my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 800 Never thought I would love you

Chapter 800 Never thought I would love you (1)

Otherwise, why a few days ago, he was just... so what!But in the dream, there was no R_R_ grade lens, only a hand kept appearing!

He is probably a hand lover!
Although it doesn't sound scary, what if he is only at the initial stage now, and at the end of his development, because he likes a certain hand too much... he wants to chop off the other's hand "Favorite


Qi Xiuyuan was startled by his brain power, and just thinking about it made him break out in cold sweat.

As a pervert who sounds small and refreshing at first glance, he is really under a lot of pressure.

Qi Xiuyuan felt that he needed a psychiatrist.

Qi Xiuyuan's popularity is almost comparable to that of a popular superstar. Anyone who pays attention to entertainment news can recognize his face.

He didn't want Yuji to know that Qi Xiuyuan definitely couldn't go to the psychology department of the general hospital.

After searching the Internet for a long time, he locked in a private clinic in a residential area, with a doctor with formal qualifications and a very good reputation.

...But this clinic is very difficult to make an appointment. It is said that the only doctor in the clinic has other jobs and rarely finds time to come.

In order to be able to make an appointment successfully, Qi Xiuyuan wrote a long and earnest email, expressing deeply how much he needs help as a newcomer who has just entered the metamorphosis world.

After writing more than 3000 words in one breath, clicked send... Qi Xiuyuan was petrified.

Look back again... Sure enough!
Why in the email, he seemed to portray himself as a pure, conservative, and weak person who became depressed and sick after being... what?

He doesn't want to talk anymore...

To describe it further, he felt that the water in his head was about to seep out...

Probably moved by his long email, the next morning, Qi Xiuyuan received a reply from the other party, expressing his willingness to meet him at seven o'clock this weekend.

I checked the itinerary and found that I was free at that time.

Qi Xiuyuan fell asleep with peace of mind, feeling that he would soon turn back to a normal person.

So he dreamed several nights in succession, and on the weekend, when Qi Xiuyuan arrived on time at the "clinic" that was actually located in a residential building and had no sign at all...

After ringing the doorbell, as soon as the other party opened the door, Qi Xiuyuan hadn't seen anything clearly, and the door slammed shut again with a bang!
Qi Xiuyuan slapped his face hard behind the sunglasses and the big scarf twice.

Could it be that his perverted aura is so obvious that it can scare people just by looking at it? !
Believe him, he really doesn't want to become so conspicuous...

A few seconds later, a beep sounded and he had a new email.

The psychiatrist who was next to him said, I'm sorry, she is sick, and she is afraid of infecting him, so I don't want to see her today.

Of course Qi Xiuyuan disagreed.

It's nothing to be sick, he still has water in his head!

Under Qi Xiuyuan's strong request, the other party still couldn't persuade him, and a few minutes later, the door opened again.

The people inside the door were wearing neat and clean white coats. Their small faces were mostly covered by medical masks, only revealing a pair of big black and white eyes.

The other party's hair was very long, and it was simply tied into a ponytail, which looked refreshing and neat.

Qi Xiuyuan didn't expect that the other party was a girl, and she was still so young.

In his few experiences in seeing a doctor...he always thought that a doctor like the other party who had such a good reputation and was praised by all the people who had helped her should be some Degao
Respected old-timer.

(End of this chapter)

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