genius evil

599 fit for Chapter [-]

Chapter 5 90.00% nine fit
"Jiang Chen, I seemed to hit Zhang Dapeng just now, they will take revenge on us, they will definitely take revenge on us." As soon as the three of Guo Hu left, Bao Shifan changed his face and said anxiously.

Bao Shifan didn't know how he had the courage to pick up the chair and throw it at Zhang Dapeng just now. Maybe it was because he felt that Jiang Chen was very impulsive and passionate, and his emotions were unconsciously infected, so he also became very impulsive and passionate.

At this time, the impulsive energy faded away, and when he realized what his actions meant, Bao Shifan felt deeply afraid and trembled.

"Bao Shifan, you are so afraid of what Zhang Dapeng will do, and he only has two hands and two legs, no more than you." Jiang Chen said with some dissatisfaction.

"Jiang Chen, it's not that you don't know that Zhang Dapeng is very sinister. Most of Guo Hu's bad things are the idea behind Zhang Dapeng's back. I smashed his chair, and he will definitely kill me." Bao Shifan said. said with a sweaty head.

Jiang Chen really knew what was going on, Guo Hu was bad, Zhang Dapeng was bad, and he could do any kind of bad things.

"Guo Hu, if Zhang Dapeng dares to retaliate against you, you can just throw a chair at him." Jiang Chen said indifferently, he wouldn't take three little grasshoppers to heart.

"Jiang Chen, how dare I." Bao Shifan cried, looking like he was about to cry.

Seeing Bao Shifan like this, Jiang Chen felt embarrassed to tease him.

Jiang Chen knew very well what kind of person Bao Shifan was, and he was no different from his predecessor. To be honest, his chair fell on Zhang Dapeng.

Moreover, Bao Shifan hit Zhang Dapeng because he was bullied. Bao Shifan really left Jiang Chen speechless!
"Bao Shifan, don't worry, if they trouble you again, I will take action." Patting Bao Shifan on the shoulder, Jiang Chen comforted.

Bao Shifan's complexion looked a little better now, he looked at Jiang Chen strangely, and said, "Jiang Chen, aren't you worried about their revenge?"

Smiling, Jiang Chen looked into Bao Shifan's eyes and said: "Worry, why worry, they want revenge, even if they come, what's the use of worrying... Besides, I always think that people can be ordinary, but absolutely You can't be mediocre, it's rare to straighten up like a man, don't you think it feels good?"

"Yes... yes very good." After thinking for a while, Bao Shifan nodded.

"Since it's very good, then keep your waist straight and let everyone know that you, Bao Shifan, are a man and not a coward. Can you do it?" Jiang Chen said seriously.

"Yes!" Bao Shifan said loudly, almost involuntarily.

"Okay, this is my Jiang Chen's friend, my Jiang Chen's friend, how can you be a mediocre person, you may accomplish nothing, you may not be admitted to a good university, but at least you are a man...Answer me, if they dare Revenge, what are you going to do?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Hit them with a chair." Panting loudly, Bao Shifan said forcefully.

"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed, I'm going to take a shower." After saying this, before Bao Shifan could say anything else, Jiang Chen turned and went to the bathroom.

In the bathroom, looking at his pale and bloodless face in the mirror, Jiang Chen felt extremely helpless.

"When the consciousness is injured, the soul is damaged. The body is too weak to nourish the soul. What is the difference between this and a disabled person?" Jiang Chen said to himself, with a wry smile on his face. Heaven fell to hell.

The few words Jiang Chen said to Bao Shifan just now seemed ordinary, but in fact they used part of the power of the soul, and only then did they have a deafening effect, stimulating Bao Shifan's blood.

Jiang Chen didn't mean to reform Bao Shifan by doing this. Jiang Chen didn't intend to reform Bao Shifan either. Although Bao Shifan is very ordinary, ordinary people also have a cute side. If he is forced to reform, then Bao Shifan It was no longer Bao Shifan, but a different person.

What Jiang Chen did was just to let Bao Shifan see clearly what kind of person he was.

This was just a trivial method, but it all made Jiang Chen feel extremely weak, not to make Jiang Chen feel helpless.

But Jiang Chen knew that the reason for this situation was firstly that the host's body was already weak, and secondly that his spiritual consciousness had been severely injured.

Then, through the mirror, Jiang Chen finally had a chance to see his current appearance clearly.

The boy in the mirror, about 1.6 or [-] years old, seems to have been malnourished for many years. He is thin and less than [-] meters tall. He wears a school uniform of the smallest size and looks loose, as if hanging on a clothespin , looks extremely funny.

The hair has not been taken care of for a long time, and it is messy and dry. After being wet by rain, it covers the top of the head like hay.

Because of his pale skin and thin cheeks, he looked a little wretched, and his slightly misty eyes, as if he hadn't had a good night's sleep for a long time, were abnormally cloudy.

"This honor is really..." Even though it was clear that the reflection in the mirror was definitely him, not anyone else, Jiang Chen was a little speechless, not knowing how to describe this honor.

Thinking of him, Jiang Chen, even in the True Spirit Continent, he is one of the few beautiful men. He is also a genius with both medical and medical skills, attracting countless girls from top sects to compete.

And the current Jiang Chen, apart from not knowing how to describe his appearance, Jiang Chen had nothing to say about his connotation.

Such a character made Jiang Chen speechless. His existence was like a big joke made by the heavens.

"'s really unappetizing, we have to correct them one by one." Looking at the young man in the mirror, Jiang Chen became more and more awkward.

