my fiancé is a boss

第658章 小寒寒&寒包子(2)

Chapter 658 Xiaohanhan & Hanbaozi (2)

He unhurriedly took out a lollipop in the shape of a carrot, and asked little loli, "Candy?"

Little Lolita smiled as obediently as him, and nodded happily, "Thank you Xiao Hanhan!"

When Lu Xinwei walked over, what she heard was this conversation.

She couldn't see that other people were kind to Han Tian. Hearing this, she snatched the lollipop without even looking at the little loli, and reprimanded in a sharp tone, "The Lu family didn't spend money to raise you, a waste, to make you pretend Be generous and invite others to eat!"

Everyone in the crew looked at her in surprise.

are you crazy!

How much is a lollipop, what do you think!
They couldn't stand it anymore, but Han Tian seemed to be resigned, he didn't refute, he didn't seem to be angry, he just lowered his head very bad-tempered.

Little Lolita blinked her eyes, stared at the lollipop that Lu Xinwei had snatched away, her small mouth suddenly narrowed pitifully, and asked timidly, "Beautiful sister, I...I want to eat that lollipop, Is it possible?"

Hearing her yelling so sweetly, Lu Xinwei snorted.

This girl still has eyesight!

At first, she didn't want to worry about her "crime" of being close to Han Tian just now, but just as Lu Xinwei's expression loosened a little, little Lolita didn't seem to realize that she was about to "be merciful".

The small body wrapped into a ball leaned against Han Tian again, and obediently stuffed his hands that were exposed outside the thin blanket back into the blanket to prevent him from freezing.

Little Lolita has a bun face, but she is very slender, but the child's hands, even if they are not fleshy, are soft like cotton balls.

Feeling the soft little fingers across the palm, Han Tian's heart once again felt warm, but because of Lu Xinwei's presence, he couldn't show it.

Of course Lu Xinwei didn't feel that she was an eyesore. Little Lolita cared about Han Tian's behavior, which made her angry again. With a cold smile, she categorically rejected Little Lolita, "No way!"

As she said that, as if to intentionally punish her and make her look greedy, Lu Xinwei roughly tore open the package of the lollipop, put it in her mouth, and chewed it without holding it.

She even showed off, throwing the small plastic stick that was left of the lollipop in front of little Lolita.

The faces of the crew were so angry that they all began to look around.

What about the original wish?
They can't cure her anymore, at this time, they have to make their original wish!

Or Director Ye is fine too!

But they don't know that creatures like rabbits... cannot be underestimated.

Especially the black belly in rabbit skin.

Lu Xinwei ate happily, took a few more bites, but suddenly her expression changed, and she was almost choked to death by a strong mildew smell.

"Bah! Bah! Bah!"

She vomited in a hurry, and found that some of the vomited candies had changed color and hair, and her stomach was churning, and she vomited out.

"Han Tian!" Lu Xinwei screamed.

She picked up the candy wrapper next to her, and found that the lollipop had expired, and her face was even more grim, "Aren't you sorry!"

Han Tian widened his innocent rabbit eyes, and said "nervously", "I didn't... After your credit card was suspended at home, you took all my money, and I can only buy discounted lollipops that are about to expire , but the ones I ate were not bad, otherwise I wouldn't have asked her to eat them."

Lu Xinwei's face was green and green, but when she thought about whether she forcibly snatched this candy, or deliberately ate it now to anger the little girl... she felt that the more she scolded, the more it made people laugh.

(End of this chapter)

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