to officially show up with your original wish?"

Guan Xingrui's gaze finally moved away from the document in his hand, and he raised his eyes slightly, his black pupils, as bright as glass, froze on Qi Xiuyuan for a second, "Say."

This kind of evildoer who looks like he is trying to trick a beautiful man even at a glance, really... Give him a beat!
Qi Xiuyuan wiped his face again, knowing that he couldn't hide Guan Xingrui's keen mind, so he didn't bother to cover it up, "After the awards ceremony... Yuanyuan was besieged by almost half of the female stars in the circle."

Of course, it’s not to scold the original wish, but even if they used to fight for awards for the role, they were all people with mortal enemies. The assistant, overtly and secretly, is tripping up the original wish.

No way, the original wish is too red~

In her first year in the industry, she broke the unwritten rules of the film festival, and as a newcomer, directly won the crown of best actress.

It can be said that the original wish made history.

In addition, since entering the industry, the original wish has been advancing against the bloody wind all the way... There are endless scandals, but in the end it is always her opponent who is unlucky.

After so many major incidents, she still has no scandals at all. Her image is so good that people want to hate her, but they can't find a reasonable excuse.

Originally, she was kidnapped after accepting the award, so she didn't know how much shock there was inside and outside the venue after she finished her acceptance speech.

(End of this chapter)

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