my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 656 The wedding is over

Chapter 656 The wedding is over (2)

Yuan Yuan believed in this statement very much, "Well, I also like that part the most. When someone takes me to Er Er and hands me to Er Er, I feel very happy~"

After thinking about it, he added, "But if I run over, I'll be happier~"

"Don't run away from Xinxin~" a certain Tong Yangfu who finally upgraded said calmly, "Xinxin will never look for me or chase me, because I will always be with Xinxin, always together~"

"Well~ we've been together!"

[End of the wedding extravaganza]


Cold weather
The story happened a few months ago, when the crew of Ye Dao's new play was still in city A, when they were filming exterior scenes in Lanshan Scenic Area.

In the past few days, because there were too many gossips about the original wish, the swarm of Yuji had already interfered with the start of the production team, so the production team was temporarily closed, and the entrance of the scenic spot they rented was strictly guarded by the staff of the production team.

But on this day...the crew had a special visitor.

"Hi Uncle, I want to find someone." The soft childish voice of the baby's voice is so cute that it melts people's hearts.

The gatekeeper assistant A hastily ended the yawning, rubbed his eyes, anxious to see what kind of baby it was, with such a good voice.

Then...he saw a little loli who was only a head taller than the table.

The weather is cold, the little loli is wrapped in a thick white down jacket, and she is stuck on the ground like a ball, her pink face is buried in the long fur at the neckline of the down jacket, her facial features are more delicate and lovely, her eyes are big and big , black and bright, blinking, long eyelashes flickering, like a doll.

Little Lolita's hair is of excellent quality, thin and soft black hair, combed obediently behind her ears, wearing a light pink fabric headband on her head, and on the headband, there is a raised bow of the same color , against her obedient little face, it looks like a pair of... rabbit ears.

So cute!
Assistant A was so cute that she squatted down immediately, subconsciously wanting to pat Little Lolita on the head.

As a result, as soon as he stretched out his hand, he was shocked by his new discovery, and his hand froze in mid-air.

Little Loli didn't seem to notice his shock, her big eyes, her smile curved into two little crescents, and she asked sweetly, "Uncle, is Xiao Hanhan here?"

Xiao, Xiao Hanhan... Hantian!
She really came to find Han Tian!
Assistant A swallowed hard, "You... you are from Han Tian... who is it?"

Like, so similar!
This cute little loli's face is a fan of Han Tian's bunny face_Tender bun version!

...It can't be a rabbit from one place, they all look like this?!
So this little loli belongs to Han Tian...

Little Lolita was overwhelmed by the question, her big black eyes blinked in confusion, her small mouth pouted in confusion, her face was puffy, and she looked more like a crystal clear little bun.

Assistant A was overwhelmed by cuteness again, oh, how could such a small and cute kid ask him such complicated questions!
He hurriedly wanted to make amends, and asked in a straightforward and simple way, but Little Loli hesitated to give the answer——

"I don't know, but... I want to raise Xiao Hanhan," Little Loli tilted her head in confusion, muttering thoughtfully, "It seems that I should be called... a breeder."

After finishing speaking, little Lolita suddenly strengthened her faith, and happily clenched her fists, "Yes, breeder, that's what it says in the animal world!"

[Haha, Han Tian's little lolita has appeared]

(End of this chapter)

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