genius evil

Chapter 6

Chapter 6
The next day, from early in the morning, the news that Guo Hu and the others failed to trouble Jiang Chen, but were taught a lesson by Jiang Chen, quickly spread among the third graders of Yilan Middle School.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused an uproar, and many students who knew the methods of Guo Hu and the others couldn't understand it.

"Jiang Chen, which Jiang Chen?" Someone asked in confusion.

"Which Jiang Chen can there be? In the entire Yilan Middle School, there is only one Jiang Chen, and that is Jiang Chen from Class Three, Senior Three." A student in Class Three, Senior Three said.

"Ah, so it was him. He beat Guo Hu? Did he make a mistake?" Someone said in surprise.

"March has just begun, and April Fool's Day is not yet here. What kind of international joke are you making? Is Guo Hu going to bully Jiang Chen again?" Someone expressed disbelief.

"Yeah, Jiang Chen is too pitiful. He has been bullied by Guo Hu for two years so he won't talk about it. Now it is rumored that he beat Guo Hu. Guo Hu is too dishonest. This is intentionally disgusting Jiang Chen. What?" Someone said in a sympathetic tone.

Jiang Chen is not a well-known figure, at least compared to Guo Hu, his popularity is really not worth mentioning.

But in the entire third year of senior high school, there were only so few people. The students in each class didn't see each other. The name Jiang Chen was naturally not too unfamiliar to some people.

The usual impression that Jiang Chen gave to everyone was that he was honest and cowardly. After more than two years of high school, almost no one saw Jiang Chen lose his temper.

A good old man who has never even lost his temper, actually spread the news that Guo Hu and the three were beaten. Who can believe such a thing?
After breakfast, Guo Hu led Gao Ming and Zhang Dapeng towards the classroom. Just as he walked to the corridor, Guo Hu heard the sound of discussion.

"What's going on, why do so many people know what happened last night?" Guo Hu's expression was ugly.

"I don't know, and listen, what do these bastards mean? We were clearly beaten by Jiang Chen, and they said that we deliberately disgusted Jiang Chen. Isn't that disgusting us?" Zhang Dapeng said with a dark face. Said.

Zhang Dapeng was smashed into a chair by Bao Shifan, and now his back still hurts. He didn't fall asleep last night, and he was in an extremely uncomfortable mood. Blood comes.

"Yeah, a bunch of bastards, what nonsense are they talking about... Brother Hu, don't you think Jiang Chen spread the word on purpose?" Gao Ming said with his eyeballs rolling around.

"I don't think so. Unless Jiang Chen is really impatient, he wouldn't dare to publicize such things." Guo Hu thought for a while, then shook his head.

"Then what's going on? It's not right to be pointed at by so many people. It's a shame." Gao Ming smiled wryly.

"I don't know, I don't want to know, don't worry about it, let's go to the classroom first." Guo Hu waved and said coldly.

Gao Ming and Zhang Dapeng felt ashamed, Guo Hu didn't think so, but Guo Hu had already swore in his heart that if Jiang Chen dared to step on him, he would definitely trample Jiang Chen on his knees and beg for mercy. He is even more ashamed, so that he can get his face back.

"Hush...don't talk, Guo Hu and the others are here." Some people saw the appearance of Guo Hu and the three of them, and hurriedly reminded the people around them, so as not to be caught in bad luck by Guo Hu.

"Hey, Jiang Chen... Jiang Chen is here too..." When some people saw Guo Hu and the others, others saw Jiang Chen and Bao Shifan.

"Jiang Chen." Hearing the voice, Guo Hu turned around and looked at Jiang Chen coldly.

Although Guo Hu was certain that the news was not from Jiang Chen, but the matter was related to Jiang Chen, Guo Hu naturally couldn't give Jiang Chen a good look.

Jiang Chen smiled faintly, ignored Guo Hu's hostility at all, and continued walking forward with Bao Shifan, walking in front of Guo Hu, Jiang Chen suddenly stretched out his hand and swung it towards Guo Hu.

As Jiang Chen stretched out his hand, Guo Hu's expression changed dramatically, thinking that Jiang Chen was going to hit him again, he staggered, and couldn't help but took a step back, almost falling to the ground.

With one step back, Guo Hu was stunned. He never thought that he would be so afraid of Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen, what do you mean?" Guo Hu said sharply, staring at Jiang Chen closely.

"It's just a greeting between classmates, why are you so nervous." Jiang Chen said with a smile as he shook his head with a smile.

Jiang Chen smiled, and Bao Shifan also laughed.

"Hello? You mean you are greeting me?" Hearing Jiang Chen's words, Guo Hu's eyeballs were about to bulge out of their sockets.

"Otherwise what do you think is that I'm going to beat you?" Jiang Chen gave Guo Hu a look like an idiot, and led Bao Shifan into the classroom.


When Jiang Chen and Bao Shifan entered the classroom, everyone in the corridor was in an uproar.

When they first heard the news that Jiang Chen asked Guo Hu to beat them, they couldn't believe it at all, because it was beyond common sense. However, Jiang Chen just stretched out his hand and didn't do anything, just scared Guo Hu like that , this clearly shows that Guo Hu is extremely afraid of Jiang Chen.

