my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 682 Cold Rabbit PK Black Belly Baby Bunny

Chapter 682 Cold Rabbit PK Black Belly Baby Bunny (1)

"..." Han Tian silently looked at the big refrigerator that was about to be filled with bitter gourds, and found that he didn't want to eat lollipops that looked like carrots or cabbage.

Because he wants to chew on the power cord of the refrigerator now...

The house is very big, and it takes a while to visit. A group of people just finished watching the first floor when they heard a burst of music.

"I'll answer the phone first." Xiaoxi ran to the living room to get the phone.

Tu Baobao's small face wrinkled at this moment.

The little guy didn't know what he was thinking, he had a serious face, frowning like a little adult.

Several adults looked at her with restrained smiles, waiting for her to speak.

After a while, little Lolita came back to her senses. When she looked up, she found that everyone was looking at her. Little Lolita froze for a moment, her small mouth opened slightly in surprise, her face looked more like a round bun.

The little guy with a bun face was embarrassed by everyone, and ran to hide behind Han Tian with short legs.

Everyone laughed.

Little Loli poked her head out slowly, revealing a big black eye, blinking at them.

Seeing that everyone was still looking at her, the little guy rubbed against her, then hid again.

But although the little Lolita was shy, she didn't forget the business.

The sweet and soft child's voice came out from behind Han Tian, ​​"Mom has moved, what about Uncle Xu and Uncle He? They want to send mom to work every morning!"

Even if she hides, everyone can imagine her pouting, "The call just now must have been made by my uncles before my mother."

"..." I heard the name of my rival again...

Han Tian silently looked towards the direction of the living room.

Lei Lie let out a laugh, cleared his throat, and said solemnly, "I'll call them both later, Xiaoxi will take care of me, so they don't have to worry."

As he said that, he took out his mobile phone and checked the numbers of the two of them, as if talking to himself, "I have been chasing the stream with them, we have become adults."

The word "chasing" is particularly heavy, and he deliberately emphasizes his identity as a rival in love.

Han Tian looked at his rival in love calmly, and said with a smile, "It seems that I haven't caught up after a long time, you have worked hard."

Lei Lie: "..."

Be, defeated by one sentence...

Obviously he wanted to annoy this rabbit on purpose!

Lei Lie only felt that a small steel knife swished into his chest, making a deep hole... or a hole in the shape of a rabbit.

Seeing that Lei Lie seemed to be hit, Han Tian immediately healed and smiled more gently, comforting him again, "Have you worked hard!"

Lei Lie: "..." (┬_┬)
Watching the first round of the rivalry between one man and one rabbit, the uncles and aunts looked at each other silently.

The world is amazing... Rabbits are so lethal...

Xiaoxi finally came back after answering the phone, still clutching her bag, "Dad, Mom, I'm off to work."

Every day before going out, Xiaoxi would pick up her daughter and give her a kiss. Now that she saw Baby Tu behind Han Tian, ​​she walked over and bent down with a smile...

With a slap of mua, she was kissed by Han Tian who smiled and turned her head...

The Tu family couple & Lei Lie: "..."! ! !
Taking advantage of the petrification of the brook, Han Tian calmly and calmly kissed the brook again...

This time, he nibbled Xiaoxi's lips "kindly" to bring her back to her senses.

(End of this chapter)

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