genius evil

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

How could Tangyue know what Jiang Chen was thinking, as for spanking or something, Tangyue didn't have time to think so much for a while.Jiang Chen was about to go crazy, but she didn't want to go crazy with Jiang Chen, she was about to freeze to death here, and returning to the shore quickly was the real thing.

"Jiang Chen, can you catch it in another place, how can I swim if you hold my arm?" Tangyue secretly scolded Jiang Chen for being an idiot, why doesn't he understand any common sense.

Jiang Chen was speechless, grabbing the chest was not enough, and neither was grabbing the arms, so where should he grab it?
After thinking for a while, Jiang Chen stretched out his big hand and simply wrapped it around Tangyue's slender waist.

As soon as Jiang Chen put his arms around Tangyue's small waist, the two got closer, almost face to face, each other's breathing could be heard, and Jiang Chen could see Tangyue's appearance more clearly.

The eyebrows are curved, the eyelashes are long, the mouth is rosy, and the skin is tender and smooth. Even if he is a little embarrassed at the moment, he is still full of temptation.

"Jiang Chen, you..." Tangyue was about to get angry again, but when she thought about hugging her waist is better than grabbing her chest, she just endured it first, and it wouldn't be too late to say anything until she landed, so she said to Jiang Chen: "Jiang Chen, hurry up."

Tangyue was about to take Jiang Chen to swim towards the shore, but just as she finished speaking, a gust of wind suddenly blew up, swirling the water surface, and a wave of water directly hit the two of them in the face.

Tangyue couldn't react in time, half of her body was pressed against Jiang Chen's body, and the two fiery bodies were tightly pressed together.

Jiang Chen had originally hugged Tangyue's slender waist casually, but subconsciously tightened his embrace a little under the impact of the water waves, so the two of them happened to be facing each other, just like Jiang Chen was holding Tangyue in his arms. same as in.

Feeling the soft and boneless body of the woman in his arms, and smelling the faint fragrance of her body, Jiang Chen's breathing suddenly became heavy.

Tangyue clung to Jiang Chen's body, her breathing was difficult. The water wave just now almost suffocated her. Fortunately, she is good at water, otherwise her and Jiang Chen's lives would have to be accounted for here.

Although the two were still separated by two layers of clothes, after the clothes were soaked in water, they were tightly attached to the body, and it was almost like not wearing them. Jiang Chen could even clearly feel the heat from Tangyue's body.

"Jiang Chen, you are going to die." Tangyue yelled, she was so angry that she was going to die. If Jiang Chen touched her chest just now, it would be Jiang Chen's unintentional act, but what is going on? still... still...

"Misunderstanding." Jiang Chen laughed, and hastily moved his body so as not to irritate Tangyue.

He didn't mean to belittle Tangyue on purpose, not to mention that Tangyue was his teacher, he couldn't be too rude to Tangyue just because of his lifesaver.

But, if you want to blame it, you can only blame Tangyue for being too beautiful, he can't control that thing at all.

Perhaps ordinary people have experienced the great stimulation of death and life, and they probably have long since withered and cannot wither anymore, but Jiang Chen is a person who must die, and it is a miracle that he can still live, and Jiang Chen has always been mentally strong, and he is happy with the situation. He didn't take it seriously at all, but he was a little carried away.

"I want you to make trouble." Jiang Chen secretly scolded his unbelievable thing, how could he mess with him at this time? Isn't this killing him? In case Tangyue becomes angry, she throws him in the water regardless of his life or death , isn't he just playing around with his life.

"Jiang Chen, you'd better make sure it's a misunderstanding, otherwise..." Tangyue gritted her teeth and said, both ashamed and annoyed, she looked at Jiang Chen with weird eyes, then guy, after soaking his brain in water, he became more courageous than before More than a hundred times.

"What a misunderstanding, Teacher Tang, you won't leave me alone." Jiang Chen smiled wryly.

"Hmph, if you are dishonest again, I will leave right away. I will be lazy about your life and death." Tangyue said with an accentuated tone, and then her face became a little weird. She heard Jiang Chen's meaning, and she was clearly afraid of death, but Since he was afraid of death, why did he throw himself into the lake again? If she hadn't happened to pass by, Jiang Chen would definitely have died.

"Definitely." Jiang Chen knew that what he did was wrong, so he stopped arguing with Tangyue, and then let go of his hand, grabbing a corner of Tangyue's clothes to avoid further misunderstandings.

Seeing Jiang Chen calm down, Tangyue was a little relieved, and pulled Jiang Chen with all her strength to swim to the shore.

Even though Tangyue has good water skills, after pulling Jiang Chen to the shore, she was also very tired, sitting on the ground slumped, almost unable to move her hands and feet.

Jiang Chen was even more unbearable, his physical body was too weak, what's more, his legs were still cramped, otherwise there would be no need for Tangyue to rescue him ashore.

It wasn't that Jiang Chen couldn't trust Tangyue, but his little life was important. Jiang Chen didn't want to lose his little life just after he came back to life, and Jiang Chen could feel at ease only when his own little life was in his own hands. The feeling of putting your life in someone else's hands is really terrible.

