Chapter 799
Halfway through the conversation, the uncles and aunts suddenly realized, and looked at the busy Rui Master more and more confused.

Little Master Rui was very calm, he didn't even need to look at it, he just said, "I'll fix it later."

"...But what are you doing now?" Several people asked a common question.

Add a stand with wheels to the plant pot and it won't run around?It's dangerous if it breaks.

While talking, Master Rui also finished his work. He tried to push the flower pot, and when he was satisfied, he cleaned up the tools and sawdust on the ground, and said calmly, "The baby threw me out."


After tidying up, the little Master Rui wore a natural imperial demeanor, with a serious and calm expression... and stood in the flower pot by himself.

His every move also has a dignified and elegant style, very imposing...In his shirt collar, he stuffed a crabapple he just picked from downstairs.

The slender branches and leaves of the crabapple just crossed his head... On his head lay a big red flower the size of a bowl, Master Rui said calmly, "She thinks that she has planted me for several days, and I haven't bloomed yet. "

Calmly pushing the bracket with rollers under the flowerpot, and moving towards the door, he said calmly, "It's open now."

Everyone present: "..."

Although they are not against puppy love, it would be even better if they had a foster husband like the original wish...

But this almighty little friend... don't you think... there seems to be something wrong with your way of chasing people...

A group of entangled adults silently twitched their mouths, followed behind the "blossoming" child, and walked into Tu Baobao's room.

A group of people are waiting to borrow Tu Baobao's "robot" so that they can repair their mobile phones.

A group of people waited for the little guy to nod, so that he could really bring his wife home.

So when they entered the door, the four of them suddenly glanced at each other, and at the same time realized a key problem——

Why do you feel... the head of the family seems to have become a Tu Baobao? [End of cold weather episode]


[The following is Brother Qi's side story, Lei Yu's story will also be told in it]

As an older single young man...Qi Xiuyuan recently had a little... Cough, a secret that he couldn't tell even if he was killed.

For example, he often dreams recently.

Of course, it wasn't that dream... But Qi Xiuyuan felt that this dream was worse than the x dream.

In the dream, he could clearly see and feel himself holding a hand tightly.

That hand looked delicate and delicate, and his skin was as white as transparent. Every time he woke up, he could remember his strong desire to kiss that hand in his dream...

In the dream, however, he wasn't so aggressive, he just kept holding onto the hand that was obviously the girl's, as if he had said a lot.

He has been in the industry for too many years, and his daily style is more or less affected by professional habits.

Too many words and too many mistakes, especially in the entertainment industry, a random sentence is likely to be infinitely magnified by the opponent and taken as the target of attack.

So he didn't talk much all the time, he expressed his thoughts concisely and accurately, and responded with a smile when Yu Ji asked any more questions.

And only when getting along with someone who is particularly trustworthy, will I say a few more words.

But that hand, he felt that he had never seen it before, and it did not belong to any of his family members or friends.

Therefore, after careful consideration, and after ruling out the possibility that his head has been submerged in water for too long and his thinking has mutated... the meaning of the dreams that have been appearing recently makes Qi Xiuyuan feel a sense of crisis.

Because it seems to indicate that... he is a pervert.

(End of this chapter)

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