my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 640 A certain uncle showed up

Chapter 640 A certain uncle showed up (2)

In the past few days, the temperature has dropped, and when he came in from the door, white smoke came out when he breathed, his face seemed to be soaked in fairy energy, so beautiful that it was unbelievable.

He seemed born to wear black.

It's not because of his dark temperament, but because he wears black, which can weaken the presence of other parts of his body as much as possible, so that everyone's eyes can focus on his face as quickly as possible.

But it can't be ignored.

He is tall, well proportioned, and has long legs, but this description of appearance cannot describe the real feeling of his figure at all.

The most beautiful thing is that when he moves, it seems that every muscle in his body is moving accordingly. Even through the clothes, they can feel the explosive power.

Tough, but not rude.

Cooperating with his elegant gait, the combination of strength and beauty is so perfect that it has a sense of art.

The store was instantly quiet.

In the past, Guan Xingrui accompanied Yuan Yuan to some banquets. Those people were in the entertainment industry, surrounded by handsome men and beautiful women. When they saw Guan Xingrui for the first time, they were stunned, let alone ordinary people in life.

The owner was about to cry.

Say it earlier!He put up a poster of a handsome boy in the store, and he was no longer afraid that people who came to buy buns would make him a headache!
But having said that, compared with most of the so-called handsome men he had seen before... they were really a bit worse.

There are men, women and children in the steamed stuffed bun shop. In this era of gossip, a picture of a certain uncle buying steamed stuffed buns was quickly posted on the Internet.

With the beauty of a certain uncle, there is no need to deliberately hype him. He quickly became popular on the Internet under the name of "Baozi Elite_"...

Such an embarrassing name, it's really... Everyone can't agree on it.

Most people agree that a certain uncle looks wise and steady, has a kind of elite temperament, at least he is also a high-level executive of a large company.

Besides, although he doesn't have any luxury items with logos on him, his clothes are obviously expensive, and he is definitely not an ordinary person.

...But he was so down-to-earth and queued up in the bun shop for a long time, finally bought enough buns for more than 30 people, and left in big bags...

This style is very similar to that of a handyman in the office, who comes out to buy food for the whole office!

So let's call it "Baozi Jing_ying"...

But noisy is also noisy about his identity. There is one thing that all netizens have reached a consensus - this man is so good-looking!

Not just handsome, but good-looking!The facial features are so exquisite that it is indescribable, that skin, that hair texture, that figure, that taste... everything is perfect!Can't fault it!
A senior member of the Appearance Association excitedly @叶得's queen casting director, look, super handsome man! ! !

The casting director took a look... "Didn't he not let me take pictures!!!"

It was so shocking that the casting director immediately sent this comment out of his mind.

Three seconds later, I remembered something was wrong, and quickly deleted this Weibo.

But it's too late... Some netizens have already taken screenshots.

She is not allowed to take pictures, and she is so good-looking that the casting directors who watch beautiful men and women every day are not calm... There is only one person who meets these two conditions at the same time!
The original fiancé!

He is the original fiancé!
Countless people excitedly guessed the answer.

Really handsome! ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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