my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 671 The Rabbit Transformed...

Chapter 671 The Rabbit Transformed... (1)

In the kitchen, the three members of the Tu family were cooking. Behind them, there was a gentle and harmless voice, "Is there anything I can do to help?"

The sound of the rabbit sounded like an order, and Xiaoxi rushed to the balcony outside the kitchen, pretending to be looking for something, but didn't notice that Han Tian was coming.

The uncle and aunt's mouth twitched, wondering why her daughter seemed afraid of the cold weather.

That's obviously a rabbit!

The couple turned their heads, and the corners of their mouths wanted to twitch again.

...It's really too rabbity.

He is still sitting in a wheelchair in cold weather. He has been outdoors for a long time, and his face is slightly flushed, making his fair face even more powdery. His eyelashes are very long, lining up with those pure and kind eyes , really seductive and...

Nothing to help, but you can't steal carrots, I'll use them as a side dish later.

It's really a rabbit that makes them want to say that!

Of course, the couple couldn't be so thunderous...they had to bear it silently.

Seeing that her daughter didn't seem to hate him or hate him, she felt that there must be something else hidden about what happened back then, and the couple's attitude towards him also improved.

The aunt took out the freshly fried chicken wings and asked him, "Didn't you go to see the room with Xiao Lei, why did you come out by yourself?"

Han Tian's tone suddenly dropped, "He was beaten."

"..." The family of three looked at him together.

Rabbit Eye looked at them innocently, and said in a tone of "don't grab my carrot", "I'm afraid you might misunderstand that I hit them, so I came out first."


The twitching of the corners of their mouths could no longer describe their mood, and Xiaoxi ran down from the balcony again, rushing towards the guest room.

Uncles and aunts followed immediately.

The door was opened with a bang, and inside the door, Lei Lie was reading a book in a very temperamental posture...

Xiaoxi was taken aback, "Boss, you..."

Lei Lie looked deeply at the people at the door, "Is there something wrong?"


Xiaoxi and the others quickly closed the door.

Lei Lie breathed a sigh of relief, quickly put down the book, and rubbed his twisted waist.

Fortunately, I have seen Lei Yu's boss who likes to show off, and at critical moments, he can still fool him with a mighty and handsome look.

But Xiao Xi was not deceived by him at all, and after closing the door, he pulled Han Tian aside, "What did you do to the boss?"

The boss wants face very much, he can't admit that he was beaten by a rabbit!

Han Tian was not in a hurry to answer, but just gave Xiaoxi a very innocent and harmless look.

Xiaoxi's momentum gradually weakened.

How could she be so fierce to a rabbit... especially this rabbit is so cute.

Xiaoxi almost wanted to pinch Han Tian's face.

Han Tian always answered Xiao Xi's questions, "Just now he asked me about the past, and I put him on the ground."


"The teacher said that if you encounter a question that you can't answer during the exam, you should deduct that paper, otherwise you will feel nervous after reading it, which will affect your mood for answering other questions."

After Han Tian finished speaking obediently, he silently looked at Xiaoxi with an innocent expression of "Have I been deceived by the teacher"...

Xiaoxi could only cover her face...

So Han Lie was... "detained"?
The corner of her mouth twitched, but when she heard Han Tian's voice, she suddenly became very close to her, "Since you are willing to be with me, why didn't you show up as promised?"

Xiaoxi seemed to be stepped on his tail, and wanted to run away when he heard it.

(End of this chapter)

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