my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 663 The Cold Rabbit Blushes...

Chapter 663 The Cold Rabbit Blushes... (1)


From the room at the end, there was a surprised response, "What's the matter, what's the matter, is something wrong?"

The voice was in a hurry, but it still couldn't hide its crisp and sweet voice, which was very, very nice.

The people in the room didn't know what they were doing. Although they were in a hurry, they didn't come out for a long time.

The brave uncle and aunt moved much faster than their daughter, taking two steps in three steps, and walked aggressively to the door of that room.

Han Tian was almost sitting in a wheelchair, being carried by them...

Especially if he went in like this, there would be no chance for him to speak later, and the two elders would start questioning...

Reunited for the first time after many years, there must be no worse way to appear than this...

At the critical moment, Han Tian had no choice but to sit up suddenly from the wheelchair, with one leg still in a plaster cast, still moving vigorously, taking the first step, pushing the door open and barging in, and quickly closing the door behind him.

Whether you are polite or not, you will have to think about it later, the most important thing now is... is...

Han Tian was shocked to petrification by the scene inside the door.

And outside the door...

The angry couple was about to show off their power when they suddenly lightened their hands, and a rabbit was missing from the wheelchair.

The uncle and aunt were unprepared, and did not regain their strength. With a whoosh, they raised the wheelchair a lot.

The two of them maintained this outrageous appearance of Tota Li Tianwang for a long time, and then looked at the closed door in front of them...

It wasn't enough for that kid to harm Xiaoxi back then, but now he dared to trespass into Xiaoxi's room in front of them!

Both husband and wife are enlightened parents. They didn't hear their daughter screaming, and felt that her daughter's safety was not threatened, so they didn't want to break in casually.

But that kid Xiaoxi is soft-hearted, don't let that nice-looking rabbit fool you again!
Otherwise, in the face of such a poor man who always gives up and gives up, why can he still talk to him in a soft voice?!
The aunt was worried that her daughter would be hurt, and felt that a certain rabbit was becoming more and more unpleasant. She turned her head to look at her husband's expression, and her anger was obvious.

The uncle hurriedly tried to persuade him, pointing to the one who was still being carried by them... now it should be said that he was carrying it.

Pointing to the wheelchair, let her notice that the wheelchair is actually crooked now, the side lifted by the aunt is much higher than his side.

In other words, when the two of them lifted it together, the aunt used more strength.

So the uncle immediately flattered, "Damn it, you are such a heroine!"

Mama glared at him.

"..." Finding that his daughter-in-law was not satisfied, the uncle had no choice but to say weakly, "You are also a hero among men...?"

Aunt: "..."

Outside the door, the uncle is racking his brains to "praise" people, but inside the door...

The moment Han Tian entered the door, he understood why Tu Xiaoxi didn't go out for a long time even though he was in a hurry.

Because she is taking a shower.

Hearing her parents calling her, she wrapped her clothes indiscriminately, and was about to rush out, buttoning buttons while running, but when Han Tian entered the door, she bumped into Han Tian's arms with a bang, her hands were loosened, and she was buttoning the buttons. The button on his chest just fell apart...

She ran out in such a hurry that she didn't have time to put on her underwear...

It's really... unobstructed.

cold day:"……"

Tu Xiaoxi: "..."! ! !
Han Tian's face made Miss Xiaoxi even forget what kind of situation she was in now.

He, how did he appear?
He, how did he grow up, and still be such a rabbit?!
(End of this chapter)

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