genius evil

Chapter 1

Chapter 1

Yilan City.

Spring begins in March, and night falls.

Suddenly, a bright light pierced through the sky, and the sky seemed to be torn apart. Immediately, a shocking thunder rumbled, and a downpour enveloped the entire city.

The sound of rain, wind, thunder and lightning interweaves a terrifying scene like the coming of the doomsday.


A head popped out of the misty lake surface.

Jiang Chen let out a deep mouthful of turbid air, spitting out all the lake water in his chest.

Before he opened his eyes, Jiang Chen felt that his situation was not very good, as if he was in a strange space, and he was about to be swallowed by that space at any time.

Instinctively, Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand and grabbed it. When he started, he felt soft and elastic, so big that it was difficult to control it with one hand. The amazing elasticity almost bounced his hand away.

"Ah——where are you grabbing, what are you doing so hard, let me go." At this moment, a scream that resembled a groan came into Jiang Chen's ears inappropriately.

Jiang Chen was slightly surprised. Could it be that he is not the only one in this strange space?
Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen slowly opened his sore eyes, what he saw was foggy, and with his eyesight, he couldn't even see the scene two meters away.

This situation was very wrong, Jiang Chen secretly raised his vigilance, looked around, trying to figure out where he was.

Then, Jiang Chen saw a face.

When he saw that face, Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, he blinked, and looked again, yes, he did see a face.

It was a woman's face, with feminine features and beautiful hair, because it was wet by the rain, it hung wetly behind her head, and her smooth and full forehead was facing Jiang Chen's line of sight, so Jiang Chen could easily It is clear that the woman is angry.

Women are beautiful, and beautiful women, even if they are angry, are still beautiful.

It's just that Jiang Chen didn't quite understand why this woman was angry, and it seemed that she was angry with herself.

So, he didn't know what he was grabbing, but he could only hold on tightly, not daring to distract, not daring to take it lightly, in his current situation, even a little carelessness would be fatal.

"Jiang Chen, it hurts so much, let me go." Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't let go, but gripped even tighter, Tangyue's lungs were so angry that they were about to explode. If it wasn't for being in the water, it would be inconvenient If she did it, she would almost strangle Jiang Chen to death.

"You told me to let go? Let go of what?" Jiang Chen asked slightly astonished.

"What do you think?" Tangyue gritted her teeth, her pretty face was covered with frost.

"Sorry, I can't let go, even if I die, I will drag you to die with me." Jiang Chen said coldly.

After saying this, Jiang Chen's complexion suddenly changed. Jiang Chen's complexion changed, not because the woman's complexion was ugly, but because he suddenly realized where he was.

He is not in a strange space, but in a wide lake.And his hand happened to be grasping the woman's chest, which made him finally realize what was going on with that soft, bouncy and tender touch.

Such an action almost made Tangyue's soul fly away. She stared at Jiang Chen with wide eyes. If eyes can kill, she promises to kill Jiang Chen a hundred times, otherwise it will not be enough to relieve hatred.

"Jiang Chen, you're still arresting!" Tangyue yelled, panicked and flustered.

"Otherwise, where should I catch?" Jiang Chen's eyes widened, his face full of innocence.

The two looked at each other, wide-eyed and small-eyed.

Panting for breath, Tangyue lowered her head suddenly, and viciously bit Jiang Chen's arm.

Under the pain, Jiang Chen shrank the hand holding Tangyue's chest, and then grabbed Tangyue's arm to support his body, and then his expression changed again.


This kind of feeling may be a normal touch for ordinary people, but when this kind of touch happened to him, it was extremely abnormal.

In particular, what made Jiang Chen uneasy was that Tangyue's bite left a deep blood mark on his arm, and that abnormal feeling became extremely strong.

Thinking about him, Jiang Chen, the majestic True Spirit Continent, the terrifying existence at the peak of the fusion stage, you must know that, in terms of the strength of his physical body, even if a strong person in the Nascent Soul stage bites down, a tooth will surely collapse instantly.

However, the woman in front of her clearly didn't have any breath fluctuations on her body. A bite of an ordinary person left a bloodstain, which made Jiang Chen feel a great shock.

"Am I dead? Or alive?" Jiang Chen murmured to himself, his face becoming more and more strange.

Then, Jiang Chen realized that something was wrong with his body. It wasn't his hand. That hand was very thin and had no strength at all.

If the hand is not his hand, then the body is naturally not his body.

This kind of discovery made Jiang Chen's heart tremble again and again, until finally, his already pale face was even more pale without a trace of blood.

"I'm not dead, I'm still alive, but I'm not me anymore." Jiang Chen murmured.

