my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 678 Black Belly Rabbit

Chapter 678 Black Belly Rabbit (2)

There is no need to move the furniture and home appliances for the time being. Let’s pack some necessities for life and the clothes of the family first.

After all, Lei Lie is a boss-level character. After seeing this battle, he knows his fate for the next period of time without asking.

"I'm going to move out with Xiaoxi and the others, and I can't go to work these days, so I can't contact the outside world casually?"

There was nothing unpleasant about Lei Lie's question. He could control the company's affairs by remote control. Even if he really wanted to sign some contract, the intra-city express delivery is so convenient now that nothing would be delayed.

What's wrong with living in Tu's house like this openly every day and making light bulbs with confidence?

As for Han Tian...he has a high force value, so it is impossible for him to attack people casually anyway.

In the current Han Tian, ​​the most lethal thing is actually the ability to be cute... But he will never be cute to his rivals, right?
Lei Lie looked at Han Tian's rabbit face and smiled meaningfully.

And Han Tian looked at him for a while, then suddenly smiled and narrowed his rabbit eyes, "What you said is right!"

Lei Lie: "..." It was agreed that you can't act cute with your rival?!
How much to prepare for it! (┬_┬)
Lei Lie suffered a huge blow both physically and mentally... After helping Xiaoxi and the others pack their things, he quietly drifted to the guest room to sleep.

Tired and hungry, Xiaoxi was lying on the sofa with a box of yogurt in his arms, eating.

Turning his eyes around the living room, he belatedly realized that there were only her and Han Tian left in the living room, Xiaoxi jumped up, "I'm going back first, you should go to bed early too!"

Han Tian reacted so quickly, but this time he didn't stop her, and he didn't say anything to persuade her to stay. He just lowered his head silently and looked at the yogurt that Xiaoxi had just brought him.


Xiaoxi's legs that had already stepped out suddenly seemed to weigh dozens of catties, pressing heavily on her, making it impossible for her to continue running away.

There was no other way, Xiaoxi had no choice but to go back and squat beside Han Tian's wheelchair, "What's wrong with you?"

Han Tian didn't speak, and kept his eyes down.

After reuniting for so long, Xiao Xi dared to look at Han Tian boldly without having to look at Han Tian this time.

Han Tian was still the same as back then, even at such a close distance, her skin was white without any blemishes, as if she couldn't even see her pores.

His facial features haven't changed much, and he's still astonishingly beautiful, but he still has a feeling of being so innocent and kind that he doesn't know much about the world... Although it turns out that this is all an illusion...

But no matter what, looking at him now, she still felt as if an angel had descended.

"What are you looking at?" Han Tian suddenly raised his head and asked her with a smile.


Xiaoxi was caught, and his face suddenly became embarrassed, and he was absolutely embarrassed to admit that he was fascinated by his face, and said falteringly, "Look... you haven't changed at all all these years."

I can't tell what kind of emotion is in Han Tian's tone, but it must not be happy anyway, "It's because of the distance...I've changed."

Xiaoxi didn't understand why he seemed to be touched, but subconsciously didn't want to see him unhappy, so he hurriedly retorted, "Who said that you were lying next to me back then, and the distance is the same as now!"

lie down, lie down...

After Xiaoxi blurted out, he realized what he said...

The sudden smile on the corner of Han Tian's mouth made her flush even more, and she wanted to hit the wall.

Black-bellied rogue rabbit!
(End of this chapter)

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