genius evil

Chapter 4 The Bloody Boy

Chapter 4 The Bloody Boy
"Yo, isn't this our flying man, the flying man is back." Guo Hu looked at Jiang Chen with a glance, and said with a strange expression.

Flying man?
Jiang Chen was slightly taken aback, but soon realized that the scene of him jumping out of the fence must have been seen not only by Bao Shifan, but also by other students.

"Hey, Jiang Chen, what's going on with you, it's dirty and smelly, it must have fallen into a cesspit." Zhang Dapeng, who was following behind Guo Hu, looked around Jiang Chen and said with a smile.

Gao Ming also said with a smile: "I think it just fell into the cesspit. The smell is too bad. It's so disgusting. It's almost killing me."

"I said, you guys are here, what's the matter?" Jiang Chen lazily paid attention to the nonsense of these three guys, and said lightly.

"Why, I can't come to you if I have nothing to do?" Guo Hu sat down on Jiang Chen's bed, as relaxed and casual as if he had returned to his own home, and joked.

"If you have something to talk about, get out if you have nothing to do, don't delay our rest." Jiang Chen's eyes fell on Guo Hu's body, his voice became cold, and he scolded: "Who told you to sit down, get up for me."

That was his bed. Guo Hu sat on his bed without his consent. To Jiang Chen, it was like invading his territory. Jiang Chen was very unhappy.

"Jiang Chen, I think you are itchy, don't you dare to talk to us in such a tone? If you have the guts, say it again, believe it or not, I will kill you!" After being stunned for a while, Guo Hu flew into a rage. Pointing to Jiang Chen, his face was gloomy.

Guo Hu was indeed looking for trouble, to be exact, he was looking for trouble for Jiang Chen.

The reason why Guo Hu came to trouble is actually very simple, so simple that it is not a reason at all.

The scene of Jiang Chen jumping out of the fence today happened to be seen by Guo Hu. At that time, he felt that his eyes were blurred. He thought he had misread the person, so he called Jiang Chen's name a few times.

Jiang Chen didn't answer his call, Guo Hu felt that he had lost face, so he came to the door in the middle of the night, wanting to show Jiang Chen some color.

But what Guo Hu didn't expect was that before he could do anything about it, Jiang Chen would get upside down.

"Stand up, or lie on the ground, you choose." Jiang Chen lazily chatted nonsense with Guo Hu, and said indifferently.

"Jiang Chen, do you know who you are talking to, are you impatient?" Gao Ming said with a blush.

Compared with Yin Jiu, Zhang Dapeng's personality was more straightforward. Without a word, he slapped Jiang Chen's face as soon as he raised his hand.

How could Jiang Chen be slapped by Zhang Dapeng, otherwise he would die, just buy a piece of tofu and kill him. When Zhang Dapeng slapped him, Jiang Chen kicked him.

Jiang Chen kicked Zhang Dapeng in the abdomen and threw Zhang Dapeng out.

"Jiang Chen, are you going to die?" Guo Hu never expected that Jiang Chen would dare to resist. In a rage, he jumped up from the bed and shouted loudly.

Jiang Chen didn't speak. He glanced at Guo Hu indifferently, and then kicked him out. He had already given Guo Hu the choice to get up or lie down.


Jiang Chen kicked Guo Hu's chest, and Guo Hu fell backwards, hitting the back of his head heavily on the ground, staring at him.

"It's the other way around, Gao Ming, what are you doing standing still, beat me, beat me to death!" Guo Hu got up from the ground, and shouted angrily.

Hearing Guo Hu's yell, Jiang Chen felt a little helpless, his physical body was really too weak, otherwise if he kicked it over, there would be no chance for Guo Hu to stand up.

"It seems that we have to hurry up and temper this physical body well." Jiang Chen thought in his heart.

Seeing Jiang Chen in a daze, Gao Ming seized the opportunity, clenched his fist and threw it at Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and kicked him as usual. He opened it, but he didn't know what was going on, he clearly avoided it, Jiang Chen's kick still hit his waist, Gao Ming broke out in cold sweat from the pain, squatting on the ground for a long time and couldn't stand up.

"Idiot!" Jiang Chen said coldly.

Although the physical body is very weak, but it is controlled by Jiang Chen's powerful soul, no matter how weak it is, it can't be too weak. In Jiang Chen's view, the fighting methods of Guo Hu and the others are too low-level, full of loopholes, even if there are three people Hitting him is a suspicion of bullying.

Yes, bullying.

If Guo Hu and the others knew what was going on in Jiang Chen's mind, they would all be shocked.

After kicking Gao Ming down with one kick, Jiang Chen's figure moved and kicked out again. Guo Hu was kicked and fell to the ground again, his face was distorted and deformed in pain.

Guo Hu fell and yelled, thinking that he must have seen hell today, how could Jiang Chen fight so hard, this is completely beyond common sense.

Guo Hu couldn't understand it, and couldn't be convinced. He yelled, Guo Hu struggled to get up, but he didn't believe that the three of them couldn't cure Jiang Chen.

As for Bao Shifan, he was completely ignored by Guo Hu. Guo Hu never regarded Bao Shifan as a man.