After resting for a while, Tangyue recovered a little, looked at Jiang Chen, and then froze.

I saw Jiang Chen's messy hair was covered with a mass of water plants, and the school uniform on his body was covered with mud from the bottom of the lake. Judging by his appearance, he looked as embarrassed as he could be.

Seeing Jiang Chen like this, Tangyue wanted to laugh, but she didn't dare to, her pretty face turned red.

Following Tangyue's gaze, Jiang Chen lowered his head and glanced at himself. How could he not know what was going on with Tangyue? He smiled and said, "Teacher Tang, you can laugh if you want to, don't hold yourself back. broken."

"Jiang Chen, you said it yourself, I didn't mean to laugh at you." Hearing this, Tangyue couldn't bear it any longer, she giggled, and the branches of her laughing trembled wildly, leaning forward and backward.

Accompanied by Tangyue's big laugh, her astonishingly large breasts rose and fell, which was spectacular. She didn't even notice that because of Jiang Chen's pull in the lake, two buttons on her chest collapsed, and the black lace Underwear, faintly visible, almost caught Jiang Chen's eyeballs straight.

Jiang Chen has always known that Tangyue's figure is very good, but with his previous personality, he never dared to look at it too much. Regarding how good Tangyue's figure is, he didn't know how to judge how good Tangyue's figure was. .

The situation is naturally different now. Jiang Chen can tell at a glance that he has a wealth of experience in two worlds. Moreover, after the knowledge and experience of the two worlds converge in his mind, he has amazing adaptability and meticulous logical analysis ability. , and soon it worked.

"C, no, it's F." Jiang Chen couldn't help being a little moved.

What's more damning is that he had touched it with his own hands just now, and it was so elastic and soft, and it felt so good, it was unforgettable.

"What are you looking at?" Tangyue asked suspiciously when she realized that Jiang Chen was looking at her.

"I'm looking at you." Jiang Chen looked at Tangyue, and said in a very natural tone, his eyes still fell on Tangyue's chest involuntarily, and never moved away.

"Look at me..." Xiumei frowned slightly, and Tangyue was about to say something interesting about me, but just as she uttered a word, Tangyue screamed suddenly, hurriedly pulling her clothes to cover up the joyous moment place.

"Close your eyes, don't look." Tangyue shouted in embarrassment.

"It's so beautiful, why aren't you allowed to look at it?" Shrugging, Jiang Chen said indifferently.

"" Tangyue was dumbfounded, is this really that mean Jiang Chen in the class?

Was it his nature, but he hid it so well that he deceived everyone including her?The situation tonight finally made him reveal his true colors.

"Teacher Tang, the way you look angry has a special charm." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Tangyue could tell that Jiang Chen wasn't deliberately mocking her, he was sincerely praising him, and he was definitely not frivolous.

To be praised in such a tone by a man, even if that man is actually just a little boy, is still a pleasant thing.

But Tangyue really couldn't be happy, she looked at Jiang Chen's face, and for some reason, she became more and more angry.

"Jiang Chen, can you shut up?" Tangyue said a little helplessly, but also a little bitterly.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, his mouth was closed, but his eyes were still dishonest.

Jiang Chen is frivolous by nature, and can even be described as arrogant. He has no taboos in doing things. What comes to mind at this time, he just said it out of the way. As for the identity of the other party, Jiang Chen has no scruples at all. Moreover, even if he knows Tangyue was his teacher, but Jiang Chen couldn't do anything to respect his teacher.

Women, especially beautiful and delicate women, in Jiang Chen's view, were born to be admired by men.

His state of mind, using the words of modern society, is a typical straight male cancer. To be precise, Jiang Chen has reached the stage of straight male cancer, which belongs to the incurable type.

Tangyue deliberately didn't look into Jiang Chen's eyes, as long as Jiang Chen didn't talk nonsense, she tightened her clothes tightly, making sure that she would not show her spring light again, and wiped her face again, thinking that the makeup must have been spent, even if it was No matter how beautiful it is, where can it be seen?
Then Tangyue looked at Jiang Chen again, and gradually some complicated emotions surged in her heart.

"Jiang Chen, why did you throw yourself into the lake?" After thinking for a while, Tangyue asked, she wanted to ask this question just now in the water.

"To be honest, I don't know either." Jiang Chen's expression changed and he shook his head.

Jiang Chen's answer made Tangyue very dissatisfied, Tangyue didn't ask any more questions, she was worried that Jiang Chen would be stimulated, if Jiang Chen committed suicide by throwing himself into the lake again, she didn't have the extra energy to fish him out of the lake.

"Jiang Chen, it's getting late, let's talk about something tomorrow..." Tangyue pointed to a red car not far away, and said, "My car is parked there, come with me, I'll see you off Go back to school, think about what you have done tonight, and find me in the office after class tomorrow afternoon."

Tangyue tried to be as tactful as possible, thinking that young people's nerves are too fragile after all, and what she said just now was probably a disappointment after being greatly stimulated. As for being taken advantage of, since young people have been so stimulated , put it down for the time being, even though it is really not a pleasant thing.

(End of this chapter)

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