my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 688 Chasing Wife 36 of 3 Strategies

Chapter 688 Chasing Wife 36 Strategies Three (2)

Why does hugging me consume a lot and make me hungry...I'm not a dumbbell. (┬_┬)
Xiaoxi secretly wiped away tears.

Han Tian... Han Tian just wants to tell people all over the world loudly——

I don't like bitter melon! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

But it's useless to shout in my heart, I still have to eat bitter gourd...

Primary school homework also has to continue to be written...

Han Tian is luckier than Yan Shaobai, the fifth youngest of the Yan family. He has attended elementary school and knows how to do elementary school homework...

So that night, after dinner, Han Tian sat silently at the table, gnawed off a piece of bitter melon jelly with the momentum of gnawing wood, and looked at the group of people in the living room who were leisurely watching TV and eating a lot of snacks that were not bitter melon people……

In the diary of a certain classmate, he wrote down from the bottom of his heart——

My ideal today is to be a director of a zoo! ! !

...What a rabbit with ideals and aspirations.

It's a pity that this rabbit's life will continue to be miserable...

When it was bedtime, the rabbit texted Xiaoxi——

Are you asleep?

When the moon is dark and the wind is high... Xiaoxi stared at the phone for a while, decided not to reply to the message, put the phone under the pillow, and went to take a bath with a blushing face.

In villas like this with local tyrants, the guest rooms also have independent bathrooms.

As a result, when Xiaoxi opened the door...

A rabbit sat upright by the bathtub.

The thought of "fortunately not lying upright in the bathtub" flashed through Xiaoxi's head.

(┬_┬) She seems to be taken away by the rascal rabbit...

Xiaoxi gritted his teeth and asked him, "Why are you here!"

Han Rabbit glanced at her, "Waiting for your text message."

"You can wait in your room for text messages!"

This time Han Tian was not in a hurry to answer, he looked at her for a while, but then looked away, the extremely long eyelashes drooping down, making it impossible to see the emotion in his eyes.

His voice was not as obedient as usual, like a rabbit, but was almost toneless, "I like a place where I can see you."

His words were a bit nasty, but because of his abnormal tone, he seemed sentimental.

...But in the next second, a certain rabbit started to undress.

The corner of Xiaoxi's mouth twitched fiercely, not understanding why the scene suddenly changed from fresh to heavy, "What are you doing!"

Han Tian said in Rabbit's obedient tone again, "You should wear clothes for that occasion, this is the basic etiquette of a gentleman."

He pointed to the bathtub behind him, and said with certainty, "There should be no clothes here."

Xiaoxi: "..."

I really want to hit the rabbit! ! !

Holding Han Tian's clothes, Xiao Xi wanted to drag him out of the bathroom, but Han Tian didn't agree.

A pair of rabbit eyes looked at her with a very polite and gentlemanly look, and told Xiaoxi seriously, "You can't just enter a girl's room."

" even entered my bathroom!"

Hantu plausible, "No one mentioned that you can't enter."

Because no one is as rascal as you!!!
Everyone is right, educated hooligans are too scary... (┬_┬) Especially this hooligan is so cute!
Xiaoxi wanted to escape by jumping out of the window again... Wiping her tears, she asked him, "It's so late, why are you still awake?"

This time Han Tian really turned into a little rabbit... He said very sadly, "I can't sleep."


Han Tian took a deep look at her, "Baby is afraid that the bitter gourd will 'run away' again, so she moved all the bitter gourds to our room..."

【The system was convulsed yesterday, and Chapter 2 was not displayed...(┬_┬) I don’t know what triggered its convulsion】

(End of this chapter)

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