In fact, Jiang Chen was the same before, but he was bullied for fun and received protection fees. It's just that Jiang Chen didn't know which nerve was wrong tonight, and the whole person suddenly exploded.

Jiang Chen stepped over and stepped on Guo Hu's neck.

"Guo Hu, if you dare to do it again, I don't mind breaking your neck at all." Jiang Chen looked down at Guo Hu coldly.

Guo Hu's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Jiang Chen in shock. Jiang Chen's eyes were very cold. It was a kind of coldness without human emotion. Because of the coldness, he looked ruthless!

As soon as his eyes met Jiang Chen's, Guo Hu was agitated. Although Jiang Chen's tone was not harsh enough, for some reason, Guo Hu had a feeling that if he wanted to make a move, he would say Maybe Jiang Chen would really step on and break his neck.

The neck is a fragile part of the human body. Once it is broken, Guo Hu will probably spend the rest of his life in the hospital.

Guo Hu is a ruthless person, but he is far from being a ruthless person, at least when Jiang Chen is being ruthless, he is far from being as ruthless as Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's ruthlessness was truly ruthless.

Guo Hu didn't know where Jiang Chen's ruthlessness came from, but after hearing Jiang Chen's words, Guo Hu didn't dare to move, for fear of irritating Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, what are you going to do, move your legs away first, and speak up if you have something to say." Guo Hu was really a little scared, and said tremblingly.

Jiang Chen smiled coldly, and was about to speak, but heard a "pop", something shattered. Jiang Chen looked back, and saw Bao Shifan pick up a chair and smash it on Zhang Dapeng's chair. back.

Zhang Dapeng was smashed and fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

"Jiang Chen, they want to bully you, I will fight them." Panting heavily, Bao Shifan stammered.

Jiang Chen laughed loudly, and said, "That's right, I fought them hard."

Guo Hu was fooled, and so was Zhang Dapeng.

It's okay for Jiang Chen to be crazy alone, but Bao Shifan's coward is also crazy together. Could it be possible that things like being crazy can be contagious?How else to explain what happened tonight.

Moreover, Guo Hu is a little confused about who is bullying whom now.

"Gao Ming, just stand there obediently and don't move, or you will know exactly what will happen." Pointing at Gao Ming, Jiang Chen warned with a blank expression.

"Yes... yes..." Gao Ming nodded like a chicken pecking rice, even if Jiang Chen didn't say that, Gao Ming didn't intend to do anything.

What happened tonight was too weird, and it gave him a big blow. Not to mention Jiang Chen's ruthless methods, Bao Shifan's chair also gave him a shocking impact. He didn't want to be stepped on. The neck may be hit by someone using a chair as a sandbag.

"Guo Hu, I asked you just now what's the matter with you, and you still haven't answered my question." Zhang Dapeng was very obedient, Jiang Chen was very satisfied, looked down at Guo Hu and said.

Guo Hu came to trouble Jiang Chen, but how dare he say that now, he hurriedly said: "We...we are here to escape..."

"Very good, but if the host doesn't welcome the guests, what do you think the guests should do?" Jiang Chen asked very politely.

Guo Hu knew very well why Jiang Chen was so polite. He was also so polite when bullying others, and he even had the title of smiling tiger.He turns into a mad dog only when the guy being bullied fights back.

Therefore, Guo Hu is also very clear that if Jiang Chen is not satisfied with his answer, then Jiang Chen will immediately turn his face and deny anyone.

It can be said that it is exactly the same trick, but when this trick is used on himself, Guo Hu has the urge to cry.

"Get out...get out..." Guo Hu bit the bullet and said stutteringly.

Guo Hu is now under the eaves and has to bow his head. While talking, his eyeballs are constantly rolling, thinking about how to get back in the future.

Guo Hu has always been the one who tramples on people. This is the first time he has been trampled on, and he has been trampled so hard. Guo Hu will never let it go.

"Get out!" Jiang Chen shouted in a low voice.

Guo Hu was shaken all over, and felt that his eardrums were about to be shattered. After Jiang Chen moved his foot for a few seconds, his whole mind was blank.

Immediately, Guo Hu hurriedly got up, helped Zhang Dapeng up with Gao Ming, and left the dormitory like a bereaved dog.

How could Guo Hu's small movements escape Jiang Chen's eyes when he was trampled under his feet just now?Jiang Chen also knew that he was often bullied by Guo Hu in the past, but Jiang Chen didn't care, he didn't care about what Guo Hu had done before, what he cared about was the present and the future.

Because Jiang Chen had no intention of settling old accounts with Guo Hu, Jiang Chen had too many things to do, and he didn't have time to waste on such insignificant little people.

Naturally, if Guo Hu doesn't know what's good and what's wrong, and just thinks that the lesson tonight is not deep enough, and wants to get back the game, then Guo Hu will soon know that he is on a dead end.

It's a pleasure to trample on someone, and trample to death with one foot.

But stepping on it slowly, one foot at a time, until finally the guy being stepped on fell into despair. Even thinking about it for a moment, it would cause great fear and anxiety in his bones, and it was a means of killing without blood.

Jiang Chen is very good at killing people!
(End of this chapter)

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