my fiancé is a boss

第657章 小寒寒&寒包子(1)

Chapter 657 Xiaohanhan & Hanbaozi (1)

Assistant A ran away crying...

And behind him was chasing a little loli who was wrapped like a ball, but her two short legs were moving fast and her movements were extremely agile.

Little Lolita ran fast, the bow on the headband was blown by the wind, and it looked more like two rabbit ears swaying in the wind.

So... when Assistant A finally ran into the crowd, and was about to cry and tell everyone about his experience... he was pushed away mercilessly by everyone...

"Such a cute little loli!"

"It's so cute!"

Everyone was full of love, and hurriedly pushed away the "obstacle" of assistant A, and ran to catch the little guy with short legs.

Then... "Han Baozi!"

"Pack the rabbit!"

A group of people discovered her striking similarity to Han Tian, ​​and exclaimed her new name one after another...

Little Lolita just ran so far, and now her little face is flushed, and she is panting from exhaustion. The appearance of the steaming buns just out of the oven made everyone laugh.

But with so many people at the scene, the first thing Little Loli noticed was Han Tian who didn't speak at all, dressed in white clothes like a rabbit, very quiet, very gentle and harmless, sitting on the side of the wheelchair Han Tian.

"Little Hanhan!"

Little Lolita called him in surprise, and immediately ran over excitedly with her short legs.

Han Tian originally thought he was just a kid who liked him, so he turned his head with gentle eyes, but was stunned on the spot.

This is……

"Xiao Hanhan!" Little Lolita had already run to Han Tian's side, her soft little hands were clung to the armrest of Han Tian's wheelchair, she looked at him without blinking, her eyes sparkled with joy.

"Xiao Hanhan, you are cuter than you look on TV!"

Little Lolita instantly felt that her responsibility was even greater, and she wanted to pat Han Tian on the shoulder proudly, but her hands and legs were short...

Little Loli stood on her tiptoes, barely able to pat Han Tian's shoulder, but the little guy was short, not weak, and his voice was very serious, "Xiao Hanhan, don't be afraid, I will protect you in the future!"

Assistant A was standing by the side, thinking of her rhetoric about becoming a "breeder", she immediately burst into tears.

Although he knew that a child's words should not be taken seriously, it was the first time Han Tian heard someone say that he would protect him, and it was the first time someone showed kindness to him so bluntly and unabashedly.

He froze for a moment, and suddenly there was a strange warmth in his heart.

Lu Xinwei was nearby, and he had even heard the sound of her aggressive high heels, so no matter how much he wondered about this little guy's appearance, he couldn't show any concern in the current cold weather.

If... No, nothing if, if there is no blood relationship, it is impossible for people to be similar to this extent.

Especially... If he really has a daughter, there is only one possibility, and judging by the age of this little guy, it is obviously suitable.

He was living in the Lu family, thinking about revenge all the time, had never had a girlfriend, and lived a life of asceticism. The only exception...was related to the Lu family.

If the Lu family knew of the existence of this little loli, and then thought of what happened a few years ago, and guessed that the "haunting" incident in the Lu family mansion was caused by him, then his revenge plan would fall short.

And most importantly, this little guy and her mother must be in danger.

Han Tian's thoughts turned quickly, but there was still a gentle and harmless smile on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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