my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 639 A certain uncle showed up

Chapter 639 A certain uncle showed up (1)

Yuan Yuan frowned, a little entangled, "Actually, according to my opinion, it is okay to not wear makeup at all, but they all said no makeup, and taking pictures from a distance would make the facial features blurry, and they even asked Erer to paint."

Finally, when it came to a normal topic, and it was still within Qi Xiuyuan's professional scope, Qi Xiuyuan cleared his throat and was ready to join the discussion.

In the end, Yuanyuan went on to say...

Her frown deepened, "But why do the facial features become blurred when you are far away? No matter how far Er Er is away from me, when I look at him, I feel that he is right beside me."

"Hmm~~~" Undoubtedly, a certain Mensao has started to ripple again...

Yuan Yuan didn't pay attention to the entangled expressions of other people. After thinking about it, he asked more and more puzzled, "But you all call me two! The current electronic products are called smart, smart, and that, shouldn't they be better than me?" ?”

Then why can she see clearly but the camera can't?

Qi Xiuyuan and the bodyguards: "..." (┬_┬)
A certain child husband looked at her calmly, and said in a firm tone, "There is a specialty in art, and it is not good at taking pictures of me."

The bodyguards were taken aback, these words... are not enough at all, not like the style of the boss!
They think so because they don't understand the original wish well enough...

Yuan Yuan became curious as soon as he heard it, and immediately asked enthusiastically, "Then what am I good at?"

In the field she is good at, she must be the same, you can say that she is a smart xx!


"Xinxin is good at liking me~~~"

Someone's ending sound is really... you can do a circle dance in the air...

The original wish suddenly realized, and said happily, "Yes, I must be good at liking Er Er, because of all the things I have done since I was a child, the best thing I have done is liking Er Er~ I am willing to like Er Er ~~~"

...and show affection, and show affection!

Qi Xiuyuan walked out in a trance, "I'm going to try handstand..."

Maybe, he can control the water in his head... Why did he know these two scumbags, why!
The bodyguards immediately stopped him excitedly.

Qi Xiuyuan waved his hands, with a sad tone, "You don't need to persuade me, my head..."

"Brother Qi, you misunderstood, what we mean... If you can control the fish, you must roast it while it is fresh!"

"Yeah, I haven't eaten grilled fish for a long time!"

Qi Xiuyuan left in grief and indignation.

A certain Tong foster husband made a phone call and answered his previous question leisurely, "I'll show up in the afternoon."

Qi Xiuyuan was startled, and instantly entered the working state, and asked him, "What are you going to do?"

If it's a grand appearance, he needs to arrange it in advance. Also, he needs to notify the entertainment reporters he is familiar with to come and take pictures.

A certain uncle told him calmly——

"I'm going out to buy a bun."

Qi Xiuyuan: "..." (┬_┬)
A child foster husband was not kidding.

And the facts have proved that when someone is handsome to a certain extent, even going out to buy a steamed stuffed bun can really cause a sensation...

Guan Xingrui chose a well-known bun shop in City A.

But no matter how famous it is, it is only a place selling steamed buns. The consumption is very low, and they are absolutely cheap and delicious. Therefore, when the meal time comes, there will be a long queue in the store, and buying steamed stuffed buns is like a war.

Guan Xingrui appeared in such a noisy environment.

He didn't dress deliberately, with trousers, a shirt, and a half-length coat. He still wore the usual simple but elegant details.

(End of this chapter)

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