my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 714 The Rabbit’s Logic~

Chapter 714 The Rabbit’s Logic~ (1)

Grinding his teeth, Xiaoxi looked at Han Tian with the expression of "If you make trouble again, I will stew you into a bitter gourd rabbit", "Speak business!"

"Okay." Han Tian silently lowered his head like a bullied rabbit.

...He won't bow his head honestly, he must be getting black-bellied soon!

But this time, Xiaoxi didn't give him this chance.

Seizing the moment when he just lowered his head, he suddenly leaned over, kissed him mua, then immediately stood up straight, and said solemnly, "Okay, let's continue!"

Woooooo, I regret it after kissing!

Why should I be moved by this rogue rabbit? I really want to make his rabbit life happier!

Xiaoxi blushed depressed.

A certain rabbit who was kissed was in such a good mood... Hugged Xiaoxi who wanted to escape, kissed once, kissed again, "I'm so happy~"

His eyes are slender and long, and when he smiles, he will squint, like a very cute little white rabbit...

But Xiaoxi knew that he would turn black at any moment...

So this time Xiaoxi simply didn't hide, her face turned red, but she still tried her best to show some momentum and entered the molesting mode, "As happy as you just ate a carrot?"

As a result, a certain rabbit shook his head resolutely, did not give her face at all, and did not cooperate with the teasing.

"I'm not as happy as eating carrots." Han Rabbit answered very seriously.

Xiaoxi was depressed.

She took the initiative to kiss him... Why can't she even compare to a carrot! o(>﹏<)o
Han Rabbit continued, "Because Carrot is my wife."

"..." Xiaoxi looked at him silently.

She... She is so different from a carrot, okay?Carrots don't even have necks. (┬_┬)
Han Tian was still smiling, "Rabbits like to eat carrots the most, and I like to eat my wife the most, so my wife is a carrot~"

Xiaoxi was embarrassing and blushing, he didn't know whether to beat him up or put him in a rabbit cage, and finally poked him, "You're talking nonsense again!"

What do you like most about eating your wife...

Han Tian was obviously stunned for a moment, Rabbit Eyes looked at Xiaoxi innocently for a while, and seemed to realize it, and said hesitantly, "Did you misunderstand, I didn't mean that."

"...I didn't misunderstand." Xiaoxi quickly denied it, trying to prove how pure she was.

... But that's not what it means, so how should I understand it?
Han Tian didn't go into the details. Hearing what she said, she felt relieved, and said with a very obedient smile, "I'm afraid you think I'm not a good rabbit~"

Xiaoxi wanted to poke him again, "You are not a good rabbit!" Hmph, black-bellied rabbit, rogue rabbit!

Han Tian was scolded and protested innocently, "Is it because you have seen me without clothes that you think I am not a good rabbit."

"..." Xiaoxi wanted to cover his face and run away, "I haven't seen it!"

This time a certain rabbit was very stubborn, "You have seen it."

"have not seen."

"...Okay." In the end, Han Tian, ​​who was "gentle and easy to bully", compromised first, stood up silently... and began to undress.

Xiaoxi pressed his hand with a blushing face, "What are you doing!"

"Take it off again to show you, maybe you will remember."

"I... I've seen it!" Oh, can't she just change her words!

But in fact, she really hasn't seen it...

Because it was so dark...didn't see anything.

But she... touched it.

(┬_┬) Why does she want to recall this kind of thing!
(End of this chapter)

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