The reason why Jiang Chen has a very strong sense of crisis is because he was in the middle of an unprecedented mass hunt. Several holy places jointly issued a hunt and kill order, and the powerhouses of the entire True Spirit Continent frantically strangled him. .

Jiang Chen knew that he was bound to die, and Jiang Chen thought it was an accident that he didn't die. Judging from the current situation, it was naturally not an accident.

He was reborn in a frail young man. He was dead, but he was alive again.Jiang Chen's mind could not be said to be unresolute, but this situation caused Jiang Chen to be greatly impacted.

"Is this a good thing or a bad thing?" Jiang Chen smiled wryly, thought for a while, and then said, "It should be a good thing, after all, I didn't die."

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean by this? I saved you with good intentions, and you still took advantage of me. Even if I killed you, you deserve it... No, I should have drowned you if I knew it earlier. ..." Seeing Jiang Chen's strange reaction, Tangyue subconsciously thought that she had bitten too hard. Jiang Chen got angry, so her tone of voice was very bad, and she became even more angry.

Because Tangyue thought that she had good intentions to save people, but was inexplicably attacked in the chest, and she was not very angry, but Jiang Chen was angry, and even showed her face, why Jiang Chen was angry?
"Oh, it's interesting. It turned out that you saved me. It's so wonderful. I think Jiang Chen has saved countless beauties in his life. I never thought that I would be saved by beautiful women in the end. Heaven's law reincarnates, and the retribution is not good. I am doomed to die. Damn it. Bastards, you would never have thought that I, Jiang Chen, would not die, would you?" Jiang Chen suddenly laughed loudly, and said joyfully.

When Jiang Chen's consciousness recovered, two completely different memories kept colliding in his mind, and the memories of the two lives were rapidly merging.

Jiang Chen found out that his name was still Jiang Chen, and he was an honest, even rather timid, senior high school student in Yilan Middle School.

He is not in the True Spirit Continent now, but in a place called Earth.And all kinds of memories about the earth rushed into Jiang Chen's mind like a river flowing backwards in an instant, allowing Jiang Chen to have a general understanding of the earth.

The woman in front of her, named Tangyue, was the head teacher of his class and also his math teacher.

As for why he was in the water, Jiang Chen didn't know. From Tangyue's words, the only thing Jiang Chen knew was that he was saved by Tangyue.

There are many other memories, complicated and messy, like a flood of memories, constantly impacting his mind, making it impossible for him to fully digest them in such a short period of time.

But digesting so much content is enough for Jiang Chen to understand some of the situation, and it won't be like the moment when he just opened his eyes, he was in a daze and his head was full of fog.

"Smelly bitch, it's just a little frivolity on you, pretending to be a pure saint, and mobilizing several holy places to hunt down me. You'd better pray that I, Jiang Chen, will be trapped in this ghost place of the earth for the rest of my life. When you go back, you must take off your pants and spank your butt, otherwise I won’t be named Jiang if you don’t beat me so loudly.” Immediately, Jiang Chen said viciously.

Thinking of that woman, Jiang Chen's teeth itch with hatred. If it wasn't for that woman, how could he have fallen into such a state and appeared in this wretched place?
Jiang Chen remembered very clearly that that big chase, the last battle, was in Sunset Valley. In that battle, Jiang Chen didn't remember how many people he killed.

Thinking of how many battles he had fought in succession, and finally fell to the point where his sword was broken and blood dried up, and his life was hanging by a thread, Jiang Chen's eyes became a bit more sinister for no reason.

Well, at the moment when I was about to die, that woman's expression seemed to be very wrong, she... seemed to be in pain, she seemed to have said something at the time, but my consciousness was gradually dissipating at that time, and I lost all reason, so I didn't hear it .

Could it be that the woman didn't want me to die?Frowning, Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

Soon Jiang Chen denied this ridiculous idea, so he wouldn't believe that the woman didn't want him to die. After he died, the woman was too happy. Maybe after his death, his body would be crushed to ashes. Yes, to prove how pure and pure she is.

"Jiang Chen, you're insane, what about beauties saving heroes, what about spanking, are you okay?" Tangyue didn't know what Jiang Chen was thinking about, spat at Jiang Chen, and said angrily.

"Of course I am a hero, and you are a beauty. If you saved me, it is natural that a beauty saves a hero... Well, you can rest assured, I didn't mean to spank your ass." I was woken up by Tangyue's words Come on, Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Of course, if there is a chance to spank the beautiful teacher's ass, it will definitely feel very good. Thinking about it this way, Jiang Chen couldn't help feeling a little distracted.

(End of this chapter)

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