my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 683 Cold Rabbit PK Black Belly Baby Bunny

Chapter 683 Cold Rabbit PK Black Belly Baby Bunny (2)

... Why is there such a rascal rabbit ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Xiaoxi went crazy, blushing, turned around and rushed to the gate.

Han Tian looked at her back with a smile, "I'll pick you up at night."

Xiaoxi ran out at the speed of a rabbit...

Although there is no good morning kiss for waking up in the morning, but if Xiaoxi kisses twice before going out, he should be able to steal a good night kiss at night, Han Tian is in a particularly good mood.

As a result, as soon as he looked back, he found a bunny who seemed to be in a better mood than him standing in front of him...

As a self-conscious black-bellied rabbit, Han Tian felt that he would soon lose his laughing ability...

Tu Baobao laughed so happily that even his eyes turned into two small crescents.

In the words of the uncle, when the baby smiles like this, two sweet dimples are embedded in the little face of the bun, which really looks like... bun pleats. ←_←
Now the bunny-faced bunny happily said to Han Tian, ​​"Xiao Hanhan, I thought of a way to make your ears grow out soon!"

cold day:"……"

In the mind of a certain rabbit, the words "pull the seedlings and encourage them to grow" quickly floated...

Is the baby ready to hang his hair on the clothes rail...

Han Tian's idea is too unpeaceful.

Such an obedient little rabbit as Tu Baobao would definitely not use such a cruel method.

She waved her little hand happily, "It's just study! My brothers and sisters who used to be in the big class are all in elementary school now! I'll borrow their winter homework for you now!"

cold day:"……"

Although he had never attended a domestic primary school, he had heard the legend that the fifth young master of the Yan family was a medical genius with an IQ of [-], but was tortured physically and mentally by his son's primary school homework...

Han Tian resolutely refused to jump out of this big pit, and the rabbit face looked extremely calm, "But the time is spent on homework, so I don't have time to grow ears."

The small mouth was flattened, and Tu Baobao retorted seriously, "But the kindergarten wall said that knowledge is power! With power, Xiao Hanhan will have the strength to grow ears!"

cold day:"……"

"Hahahahaha!" Lei Lie laughed and thumped the sofa.

The baby is so cute!With such a joke, who wants to go to work!Thanks to Han Tian, ​​he was afraid that he would talk nonsense outside, so he wouldn't let him go out!
Lei Lie laughed so happily, but the uncle and aunt were looking at the ceiling sadly.

Why do they seem unable to understand the world of rabbits... Are these really two gentle and harmless little white rabbits?

But whether they read it or not, one thing is for sure.

Who's boss in the rabbit cage at the zoo?

The answer is... the breeder is the boss.

So this round, Tu Baobao won again...

So when Xiaoxi came home early, he saw Han Tian silently sitting at the desk, looking at a book of winter vacation homework for the first grade of elementary school...

Happier is that although he is going to be a hard-working rabbit going to school, his breeder treats him very well and prepares him a lot of snacks.

...For example, bitter gourd juice, bitter gourd jelly, and fried bitter gourd slices, eat as much as you want.

It is said that bitter gourd jam is being brewed...

For the first time, Han Tian felt that rabbit life is so difficult...

He glanced at the time, silently picked up a bitter gourd jelly, and asked Xiaoxi, "Why didn't you wait for me to pick you up?"

It's an hour and a half before her normal day off.

Xiaoxi's face turned red because of this question.

(End of this chapter)

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