genius evil

Chapter 3

Chapter 3
After Tangyue sent Jiang Chen to a fork in the road near the school, as soon as Jiang Chen got off the car, she immediately kicked the accelerator and drove the car away at a high speed.

Looking at the situation, it seemed that if he stayed with Jiang Chen for a second longer, he would be taken advantage of by Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen touched his nose and smiled wryly. How could he not know that Tangyue was frightened by him, which made Jiang Chen somewhat dumbfounded.

However, Jiang Chen also knew that what he had done was indeed a little too much. Even though it was not intentional whether he touched his chest or violated Tangyue, he had to admit that what he did was very dishonest.

"I have to find a time to apologize to Tangyue, lest she treat me as a pervert, and in that case, life will be difficult in the future." Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

However, even though he planned to apologize to Tangyue, Jiang Chen didn't feel any guilt at all. If he couldn't live a new life, if he couldn't live freely and happily, what difference would it make from dying?
Jiang Chen is no longer the Jiang Chen of the past. It is absolutely impossible for him to be like before, cowardly, holding everything in his heart, and indeed, Tangyue's figure is very perfect, and she appreciates beautiful things , Jiang Chen didn't think there was anything wrong.

The car went away and could no longer be seen. Jiang Chen turned his head and looked at the gate of Yilan Middle School with a slightly dazed look in his eyes!
Jiang Chen stood in front of the school gate, stared at the school gate for a long time, and then slowly walked into the campus with heavy steps.

According to memory, Jiang Chen appeared in bedroom [-] of the third bedroom building. Before Jiang Chen opened the door, he saw the door was opened from the inside, and a big round face poked out from inside.

"Jiang Chen, you're finally back... Hey, why are you so dirty, where have you been?" The man was taken aback when he saw Jiang Chen, and then said loudly, his concern was beyond words.

Jiang Chen remembered that this guy was called Bao Shifan. Bao Shifan was very ordinary, just like his name. Can't find any flashes.

"I went to Nanxing Lake." Jiang Chen nodded in response, patted Bao Shifan on the shoulder, and entered the dormitory.

The situation inside the dormitory was the same as any other dormitory in Yilan Middle School. The space was small and there were two beds. This was where Jiang Chen and Bao Shifan lived.

"Go to Nanxing Lake? Nanxing Lake is more than 30 miles away from our school. What are you doing there?" Bao Shifan asked in bewilderment.

"So it's so far away, no wonder my legs are cramping." Jiang Chen whispered, and then said casually, "Go and commit suicide."

While speaking, Jiang Chen's eyes fell on Bao Shifan.

"Suicide, what are you kidding?" Bao Shifan yelled, and quickly looked Jiang Chen up and down, thinking that Jiang Chen never joked, and he couldn't find any humor in his body. Really committed suicide.

Coming back now, it was estimated that it was an attempted suicide, which made Bao Shifan a little terrified, his face changed a few times, and he lowered his voice and said, "Jiang Chen, what you said can't be true, right?"

Jiang Chen laughed, and said: "Of course it's fake, it's just a joke, don't take it seriously. It's true that I have been to Nanxing Lake, but it's just to see the scenery. The scenery there is really good. If there is a chance, the two of us will go together have a look."

When Jiang Chen said he was going to commit suicide, he naturally said that on purpose to test Bao Shifan. Bao Shifan's reaction surprised Jiang Chen, but at the same time he felt a little relieved.

Jiang Chen knew that he shouldn't suspect Bao Shifan, but he went to Nanxing Lake for no reason, and then threw himself into the lake for no reason. It can be said that everyone is an object of suspicion, and it is related to his own wealth and life. Be a little less cautious, he doesn't want to die again inexplicably.

And Bao Shifan's words quickly dispelled Jiang Chen's doubts.Jiang Chen could tell that Bao Shifan really cared about him, otherwise no matter how well Bao Shifan concealed it, he would not be able to escape his eyes.

Bao Shifan's expression was very strange, it was raining so heavily, no matter how beautiful the scenery of Nanxing Lake was, he couldn't see it.

Then Bao Shifan remembered another thing, his face became even weirder all of a sudden, he said hesitantly, "Jiang Chen, why did you rush out when the bell rang for the end of class before, I think you are in a trance, While walking, I kept chanting words, and I didn’t know what I was talking about... I called you a few times from behind, but you didn’t hear me. I was worried that something might happen to you, and I chased after you to stop you. How do you know, you..."

"What's wrong with me?" Jiang Chen casually said as he wiped his hair with his hands.

"I saw you jumped onto the school wall and jumped out." Bao Shifan said blankly.

Yilan Middle School adopts a closed teaching system, and students are not allowed to go out if they have nothing to do. Therefore, many students want to go out by sneaking over the wall.But Jiang Chen didn't jump over the wall, he jumped out directly.

