my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 664 The Cold Rabbit Blushes...

Chapter 664 The Cold Rabbit Blushes... (2)

After many years, a person who is very important in my young memory appears in front of you without warning, it feels like a dream.

Xiaoxi even really suspected that he was hallucinating, stretched out his hand, and nervously touched Han Tian's face.

The warm touch made Xiaoxi cheer, and hugged Han Tian, ​​"It's really you?! You're still alive?! That's great!"

The volume was so loud that even the uncles and aunts standing outside the door could hear clearly.

The couple looked at each other in blank dismay, did they... they thought wrong?

How could Xiaoxi think he was dead?Is there some kind of blunder, isn't this man abandoning Xiaoxi from beginning to end?

But this is not a gangster movie, ordinary people will not face any bullets, how can anyone always suspect that others are dead...?
...Did Han Tian really escape from the zoo?
Feeling that there is really nothing wrong in the room, the daughter should want to have a good talk with that rabbit, so the couple stopped standing here and left lightly.

By the way, Tu Baobao, who had been hanging by the door, frowning thoughtfully, was also taken away.

Little Lolita was like a small ball in her grandfather's arms, but her tone of voice was extremely serious, "Grandpa and grandma, there is still room at home!"

The couple looked at each other and nodded with a smile, "Yes, does the baby want to invite someone to live at home?"

The baby used to just watch it on TV, and always said that he liked Xiao Hanhan. This time, she was the one who brought him home. It seems...she wants to keep that rabbit at home.

If Xiaoxi agreed, of course they would not object.

Little Loli nodded her head very seriously, clenched her fists, and said with a sense of mission, "Xiao Hanhan is so cute! I'm afraid someone will bully him, so let's let Uncle Lei live at home, He can protect Xiaohanhan!"


The couple were petrified.

The Uncle Lei that the baby said... is Xiaoxi's boss, and he is pursuing Xiaoxi!
Their precious granddaughter... Isn't this cute and naturally dark...

In fact, in Xiaoxi's room... there is also a person and a rabbit who are petrifying.

As a rabbit dedicated to revenge, the people in Han Tian's eyes are basically divided into the Lu family, his younger sister, and... carrot.

It's just that there are good carrots like Guan Xingrui and the others, but not so good like Lan Xiaoxiao and the others, so he doesn't bother to remember carrots.

But the scene in front of him...he can't hypnotize himself. It's just that there is a radish that looks a bit "weird", with two bulging bumps... ←_←
On Han Tian's fair face, a blush gradually spread, and it looked like... a rabbit with a puff of powder.

As soon as Xiaoxi hugged her, and pressed her chest against Han Tian's coat, she realized that something was wrong.

Her hair was not dried, and dripping water dripped down, reminding her of her current state...

A scream was about to break through his throat, Xiaoxi now understands what it means to be ashamed and angry...

I really don't want to live anymore!

What Xiaoxi wants to do the most is to cover her face and run away, but she only has two hands, and these two hands have a more important mission now——

cover chest...

...Life is really hard. (┬_┬)
Xiaoxi's face was flushed, she felt like crying, she tightly covered her chest, and hurriedly retreated from Han Tian's side.

(End of this chapter)

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