However, looking at the respectful face in the mirror, Jiang Chen finally understood why Jiang Chen worked so hard, but it was always difficult to get rewards.


Yes, he is too inferior.

Cowardly because of low self-esteem, which in turn affects temperament, which in turn affects other aspects, leading to a vicious circle.

Fortunately, he is here, so everything will naturally be very different from tonight!

After taking a shower, Jiang Chen walked out of the bathroom, and Bao Shifan was already asleep.

Jiang Chen smiled, sat down on the head of the bed, closed his eyes slightly, calmed down, settled down and adjusted his breath.

Jiang Chen hasn't figured out how he died, but he knows why he was born.

"Pure Yang Cauldron, it was destroyed without accident." Jiang Chen sighed softly.

Jiang Chen carries the pure Yang cauldron, which absorbs the aura of heaven and earth and turns it into pure Yang energy, which constantly tempers his physical body and spiritual consciousness. It is his strongest reliance.

As soon as the hunting order came out, Jiang Chen shot a ray of consciousness into the Chunyang cauldron. He originally hoped to use the Chunyang cauldron to keep his soul alive and save it for revenge in the future, but judging from the current situation, in that scene During the big hunt, Chunyang Ding must have been destroyed by someone, otherwise, he would not have appeared on the earth.

"Well, it seems something is wrong." Soon after, Jiang Chen muttered to himself.

"When the Chunyang cauldron is destroyed, the sliver of my spiritual consciousness left in the cauldron should also be wiped out, but the current situation is that although my ray of spiritual consciousness is damaged, it has not been annihilated." Jiang Chen calmly thought, Keep pondering.

"The Pure Yang Cauldron has my imprint. My spiritual consciousness was born as one with the Pure Yang Cauldron, and it is destroyed as one. The divine consciousness has not been destroyed. Does that mean that the Pure Yang Cauldron has not been truly destroyed?" If Jiang Chen had Said thoughtfully.

Thinking of this possibility, Jiang Chen's eyes lit up slightly, and with a thought, he began to check his body.

Jiang Chen is now a mortal body, unable to look inside, and there is no breath in his body, but Jiang Chen has a powerful soul, which is the soul of a monk in the fusion stage.

Although the soul is damaged, its essence still exists. The soul has been integrated into this body. Jiang Chen checks himself with the power of the soul, and there is no obstacle.

"Hey, although this body is weak and lacks qi and blood, its meridians are [-]% similar to mine... Could it be that my spiritual consciousness chose this body?" Jiang Chen mobilized The soul looked at itself, and the look in its eyes became brighter and brighter.

"In this way, this body can be said to be very suitable for me." Jiang Chen whispered to himself. Although Jiang Chen had a lot of dissatisfaction with this body, this alone was enough to make Jiang Chen The attitude has completely changed, at least, it is not so disgusting.

Both height, appearance and temperament can be changed, but the meridians are fixed from birth, and it is impossible to reverse them without great supernatural powers.

Ninety-nine percent of the meridians are similar, which means that if Jiang Chen starts to practice again, then he can easily achieve twice the result with half the effort on the road of cultivation.

This situation is equivalent to saying that Jiang Chen just changed his physical body, and everything else has not changed. He is still him, but he has returned to the starting point of cultivation.

"The similarity of the meridians may be one of the reasons why the spiritual consciousness chose this body, but it may not be the only reason. There may be other differences in this body." Jiang Chen said in his heart.

After checking the meridians with his soul, Jiang Chen turned to check other aspects.

After a while, Jiang Chen shook his head in disappointment.

"My soul is damaged now, and my power of perception is too weak. What I have to do now is to temper this body as soon as possible, nourish my soul, strengthen my power of perception, and then examine my body in more detail." Jiang Chen said slowly.

Immediately, Jiang Chen stopped thinking about it, and with a thought, he discarded the distracting thoughts in his mind, and slowly fell asleep.


Jiang Chen fell asleep. Originally, at this time in the past, Tang Yue had already gone to bed to rest.

As a teacher, Tangyue's work and rest schedule has always been very regular, but tonight, Tangyue has no mood to sleep.

In the spacious and luxurious apartment, the lights in the bathroom were turned on very brightly. Tangyue stood in front of the mirror, looking at her body with puffy eyes.

Her skin is very fair, and under the light, it looks even more white and powdery, as delicate as nephrite jade, without any flaws.

Because of this, the five red finger marks on Tangyue's chest were extremely clear.

The fingerprints are very deep, and it is still slightly swollen and painful. Tangyue's mood is very complicated. The privacy and parts that have never been violated by men, even if it is an area that she would not easily touch in normal times, are It left a mark belonging to Jiang Chen.

Thinking of the intimate contact with Jiang Chen, Tang Yue felt extremely uncomfortable all over her body.

"Jiang Chen, you said it was a misunderstanding, it's better to really be a misunderstanding, otherwise I...I..." Biting her white teeth, Tangyue thought fiercely in her heart, she tried her best to make her expression look more serious, good A little more convincing, but for some reason, never succeeds.

Tangyue thought of Jiang Chen's nonsense again, and an annoying embarrassment quietly appeared on her slightly angry pretty face.

"Jiang Chen, don't think I'll forgive you if you say a few nice words." Qiong wrinkled her nose slightly, and snorted softly. Tangyue finally looked at the mirror with a complicated expression, turned and walked out of the bathroom, and walked to the bedroom.

This night, Tangyue is doomed to have no sleep!

(End of this chapter)

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