my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 679 Chasing Wife 36 of 1 Strategies

Chapter 679 Chasing Wife One of 36 Strategies (2)

"Why did you run out, are you hungry?"

She generously stuffed her carrot pillow to Han Tian, ​​"Wait a minute, I'll get you something delicious right away!"

And then ran away again...

Han Tian silently looked at his daughter's short legs, then at the orange cartoon carrot with leaves and a smiling face in his arms... and began to pull the leaves.


Xiaoxi let out a laugh, and walked over, patting Han Tian's head in a dignified manner, "Good night, Xiao Hanhan~"

This time I live in the same room with the baby, and see how he sneaks out!

Han Tian stopped pulling the paws of the leaves, raised his head with a smile, "Good night, I will miss you."

Then he stood up quickly, and kissed Xiaoxi like a rabbit snatching a carrot...

Xiaoxi: "..."

Compared with a hooligan, he is actually no better than a rabbit!

Han Tian smiled and looked at the back of Xiaoxi running away in grief and indignation.

When I looked back, I found a short baby bunny next to the wheelchair...

Little Loli held a big glass in both hands, and gave it to Han Tian like a treasure, "Xiao Hanhan, why don't you drink this, it's very nutritious and delicious!"

Is it cantaloupe juice?Han Tian looked at the green color and guessed curiously.

Take it, take a sip... Han Tian's movements are completely rigid, tending to turn into a rabbit statue.

Little Lolita was still blinking her big eyes expectantly, as if eagerly waiting for his praise.

" drink." Han Tian's voice sounded particularly stable, but he spoke slowly.

Delicious indeed, flawless presentation of...bitter melon flavor, this is really a glass of bitter melon juice with enough ingredients.

...he suspected not a drop of water had been added, nor had it been flavored with sugar or honey or anything like that.

Han Tian silently looked at the glass of green "juice" in his hand, and at the cute bunny in front of him that made people want to cover his chest...

He boldly drank the glass of bitter gourd juice in one breath.

Later that day...Han Tian's subordinates received a WeChat message from him——

Get up, come out and steal something.

The subordinate immediately cheered up, and while changing clothes, he called all his companions up, "To the Lu family mansion or Lu Xinwei's place?"

Han Tian replied to them with an unfamiliar address.

All the subordinates were taken aback. This... is near Lanshan Film and Television City, right?And it looks like an ordinary residential building?

How could the young master let them steal things from ordinary people!

Thinking that Han Tian sent it by mistake, they hurriedly asked.

Han Tian's reply this time is handwritten——

"Go and steal all the bitter melons from this shop!"

You can see how much force you put in every stroke, as if you are about to rush out of the screen... Every word carries a sense of grief and indignation...

The subordinates collectively smoked, and all wanted to cry...

Young master, young master, you really turned into a rabbit!Just say you are so cute and unscientific!

But what kind of vegetables and radishes do you want to eat, we will buy them for you. Anyone who steals other people's vegetable plots is not a good rabbit!
They replied quickly, promising to buy him a basket of various vegetables right away, and they would definitely pick the freshest bitter gourd, so he shouldn't be in a hurry...

This time Han Tian's handwritten reply was even faster——

I don't like bitter melon! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

That row of astonishing exclamation marks... all the subordinates were shocked.

It turns out that rabbits are... picky eaters when they are in a hurry!
(End of this chapter)

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