my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 715 The Rabbit’s Logic~

Chapter 715 The Rabbit’s Logic~ (2)

Even after many years, the memory seems to automatically return to that day, and Xiaoxi quickly shook his head to prevent himself from recalling the discordant picture.

Then she realized... "Why are you still undressing!"

Rabbit Eye looked at her very calmly, "Anyway, you have read it, so I don't need to wear clothes."

"..." Xiaoxi was shaken by thunder.

What kind of words is this? Could it be that he is a streaking star!

Han Tian was still confident, "Rabbits don't wear clothes in the first place."

So in Xiaoxi's mind, the image of cold weather... after not wearing clothes, jumping and jumping, jumping and jumping in the room...

Wiping away her tears, Xiaoxi begged for mercy, "I'm here to ask about the baby's schooling." (┬_┬)
Regarding the issue of her daughter's going to school, Han Tian finally calmed down, and hugged Xiaoxi back with a smile, while fanning her and cooling her flushed face, she asked her, "Have you chosen the elementary school you want to go to?"

Xiaoxi quickly buttoned all his buttons, wishing to tie him up with a scarf... still blushing, he replied, "A secondary school is the best. A friend called just now and said that her relatives have a set of secondary schools." The house in the school district is for sale, ask me if I want it.”

Han Tian nodded, "Are parents willing to move?"

Hearing him call her parents "Mom and Dad" so naturally, Xiaoxi began to feel hot on the face again, "I lived in Lanshan at the time because my dad's work was transferred there, and now his work has been transferred back to the urban area. It’s inside, and it happens to be very close to the nearby elementary school, so I can go home for dinner at noon... My mother also said that she sold the house in Lanshan and moved back to the urban area.”

Although the location of Lanshan is remote, but because of the construction of a film and television city next to it, the housing price has risen very fast, and it is just enough to buy a house in the urban area.

Han Tian absolutely listened to the words of the two elders since he entered the door of Tu's house, but today he disagreed, "The house in Lanshan is not for sale."

Xiaoxi was a little embarrassed, "But..."

But it's not enough if you don't sell it, she understands what Han Tian means, seems really not good to ask Han Tian to buy a house for their family...

Han Tian seemed to have been wronged, and said in a low voice, "Why don't you let me buy it, I have no other advantages except being rich."

Xiaoxi was taken aback, and then retorted on the spot, "Who said that, you have many advantages!"

...Ah, this is not intentional by the black-bellied rabbit!
As soon as she thought about it, Xiaoxi realized that she had misunderstood Han Tian.

Because of these words, the expression on Han Tian's face did not ease at all, he still looked sullen, looking down at the ground, lonely and sentimental, "I'm not good."

Xiaoxi didn't know why he had such a misunderstanding. Could it be because he lived in the Lu family all year round and was hit by the Lu family?
Thinking about it this way, Xiaoxi hated the Lu family even more, and said firmly, "Not at all, you are very nice!"

Han Tian raised a rabbit face, with gentle and kind eyes, and looked at her very sadly, "Then why doesn't my wife refuse to hug me when I sleep with her at night?"

"..." Because she is not as rascal as he is!
Xiaoxi was about to die of anger, so he took out a pair of fluffy rabbit ears from his pocket and tied them viciously.

Han Tian couldn't help laughing out at the way he vented his anger like a child.

Xiaoxi became even more depressed, and hit him with rabbit ears, black-bellied rogue rabbit!

Han Tian smiled and grabbed her hand, kissed it, and finally brought the topic back, "We'll go out to look at houses together on weekends, and when the selection is almost done, I'll let my parents see which one I want."

(End of this chapter)

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