genius evil

Chapter 7

Chapter 7
Jiang Chen laughed loudly, the two little girls, flirting with each other, it's not easy.

Seeing Jiang Chen smile, Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan became even more ashamed and annoyed. Seeing the two girls' shy and coquettish attitude, the other students all had weird expressions.

"What happened? Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan were molested by Jiang Chen? When did this Jiang Chen become so courageous?"

"Jiang Chen not only beat Guo Hu, but also molested Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan. He must have lost his mind and lost his mind."

"It's probably because he was crazy about his gains and losses. I heard that Jiang Chen jumped the wall and left the school last night. He only came back in the middle of the night. He must have been stimulated by something. The whole person has become different from before."

The voice of whispering and talking quietly came from inside the classroom.

Guo Hu didn't speak, he looked at Jiang Chen fixedly, his eyes almost burst into flames.

Guo Hu is a stupid person, he has done all kinds of bad things like fighting, collecting protection money and molesting female classmates, but he dare not think anything wrong with Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan.

Because Guo Hu remembers very clearly that when Xu Anqi was just a freshman in high school, there was a team of motorcades that sent Xu Anqi to school, and the worst car in the fleet was a Mercedes-Benz Maybach.

Yilan Middle School is the best middle school in Yilan City. There are not a few students from wealthy families, and there are quite a few who can afford a Maybach. But, who has the ostentation of Xu Anqi?

From that moment on, Guo Hu listed Xu Anqi as an object not to be offended.

Logically speaking, Xu Anqi, who comes from such a wealthy background, should be a princess with a full temper, but that is not the case. Xu Anqi is very low-key in school and has always been helpful. In addition to the class flower of the class, it can be called the most perfect school flower in the history of Yilan Middle School.

Xu Anqi has only one small, negligible shortcoming, that is, she likes to "meddling her own business".

Of course, the reason for meddling is because Xu Anqi is the monitor of class three in the third year of high school. Xu Anqi is in charge of all matters, large and small, in the class, and there is no way for Xu Anqi not to be nosy.

Of course, even with such a shortcoming, not everyone is qualified to be managed by Xu Anqi, at least, Guo Hu is not.

Guo Hu didn't have it, but Jiang Chen did, so Guo Hu's heart was very unbalanced.

Another point is that Xu Anqi, who Guo Hu had never molested and did not dare to moleste, was actually molested by Jiang Chen so casually, which made Guo Hu feel extremely unbalanced.

If Jiang Chen hadn't impressed him too deeply last night, Guo Hu must have jumped out to act as a flower protector at this time, but he didn't, maybe he didn't even realize it in his bones, he didn't, in fact it was He dare not.

As for Jiang Yanyan, the only reason why Guo Hu didn't dare to think about it was because Jiang Yanyan was too aggressive.

Guo Hu didn't jump out to speak. Another aspect is that he saw Jiang Yanyan speak. Guo Hu is very clear that Jiang Yanyan, who has always regarded herself as Xu Anqi's flower protector, just doesn't speak. This opening, Jiang Chen must have no good results. have eaten.

"Jiang Chen, how could you... can say such things..." Xu Anqi was immersed in embarrassment and couldn't extricate herself, looking at Jiang Chen's eyes, the meaning of hating iron for not being steel was even deeper.

"Yeah, Jiang Chen, you are too bad." Jiang Yanyan said angrily.

"Is it bad?" Jiang Chen laughed arrogantly. Men are not bad and women don't love them. These two girls are too young, how can they understand these principles?
"God, when did this guy become so shameless? Jiang Yanyan was puzzled and looked at Jiang Chen like he was crazy.

"Jiang Chen, do you want to be so self-willed to degenerate?" Xu Anqi said in a muffled voice, probably thinking that Jiang Chen was hopeless.

Jiang Chen didn't understand why he was willing to degenerate himself. If someone else said such a thing, Jiang Chen would not have to pay attention to it, but Jiang Chen could see that Xu Anqi's eyes were very pure, with a very heartbroken look. .

Jiang Chen was not used to it, he touched his nose subconsciously, thinking of explaining, lest he accidentally hurt Xu Anqi's heart.

Before Jiang Chen could speak, Jiang Yanyan sneered. She pulled Xu Anqi's arm, raised her eyebrows, and said, "Anqi, what do you have to say to this little rascal? Let’s go to degenerate, are there still fewer people in this world who degenerate themselves?”

"Yanyan, we are classmates..." Xu Anqi couldn't bear it.

"An Qi, I know you are kind, but some people may be taking advantage of your kindness." Jiang Yanyan spoke like a machine gun, and she couldn't stop when she spoke. There is no hope for university, and he is counting on the last few months to be crazy. Maybe he will be very proud of his self-indulgence, so as to attract your attention, An Qi, don't you Fooled!"

While talking, Jiang Yanyan gave Jiang Chen a hard look, as if Jiang Chen's tricks would not escape her eyes.

Jiang Chen laughed, shook his head, and ignored it lazily.

"It's okay for this guy to be shameless, why is he so thick-skinned." Jiang Yanyan thought that she had a thick skin, but facing Jiang Chen, she could only bow down.

You must know that she said such words, no one can bear it, but Jiang Chen didn't react at all, obviously he didn't take her words to heart.

Jiang Yanyan gritted her teeth, and said loudly on purpose: "An Qi, you know people, you know their faces, but you don't know their hearts. Don't look at some people who are honest on the surface. In fact, the more honest they are, the scarier they are. They have deep thoughts."

Xu Anqi was stunned for a moment, and hurriedly interrupted Jiang Yanyan, "Yanyan, don't talk nonsense, Jiang Chen is not that kind of person, he...he..."

Xu Anqi wanted to defend Jiang Chen, and said two other words in a row, but she couldn't say a complete sentence.

Although she is a classmate in the same class, Jiang Chen has no sense of existence, and she knows very little about Jiang Chen, so although Xu Anqi thinks that Jiang Chen is not as hateful as Jiang Yanyan said, but she has to say something for Jiang Chen What, I couldn't find the right words for a while.

"An Qi, don't talk about it, the more we two talk, the more proud he will be. For this kind of guy, the best way is to ignore him and treat him as... just like air." Jiang Yanyan originally wanted to say Shit, the words came out of my mouth and felt very inelegant and insulted my own image, so I hurriedly changed my words.

Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan have always been the most eye-catching pair of sisters in Class Three, Senior Three.

Although Jiang Yanyan was not as beautiful as Xu Anqi, her wild temperament attracted the attention of many people.

Xu Anqi has always been regarded as a goddess by everyone in the third and third classes of high school. No one has ever said a harsh word to Xu Anqi. Xu Anqi cared about Jiang Chen with good intentions, and was molested by Jiang Chen.

Jiang Yanyan scolded Jiang Chen severely, and most of the students in the class felt relieved.

Guo Hu was even more happy in his heart, wishing that Jiang Yanyan would scold him more harshly, and it would be best to make Jiang Chen feel ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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