my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 638 Preparing for the wedding~

Chapter 638 Preparing for the wedding~ ([-])

Good, touching, moving!

Almost all netizens are feeling like this. In fact, there is no vow of eternal love, no life and death. The original wish did not say how special their love is, but those words that seem simple, but they speak directly from the bottom of their hearts.

Everyone can't wait to see Yuan Yuan's fiancé who has always been in the legend, and wants to know what kind of man can spoil Yuan Yuan with such a strong sense of security. I am sure that no matter what time it comes, he will always be by his side. beside her.

And those female stars who are jealous of Yuan Yuan's popularity and speed of popularity, keep letting their managers and assistants brainwash netizens, saying that after so long, Yuan Yuan has gained countless favors by relying on her childhood sweetheart fiancé, many people like her, Because of this.

But after such a long time, the man is still nowhere to be seen, which means that everything was made up by the original wish, and there is no such a person at all!

The original wish was to say this on purpose, trying to forge a good image of devotion!
Netizens were all deceived, Yuanyuan is actually a woman who loves vanity and liars!

In fact, when Guan Xingrui showed up, the rumors would be self-defeating.

But Qi Xiuyuan couldn't bear to look at the faces of those women, he was a little anxious, so he ran away to urge others.

After listening to the cause and effect, Guan Xingrui nodded calmly, but as if he was not in a hurry at all, he asked his original wish to stop scribbling on his face, "Have you chosen?"

"Hmm~" Yuan Yuan pointed to a very light pink, "This is still the best look, I will use this on the wedding day~"

Qi Xiuyuan almost fell to the ground, just realized what kind of makeup Yuan Yuan was trying on, "You... are you trying on bridal makeup? Are you using Guan Xingrui's face to try on bridal makeup?!"

"Yeah~" Yuan Yuan didn't understand what he was getting excited about.

"...You were the bride that day! What can you try with him!"

The original wish was even more confused, "But I have the same skin color and skin texture as Er Er, we both grew up together, we eat the same food, and he sleeps when I sleep, the routine is the same, there will be no difference in skin ah."

For so many years of living habits that are exactly the same, even if there is a little genetic factor, it can be ignored.

As Yuan Yuan said, she even tilted her head towards her foster husband, and the two faces were very naturally pressed together. Sure enough... Just by looking at the skin, it is impossible to tell the difference between the two.

"..." Discussing this kind of issue can meet people who show affection... (┬_┬) This is still making people live!

Qi Xiuyuan was indignant.

The bodyguards were also silently banging against the wall.

I really want to quit!Jump to Chu Ran's side, and then they can also break up with the boss... (┬_┬) Those who show affection are scum, scum!

I wish I hadn't noticed the lasagna tears in their hearts... She put away the messy makeup on the table, and said to Qi Xiuyuan happily, "Thanks to being kidnapped a few days ago, otherwise I would never have thought of wearing Zhanghua when I got married." The idea of ​​a mask with makeup ~ so I don’t have to wear makeup that day~”

Otherwise, if you don't remove the makeup, when the second kisses her, you will have to eat a lot of cosmetics~ But removing the makeup... It takes a long time, and it delays sex!

Everyone: "..." Thanks to... being kidnapped... (┬_┬)
The realm of natural two, they really can't compare!
If they knew the reason for their original wish, they would want to cry even more...

Besides, the words of the original wish have not been finished yet, and what really makes people cry is yet to come...

(End of this chapter)

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