my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 659 Cute and dark little loli

Chapter 659 Cute and dark little loli (1)

"What a loser!" Lu Xinwei cursed viciously, ordered her assistant to buy mouthwash for her, and walked away arrogantly.

She appeared for a short time, but she completely destroyed the previous atmosphere, and everyone in the crew looked unhappy.

Especially since this little loli is so similar to Han Tian, ​​there is a high probability that she is Han Tian's daughter.

Being bullied by Lu Xinwei in front of their daughter, and comparing their hearts with each other, if they are fathers, they must feel extremely uncomfortable, and they are also very afraid that they will leave a psychological shadow on their daughter.

Now in this situation... Anyway, if it was them, they must tell a white lie, so as not to let little Lori know the truth.

Everyone was afraid that lying in front of them would embarrass Han Tian too much.

So even though I really wanted to stay and tease that cute little loli, I also made excuses and left.

In less than half a minute, only Han Tian and Little Loli remained nearby.

Han Tian was not as eager to explain as everyone thought, he took out a lollipop in the shape of a carrot, not afraid of letting the child eat up his stomach, and asked the little loli again, "Do you want candy?"

"Eat!" Little Lolita just saw what happened to Lu Xinwei, and she was not afraid. Her big black eyes were bent into two crescents with a smile, and she said sweetly, "Thank you, Xiao Hanhan!"

So all the adults and children opened the candy wrappers, and obediently ate carrots with smiles... No, obediently ate candies.

The crew watched from afar, and couldn't help but burst into tears.

What should I do if the father and daughter appear together and are cuter!The impact is very bad!
... In case any child sees it, he will buy such a cute rabbit, and there is no one for sale outside!

This time, the lollipops of both of them were not bad, the fresh and sweet citrus fragrance made the little loli blink her big eyes, and said to Han Tian obediently, "Xiao Hanhan, this lollipop has been packaged once, new On the small oranges in the package, there is a small mouth. Those without a small mouth were produced many years ago. I have a box at home, which is collected by my mother. My mother said that they are older than me! "

Little Loli raised her bun-faced face, her eyes were shining brightly, "That sister knew that the lollipop had expired for many years, but she still ate it. She is so brave!"

"That's right." Han Tian also unambiguously "praise" Lu Xinwei.

So the two rabbits, one big and one small, continued to eat their lollipops "mildly and harmlessly"...

As she was eating, the little Lolita seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly sped up the speed, chewing the lollipop, and took out a beautiful sheep piggy bank from the small pink backpack on her back with her little hand.

Holding her precious piggy bank, her eyes widened, the little loli said very seriously, "Xiao Hanhan, I took out all my money, don't worry, I will take good care of it. your!"

"..." Han Tian silently looked at the little loli who was carrying the "big money" in front of him...

The bun-shaped bunny face suddenly collapsed, and the little Lolita pursed her mouth and said very aggrieved and sad, "Xiao Hanhan, they didn't treat you well."

Han Tian was taken aback, subconsciously felt that he couldn't bear to see this little guy sad, and blurted out denying, "No, I'm doing fine."

Little Lolita didn't answer, she seemed to be so sad that she was about to cry, tears rolled in her eyes, stood on tiptoe, and tried hard to touch Han Tian's head with her little hands.

(End of this chapter)

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