genius evil

Chapter 8 Tangyue's Math Lesson

Chapter 8 Tangyue's Math Lesson
Naturally, Jiang Chen didn't feel ashamed. On the contrary, he felt that Jiang Yanyan had a personality. Jiang Chen naturally laughed when he heard Jiang Yanyan's words. He didn't feel anything. He picked up a book and flipped through it.

What Jiang Chen took out was a mathematics book for the first year of high school. There are only three months before the college entrance examination. The third year of high school has entered the stage of general review. The content learned in the first and second year of high school will be reviewed as a whole.

Jiang Chen's academic performance is not good, especially in mathematics, which is even more lagging behind. In the past, every time he took an exam, he scored around fifty or sixty.

Jiang Chen has all the memories of his two lifetimes, so he naturally knew that his predecessor had almost given up on the subject of mathematics. At this time, he saw that what was pulled out was a mathematics book, and Jiang Chen just smiled.

After laughing, Jiang Chen opened the book and tried to enter the state of study. Soon, Jiang Chen's face became a little weird, and Jiang Chen turned the book faster and faster. A whole book, ten Flip it all over in a few minutes.

After flipping through once, Jiang Chen started to flip through the second time. The speed of the second time was faster than the first time. In less than seven or eight minutes, Jiang Chen turned to the last page.

After closing the book, Jiang Chen pondered for a moment, took out the next volume from the pile of books, and continued flipping through the pages.

"Jiang Chen, what is he doing..." Jiang Yanyan has been paying attention to Jiang Chen. She originally thought that Jiang Chen should be ashamed to death when she scolded so hard just now. How could she know if he didn't? That simply made Jiang Yanyan regret it , I regret that I scolded too lightly.

Jiang Yanyan saw Jiang Chen reading a math book, to be precise, turning the pages of the book. She couldn't figure out what Jiang Chen was doing, so she asked Xu Anqi in a low voice.

"He's reading a book." Xu Anqi said.

"Reading? I think he seems to have a grudge against books. Look at the speed at which he flips through the pages. Some pages are torn. No wonder, he must know that his mathematics subject is hopeless, and he wants to give the book to me." Tear up and vent your hatred." Jiang Yanyan said like a little witch.

"Yanyan, why do you have such a deep prejudice against Jiang Chen?" Xu Anqi was a little curious.

"Shouldn't it be?" Jiang Yanyan said as it should.

"I don't know whether it should be or not, but I found that Jiang Chen is indeed reading, but his reading speed seems to be very fast... very fast..." Xu Anqi said softly.

Jiang Yanyan couldn't help laughing, and jokingly said: "An Qi, you are so cute, because you are cute, everything you see is cute."

Jiang Chen didn't notice the conversation between Xu Anqi and Jiang Yanyan, and even when the teacher entered the classroom to start class, Jiang Chen didn't react at all. Fortunately, he has always been an inconspicuous existence. , no one will pay special attention to him.

Jiang Chen has been flipping through the books until the end of the two classes, when Jiang Chen has flipped all the math books, Jiang Chen stopped turning the pages.

Then, Jiang Chen took a light breath, a little confused, a little confused, and even more relieved!
After a little thought, Jiang Chen dropped his math textbook, picked up an English book, and flipped through it. After only a few glances, Jiang Chen couldn't help cursing, "What the hell is this!"

As soon as Tangyue entered the classroom, everyone in the class focused on Tangyue, even Jiang Chen.In the noisy classroom, there was an instant silence.

(End of this chapter)

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