my fiancé is a boss

Chapter 801 Never thought I would love you

Chapter 801 Never thought I would love you (2)

...So he specially prepared a cashmere scarf in a mature and steady tone, and a few boxes of skin care products, as a gift to thank the doctor, isn't it quite right...

Silently twitching the corner of his mouth, Qi Xiuyuan quickly returned to his usual elegant demeanor, "Hello, I'm Mr. Q who made an appointment, what's my name?"

In order to protect privacy, those who come to consult may not report their real names.

The other party seemed to hesitate for a moment before saying in a slightly lower voice, "Small."

"……"Small?dawn?Do you have this surname?

However, Qi Xiuyuan remained calm as usual, and nodded slightly politely and gracefully, "Little doctor..."

Because of lowering his head, he was a little closer to the other party than before, and he could faintly smell the other party's body. There was a very faint but very pleasant smell that he was familiar with.


It seems to be mixed with many kinds of fruits, but it is not sweet and greasy. It smells very refreshing and has a sunny and energetic feeling, which makes people change their mood accordingly.

All right.

"What body wash do you use?" Qi Xiuyuan blurted out and asked her.

Little doctor, what body wash do you use...

After pondering the first and last sentences by himself, Qi Xiuyuan wished he could beat him up.

From addressing to questioning, they are all so perverted!
Ask the opposite sex what to bathe with when you meet for the first time, it's not a hooligan_what is it!
Qi Xiuyuan has always been a gentleman. He has been in the entertainment industry since the age of 18 when he had no determination, and he has never been a hooligan... Now he is shocked.

"...I'm sorry, cough, I didn't mean that, it's... I have a little assistant, and she used to have this scent on her body. I asked her once, but she didn't answer, and
I didn’t use it later, and I never smelled it again…”

Qi Xiuyuan was telling the truth, but after explaining for a long time, he felt that he was becoming more and more black, "...I thought it was perfume at the time, otherwise I wouldn't have asked casually."

It was only after he heard a distant cousin chatting with a friend that he realized that the scent that needs to be very close to be smelled must not be perfume, but probably body wash.

It's just that he never understood why the little assistant seemed to be angry, and he never used it again...

"Little doctor" listened to him silently, nodded, "I'm sorry, I can't help you." Probably because he was sick, his voice was still very low.

"..." QAQ Does that mean he is hopeless?!
And not to mention that he didn't find out before, he just realized that he... seems to have been metamorphosed for a long time...

For example, whether it's perfume or shower gel, these are trivial matters, why does he remember this matter so firmly?
Is it true that if the head is soaked in water for too long, it will really mutate...

So after discovering that the psychiatrist could no longer help him, Qi quickly as possible, ordered a home sauna room.

Take more saunas, the water in your head may also evaporate...

Qi Xiuyuan felt that there was probably too much water in his head, and simply steaming it for a few days would not show any effect at all.

Because he has been dreaming the same dream continuously for the past few nights.

Especially after he got in touch with that...the person who killed him by text message, and when he thought of this dream again, he always felt that there was something important about the night when he lost his body after drinking...
thing, he forgot.

Yes, he contacted the mysterious person who killed him again...

(End of this chapter)

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