"What's going on, could it be that Jiang Chen really beat Guo Hu?" someone said dumbfounded.

"I guess it is, you see Guo Hu's face turned pale from Jiang Chen's fright, if he hadn't been beaten by Jiang Chen, why would he be so afraid of Jiang Chen?" Someone analyzed again.

"However, it's a good thing that Guo Hu didn't beat Jiang Chen. Jiang Chen actually beat Guo Hu. God, what's going on? Could it be that the sun is coming out from the west?" Someone else couldn't help whispering exclaimed.

Everyone was dumbfounded, unable to understand what happened.

Some people felt happy from the bottom of their hearts that Guo Hu's actions were too hateful, and they had long thought that someone would take action to clean up the three of them.

Guo Hu knew that he was ashamed, but he didn't think about it just now, he just reacted subconsciously.

At this moment, Guo Hu listened to all the voices of discussion, his face turned pale and purple, and he almost crushed all his teeth.

"Jiang Chen, let's wait and see." Guo Hu said viciously in his heart, full of anger, entered the classroom together with Gao Ming and Zhang Dapeng.


Jiang Chen was very inconspicuous, and it was precisely because of Jiang Chen's inconspicuousness that it was hard not to cause controversy about his every move.

There was a lot of excitement outside the corridor, and inside the classrooms of Class [-] and Class [-] of Senior High School, there were also discussions.

Jiang Chen had just entered the classroom, and almost everyone's eyes fell on him.

Jiang Chen ignored the gazes of those people, and returned to his seat on his own. Then Jiang Chen realized that there was a gaze that was always on him and never moved away.

There were many gazes falling on Jiang Chen, but that gaze was quite different. It was clearly filled with the taste of hating iron but not steel.

Jiang Chen didn't care about being looked at by others, and he didn't care about being told what to do, but he had never been looked at by people who hated iron and steel.

Slightly curious, Jiang Chen followed that gaze.

Jiang Chen saw a pair of eyes, they were a pair of big eyes, her eyes seemed to be able to speak, all emotions and desires were reflected in those eyes.

"Xu Anqi." Jiang Chen whispered in his heart, and then Jiang Chen just smiled.

"Jiang Chen, what are you laughing at?" Xu Anqi said slightly displeased.

"Seeing the ridiculous little beauty, I couldn't help laughing." Jiang Chen said in a nonchalant manner.

"Ah—" Xu Anqi was stunned, and looked at Jiang Chen foolishly, and everyone else in the classroom was also stunned.

Of course, Anqi Xu is a beauty. As the class flower of class three and three in high school, Anqi Xu is a star-like existence in the class. She has big eyes, a small round face and a pointed chin. It was vividly reflected on the face, just like the angel in the myth.

Xu Anqi didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so glib, but she remembered very clearly that in the past, Jiang Chen couldn't speak a word in front of her, he was a complete piece of wood.

"Jiang Chen, stop talking nonsense here. I have something to ask you. Didn't you fight Guo Hu?" Xu Anqi asked.

"Squad leader, it's not a good habit to meddle in other people's business." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

"Is it a good habit to fight, Jiang Chen, you have always been honest, how could you do such a thing?" Xu Anqi said dissatisfied.

It was precisely because she was the squad leader that Xu Anqi felt that she had to discipline Jiang Chen, lest Jiang Chen go further and further down the wrong path.

"Then, I'm sorry, starting today, I've decided not to be honest." Jiang Chen said slowly.

If the definition of honesty is to be bullied casually, then he, Jiang Chen, is of course unwilling to be an honest person, because Jiang Chen has always been the only one who bullies others, and being bullied is not his habit.

"Jiang Chen, what are you talking about?" Xu Anqi was slightly annoyed, her small face was bulging, so her eyes were bigger and more energetic, with a strange beauty.

The little girl's body hasn't fully grown yet, but Jiang Chen can fully imagine what kind of evildoer Xu Anqi will be in two or three years, which will bring disaster to the country and the people.

"Although it doesn't sound very nice, it still makes sense." Jiang Chen said quite naturally.

Jiang Chen was very serious, while Xu Anqi was speechless.

"Jiang Chen, you are completely changing concepts secretly. If you still don't know that you are wrong, be careful and I will tell the teacher." Xu Anqi warned.

"It's not a good habit to make small reports every now and then." After yawning, Jiang Chen felt bored!
"Jiang Chen, what kind of attitude is this? An Qi cares about you with good intentions, but you bully her like this. Are you still a man?" Jiang Yanyan, who had always been inseparable from Xu Anqi, couldn't stand it anymore, and accused her aloud.

Shrugging his shoulders, Jiang Chen said with a weird smile: "This kind of thing doesn't seem to have anything to do with being a man, of course, if you want to know if I am a man, I can prove it to you, but you will definitely call me a hooligan. "

"Rogue." As soon as Jiang Chen's words fell, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan cursed in unison, their cheeks were dizzy, ashamed and annoyed!
(End of this chapter)

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