my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 669 Rabbit's Love Rival

Chapter 669 Rabbit's Love Rival (1)

In fact, the uncles and aunts on one side have been watching for a long time, and now they are more speechless than Han Tian.

The aunt secretly asked the people around her, "Old Tu, don't you think... something is wrong! When we took the baby to the zoo and saw the litter of rabbits gathered together... it didn't seem like this?"

The uncle was also tangled and hesitant, thinking for a long time, "Maybe it's because they don't have babies and Han Tianmeng?"

Under the puzzled eyes of the uncle and aunt, the two rabbits, one big and one small, looked at each other obediently...

"Ding dong"!
The doorbell rang, and Baby Tu immediately clapped his little hands happily, "It's Uncle Lei who's here!"

As he spoke, he ran to the door, unlocked the door with his small hands, and obediently went to get the shoes from the shoe cabinet, "These are Uncle Lei's!"

...It turns out that there are even special slippers. It seems that I often come to the house as a guest.

A certain rabbit looked faintly in the direction of the door.

The tall man who had just entered the door was obviously very familiar with this place.

After entering the door, you can find the place to put your things without even looking, and put the several bags of things in your hand on the low cabinet on the right side of the door without hesitation.

With his hands free, the man picked up Baby Tu, "Baby, have you thought about Uncle Lei?"

"Think!" Little Loli replied childishly, speaking with absolute certainty.

A certain rabbit silently took out a carrot-shaped lollipop...with a "click" sound, it bit off half of it.

As the saying goes, if a rabbit is in a hurry, it will bite.

So the cute rabbit is in a hurry...and will bite carrots too. →_→
The man didn't feel the resentment of a rabbit... He patted the little Lolita on the head, "You're talking about Xiao Hanhan..."

His voice paused, and he was stunned when he saw Han Tian in a wheelchair.

……cold day!
Although Han Tian appeared on TV, although he is cute, he is a member of the Lu family after all, and he is mixed with a group of celebrities who live a little far away from ordinary people. For those who do not follow stars, they always feel that he has a sense of distance. I won't think anything about him.

But now he is sitting in an ordinary residential building, he, he...,

Why does it look so much like a baby!
Like uncles and aunts, men have only just discovered this.

The shocked eyes flicked back and forth on the faces of the two rabbits, one big and one small, they really look alike!
So he is the baby's father?

Realizing this, the man didn't feel that the situation was tricky and hopeless in chasing her. Instead, he seemed to have a sense of mission all of a sudden. He put down the little girl, strode up to Han Tian, ​​and stretched out his hand to him, "Hello, I'm Thunder."

"Han Tian." Han Tian announced his name in the tone of "Hello, I'm a new rabbit", and then asked with a very gentle smile, "Are you and Lei Yu brothers?"

Lei Lie was even more taken aback, and did not hide anything, "I am Lei Yu's eldest brother."

This rabbit has really keen observation skills!

Not to mention Lei Lie himself, Tu Xiaoxi and the others were all taken aback.

Before, I only knew that Lei Lie had a younger brother who was a celebrity, but I didn't expect it to be Lei Yu!

In fact, apart from the eyes, the two brothers do not look much alike.

Lei Yu's appearance is a standard handsome boy, sunny and handsome, Lei Lie's facial features are tougher than Lei Yu's, those who like him will think he is more masculine, those who don't like him... think he looks cold and majestic and scary.

But how did Han Tian find out?!
Han Tian looked at everyone with the eyes of "I'm just a rabbit", and said with a smile, "I guess."

(End of this chapter)

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