my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 670 Rabbit's Love Rival

Chapter 670 Rabbit's Love Rival (2)

... Can you guess this?
It seems that in novels and the animal world, the phrase "from the instinct of small animals" is indeed often seen...

It turns out that this is the intuition of the rabbit!
Everyone in the Tu family believed it.

Only Lei Lie is still a little skeptical, the similarities between him and Lei fact, there are.

For example, after taking off their shoes after entering the door, they like to put the shoes on the right side of the door before walking in.

For example, after entering the door, they are used to turning back and pulling the doorknob to confirm that they really locked the door.

His family has strict upbringing, and the habits the two brothers have developed since childhood have not changed over the years.

Another example is that it is inconvenient for Lei Yu to go to the streets, and he doesn't like the fancy clothes arranged for him by designers, so Lei Yu's daily clothes are all bought for him by his elder brother.

What he is wearing now is a hand-made shirt of the same brand that Lei Yu often wears, and he can recognize it by the design of the cuffs.

With these commonalities, coupled with the not-so-common surname Lei, it is easier to associate.

But Han Tianzhen had to have such poisonous eyes.

Lei Lie didn't come up with a definite answer, so he didn't get too entangled. He went around behind Han Tian, ​​pushed the wheelchair and walked to the guest room, "I'll take Han Tian to see the room first."

On the phone, he has heard the baby talk about his tasks for the past few days.

The aunt also turned around and went to the kitchen, "I'll cook two more dishes, and the meal will be ready soon!"

The uncle also immediately fought with the past.

Xiaoxi was afraid that her mother would let her entertain guests, so she hurriedly chased after her and took away her father's errand.

What Tu Baobao has to do is much more "important" than a few adults.

The little guy raised his short arms and said excitedly, "I'm going to Mingming's house to borrow a small blackboard!"

Huh?Everyone in the guest room in the kitchen poked their heads out, "Why?"

"Does the baby want to play the teacher-student game?"

"No, I want to write Xiaohanhan's breeding diary!" Baozi's face is serious and responsible, "The uncle on TV said that when the zoo raises particularly precious animals, they use a small blackboard to write down their weight and weight every day. How much food did you eat!"

A group of adults: "..."

Han Tian silently ate a carrot-shaped lollipop, comforting himself, the little guy still treated him as a rare animal...

As a result, little loli continued, "Xiao Hanhan doesn't have ears, I have to take care of him!"

A certain rabbit who is about to face special care because of "short development": "..."

In the end, of course, the little loli really went to borrow the little blackboard...

Because seeing that cute little face, no one has the heart to reject her...

The five adults split into two groups, and the three members of the Tu family squeezed into the kitchen. The uncle and aunt immediately asked their daughter with concern, why she was so out of her mind when she came out of the bedroom, and what happened.

And the other side...

"Why did you leave Xiaoxi and the baby behind? What does it mean to come back now? Are you sincere to Xiaoxi?"

As soon as the two men entered, cold questions were thrown out.

However, although his tone was serious, it did sound a bit hostile, but it didn't look like an aggressive questioning of a rival in love.

It's like being a big brother, afraid that his sister will be abducted by an irresponsible man, that kind of very precautionary and rigorous interrogation.

It sounds like he really cares about the brook, and it doesn't make people feel that being nosy is offensive.

(End of this chapter)

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