"Bao Shifan, you mean, I didn't leave the school gate, but jumped over the wall?" Jiang Chen stopped wiping his hair, and his expression became weird.

"Yes, I saw with my own eyes at that time that you jumped almost three meters high, as if you were flying." Bao Shifan said nana.

In the previous life and this life, even if Jiang Chen did not have a specific impression of many things, he would still have a vague idea. But in fact, how did he get out of Yilan Middle School, how did he appear in Nanxing Lake, and how did he fall into the lake? Suicide, this memory is blank, as if it was erased out of thin air.

He was so weak that he jumped out of the wall more than two meters high. According to Bao Shifan's description, he seemed to be flying. This incident undoubtedly became even more strange.

Because Jiang Chen knew very well that in terms of the strength and strength of his physical body, it would be very difficult to jump even a height of one meter, not to mention three meters.

Not to mention, after jumping out of the fence, I walked more than 30 miles to Nanxing Lake and threw myself into the river.

The whole thing was weird, as if he had been hypnotized and his potential was limited.

In other words, what he did tonight was beyond his instinct, it was deliberate murder!

"What a ruthless method." Jiang Chen murmured to himself, his eyes showing a chill.

Jiang Chen originally wanted to go to Nanxing Lake again to see if he could find any clues. After all, his predecessor died inexplicably. It became his business, Jiang Chen couldn't let it go so easily.

But after getting some clues from Bao Shifan that the whole matter was being gradually restored, Jiang Chen was not in a hurry to find the truth for the time being.

There is no other reason, the only reason is that he is too weak. Since he is being plotted by others, if he knows the truth too early, it will be bad for him, and maybe it will push him to a dead end.

As for finding the truth, when his cultivation base is improved and his spiritual sense is strong enough, then he can recall and link all the things together. At that time, it will be clear at a glance who did it.

"Jiang Chen, is it that the pressure of studying has been too great recently, and there is no need to put so much pressure on yourself." Bao Shifan's concerned voice rang in Jiang Chen's ear again, interrupting Jiang Chen's thoughts.

Jiang Chen smiled. After the memory fusion, he naturally knew what kind of guy he was reborn in.

It’s fine if Jiang Chen doesn’t like studying, but Jiang Chen likes studying very much. Logically speaking, Jiang Chen is honest and diligent in his studies, so his grades should not be too bad, but the fact is that However, no matter how hard Jiang Chen tried, his grades were always hovering in the bottom ten of the class.

The college entrance examination will be in a few months. With Jiang Chen's grades, not to mention the third-rate undergraduates, it is estimated that even the third-rate Pheasant University will be very difficult.

"Let's forget about key universities. There are still a few months left. If we work hard, we might be able to get into a third-rate university. So, really don't put too much pressure on yourself." Bao Shifan repeated Said.

"You don't have to look down on yourself so much, if you want to go to the best university, you have to go to the best university." Jiang Chen said lightly.

"How can we get into the best university?" Bao Shifan said with a wry smile.

"Think of a way, you can always pass the exam." Jiang Chen said it very easily, not taking it seriously.

Of course, Jiang Chen had to take the university exams, otherwise, wouldn't it be a lot less fun, since reliving the whole life, any interesting things have to be experienced again, and in that way, life will be considered complete.

Jiang Chen's pursuit of life has always been aiming at the best. The exercises he practiced are the strongest, and his women are the most beautiful. So if he wants to go to university, he must go to the best university.

Bao Shifan was taken aback, and looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, thinking that he had hallucinations, how could Jiang Chen say such words?

In an instant, he realized that the Jiang Chen standing in front of him seemed familiar, but for some reason, he was a little more elusive and strange.

At this moment, the door of the dormitory was pushed open from the outside, and three figures walked in carelessly.

Seeing those three people, Bao Shifan's expression changed, his eyes showed fear, while Jiang Chen's eyes turned slightly cold.

After thinking about it carefully, Jiang Chen recognized that these three guys were from the same class. The one who spoke was named Guo Hu, the tall and thin one behind was Gao Ming, and the short and fat one was Zhang Dapeng.

Because Guo Hu's name has the character "Hu", these three guys call themselves Yilan Three Tigers, and they specialize in bullying the weak. Many people hate them, and there is nothing they can do. .

Jiang Chen knew very well what the fear in Bao Shifan's eyes meant, because before that, he and Bao Shifan were often bullied by these three guys, and even more than half of their monthly living expenses fell into the into the pockets of the three of them.

Because of Jiang Chen and Bao Shifan's personalities, they dare not speak out when they are angry. This way, these three people are more and more unscrupulous, and bullying the two of them has become a common occurrence!

The three of Guo Hu came and rushed out the door in the middle of the night. If nothing else happened, they were naturally looking for trouble.

(End of this chapter)

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