my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 687 Chasing Wife 36 of 3 Strategies

Chapter 687 Chasing Wife 36 Strategies Three (1)

All he could think about was how to "revenge", Xiaoxi climbed the window like he was climbing the line of fire, with a high-spirited face...

The consequence of being too excited is...Xiaoxi didn't notice that someone was quietly approaching behind her, and when both of her legs were over the window, and there was only one last leap left--

An arm suddenly stretched out, caught her firmly, hugged her, and kissed her very calmly and naturally, "Not honest, my stomach hurts and I run around."

Why is there such a tone of coaxing a little girl, strict and gentle!
Xiaoxi gritted his teeth and began to tug on his white fluffy coat, "Aren't you a rabbit!"

This tone is not a rabbit!
Han Tian smiled calmly, with a gentle face that seemed to have no offensive power, even if he just slightly raised his lips, he looked like he was smiling.

With such a bunny face, he said to Xiaoxi, "Let's go back and share the carrots!"

Xiaoxi: "..." (┬_┬)
Why can rabbits be both cute and naughty...

Xiaoxi wiped tears all the way, but Han Tian smiled like a rabbit who just won a basket of carrots, hugged Xiaoxi around the garden, and re-entered the room through the back door.


"Hey...Xiao Hanhan!"

As soon as they entered the door, the sweet and soft child's voice sounded in surprise.

This voice is so cute and cute, especially the voice of my own daughter, I am even happier when I hear it.

...would be cuter if she didn't always ring when he tried to get close to the creek...

"...Dad, Mom!"

Xiaoxi jumped up like her butt was on fire, woo woo, why did she let Han Tian hold her this time, her parents and baby saw her... (┬_┬)
She resisted before, she is a good boy who has the courage to fight against the rascal rabbit... (┬_┬)
It was the first time for the Tu family and his wife to see their daughter so intimate with the opposite sex, and they couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed. They cleared their throats, said that they had just bought some food and were going to cook, and hurried into the kitchen.

Tu Baobao doesn't pay much attention to this. As such a small, innocent and harmless little lolita, she doesn't have the self-consciousness to be a light bulb.

The little guy opened his mouth slightly in puzzlement, blinked his big eyes, and kept looking at his parents curiously.

The two adults became more and more embarrassed by her, especially the thin-skinned Xiaoxi, who almost wanted to run away.

Tu Baobao didn't ask anything, and wanted to "understand", clapped his fleshy little hands in surprise, and happily said to Han Tian, ​​"Xiao Hanhan, I know why you are hugging mother!"

"Why?" Han Tian's voice coaxing his daughter was extremely gentle, and after asking, he even smiled at Xiaoxi.

Xiaoxi's heart felt as if a deer was hitting him at that glance, a blush quickly spread on his face, and even his earlobes became red.

Little Lolita still blinked her cute big eyes, and answered Han Tian, ​​"Because Xiao Hanhan likes to eat bitter melon!"

Little Loli answered well-founded, and the logic was tight, "But rabbits can't eat too much, so Xiao Hanhan hugged her mother, which would make her very tired, and when she was tired, she would easily get hungry! This way Xiao Hanhan You can eat more bitter melon!"

After finishing speaking, the little loli cheered and ran away on short legs, "I'm going to make bitter gourd for Xiao Hanhan again! You can't starve Xiao Hanhan!"

"..." QAQ Han Tian and Xiao Xi looked at her back with tears in their eyes.

[I smoked yesterday, and continue to smoke today... I heard that the next chapter is blank again (┬_┬). I don't know how to make it show up. It seems that I can only update it tomorrow and push that chapter out... Like today's Same as 697...]

(End of this chapter)

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