my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 674 Han Rabbit's Marriage Proposal?

Chapter 674 Han Rabbit's Marriage Proposal? (2)

Xiaoxi stopped abruptly, turned back like lightning, squatted beside his wheelchair, and asked him in astonishment, "You...are you really hurt?! What happened, are you under suspicion?"

She always thought that Han Tian's plaster was fake!

Just like he accepts the image of the little white rabbit, it is all to make people lower their guards. In fact, the real him is very powerful.

She had seen this when she was rescued by him.

It's just that before she knew that the owner of the mansion in Switzerland must be someone of great background, but only recently did she know that it was actually the legendary Lu family.

Han Tian has been living in Lu's house in a disguise, so there must be some purpose. Could it be that someone discovered it now?

In an instant, all the scenes from the wealthy dramas I have watched before appeared, fake car accidents, fake falls from buildings, and throwing them into the high sea after killing...

The more Xiaoxi thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't help but tighten his hands.

The extremely long eyelashes drooped, and Han Tian looked at Xiaoxi's hand holding the armrest of the wheelchair, at the slender fingers, which were slightly white due to tension and force.

There was a faint smile in the rabbit's eyes, but Han Tian's voice sounded very low.

"I'll be hurt too."

"I also waited at the appointed place all night without seeing anyone, thinking that she didn't want to be with me, so I haven't looked for her for so many years. I'm afraid that my appearance will remind her of the unpleasant memories of the past. Experience, afraid of disturbing her current life."

He glanced at Xiaoxi, "Actually, I've always missed her."

The sudden confession made Xiaoxi's heart skip a beat.

Will he... miss her too?

Han Tian didn't look at her again, and didn't tell her with his eyes that what he said was the truth.

He started rummaging through his pockets.

It was already winter, and because of the terrain, Lanshan was windier and cooler than the urban area. In addition, he was always sitting in a wheelchair in the cold weather, so he wore a lot of clothes every day.

Now he unbuttoned the layers of clothes, and took out a small brown paper bag from the pocket of the clothes closest to his body.

The particularly crude paper package, not even a bag, looks like a piece of paper was torn out, folded a few times like a package of traditional Chinese medicine.

However, this small paper bag must have some history. Although it still looks clean, it seems to be carefully protected, but the corners are already very worn.

Han Tian unpacked the paper bag layer by layer, "I already had some money back then, but it was inconvenient to buy things because I was afraid of being discovered by the Lu family."

"Although I can ask my hands to buy, there are some things that I still want to pick by myself."

"So I only prepared this back then."

Inside the paper bag lay a pair of hand-woven rings, very common red silk rope texture, only at the position where the ring should be embedded with gems, there is a twisted silk knot for decoration.

Very simple style, but with an old-time beaming look.

"On the Internet, this knot is called the concentric knot. I am not very good at manual work, and I only have one night to practice. In fact, it should be more beautiful than it is now."

Han Tian told her this with a smile, and didn't say anything else, just took Xiaoxi's hand, lowered his head, and looked at something seriously.

However, Xiaoxi felt his eyes were hot, and his fingers were trembling slightly.

The baby ran to find him suddenly without telling anyone. Han Tian had no preparations in advance.

So... After so many years, even if he thought she didn't like him and they would never meet again, he still wore these rings all the time?

(End of this chapter)

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