my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 675 The Strength of the Cold Rabbit

Chapter 675 The Strength of the Cold Rabbit (1)

Han Tian still held Xiaoxi's hand halfway, raised his head and smiled, "This ring was made according to the size of the year, so it probably won't be able to be worn now."

He suddenly lowered his head and kissed Xiaoxi on the forehead, "My little girl has grown up."


Aunt thinks that rabbits...may also be contagious.

Because after disappearing with Han Tian for a while, her daughter's eyes became red, and she began to look like a little white rabbit.

Coupled with Han Tian and Tu Baobao... the big two, one small and three rabbits in front of them put a lot of pressure on the uncle and aunt.

And Lei Lie's expression became more and more serious.

...Fuck, my waist is really twisted.

Although it's already winter vacation, the children can't stay up late, and Baby Tu is going to bed very early.

Xiaoxi took her to wash Baibai, and the others sat in the living room, staring...not small eyes, but rabbits...

Facing the posture of the three trials, Han Tian showed a gentle and harmless smile.

Uncle and aunt, however, seemed to be facing a formidable enemy, and immediately winked at Lei Lie.

Lei Lie received the signal, No. [-] didn't say anything, rushed over like a bandit, and searched all the lollipops in Han Tian's pocket.

Lei Lie is holding a bunch of small carrots and cabbage, hey hey hey looking at Han Tian, ​​without them, let's see how cute you are!

...Once he was cute, they couldn't bear to interrogate him anymore...

As an obedient little white rabbit, Han Tian was robbed, and he didn't resist or get angry. He just looked at Kong Kong's pockets and innocently at Lei Lie.

Lei Lie: "..." (┬_┬)
"Eat strawberries, eat strawberries." He hastily pushed the fruit plate in the direction of Han Tian, ​​wishing he could touch his ears with his fur, good boy, I don't mean to bully you...

"Thank you." Han Tian thanked very politely, and then began to eat with a smile on his face.

The others went crazy again.

Doesn't he look so cute even if he doesn't eat carrots and vegetables?
How did they torture them... No, they forced a confession with stern words!

No way, everyone had no choice but to stop looking at him. The head of the Tu family... the aunt first asked, "Why did you and Xiaoxi separate?"

Xiaoxi was only 17 years old when she became pregnant...

Although I also want to know how they met, and why they were at such a young age... But these are not as important as the reasons for their separation.

If Han Tian is really a messy bastard, then don't worry about anything else, they will beat him out immediately, so that he will never dare to appear in front of Xiaoxi again for the rest of his life!
Thinking of this, the three of them completely ignored the matter of whether Han Tian was cute or not, and there was a faint murderous look in their eyes.

Han Tian didn't feel guilty or afraid, and answered them calmly, "I separated from her at first for her safety. I made an appointment with her to meet at a place the next day, but she didn't keep the appointment."

"Back then I thought she didn't show up because she didn't like me, but now I think...she didn't go because she liked me."

At the end of Han Tian's speech, a smile appeared on his face again, looking at the creek that was peeking out from the bedroom, worried about the situation in the living room.

Xiaoxi's face turned red, like a rabbit, he quickly got back inside and locked the door firmly.

I didn't believe this explanation that sounded illogical, but my daughter's reaction was the best answer.

That's obviously shy... She really likes Han Tian, ​​and it's really because of this reason that they separated? !

(End of this chapter)

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