genius evil

Chapter 9 I don't really like the limelight

Chapter 9 I don't really like the limelight
Tangyue's clothes today are relatively simple, a light-colored suit tightly wrapping her perfect delicate body with a protruding front and back.A head of black hair like a waterfall is tied into a ponytail and hangs behind the head. No makeup is applied, giving people a clean and refreshing feeling.

Even though Tangyue tried to hide her beauty with a pair of old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses, the glamorous aura still rushed towards her face.

Tangyue buried her head in sorting out the lesson plans and was about to start the class. When she looked up, she found Jiang Chen's eyes on her.

As a teacher, it's normal for all the students to pay attention to her during class. Of course, Jiang Chen wasn't the only one whose gaze fell on her, but Tangyue noticed Jiang Chen's gaze at a glance.

Because Jiang Chen's gaze was very unusual.

The other students looked at her rather cautiously, but Jiang Chen was extremely unscrupulous, without any attempt to hide it.

"This Jiang Chen is so courageous, why does he look at me like this?" Tangyue thought to herself, even though Jiang Chen's eyes were normal and not frivolous, it still made Tangyue a little ashamed .

Fortunately, Jiang Chen's eyes quickly moved away, which made Tangyue feel a little relieved. She took a light breath, forcibly suppressed the weird emotion in her heart, and took a deep look at Jiang Chen. Classes begin.

Tangyue's class has always been the template for other teachers in Yilan Middle School, because Tangyue is in class, and the classroom is always kept absolutely quiet.

Although her classes are quite boring, but with such a beautiful teacher, it is enough for the students to just look at the teacher. As for whether they can learn something, that is secondary.

Of course, Tangyue was quite conscientious. Since she was teaching, the overall math scores of Class [-] and Class [-] in senior high school have improved a lot.

Turning around, Tangyue wrote a math problem on the blackboard.

Stretching out her snow-white jade fingers, she tapped the blackboard lightly. Tangyue scanned the classroom one by one and said, "Please think about this problem carefully. There are several ways to solve it."

As soon as Tangyue's words came out, everyone racked their brains and began to think. Many people began to write and draw in their notebooks. Even Guo Hu frowned pretendingly, with a look of contemplation. appearance.

"Two kinds." About 2 minutes later, Cao Feng raised his hand and answered loudly. After finishing speaking, Cao Feng looked around and saw that no one answered faster than himself, so he smiled complacently.

"No, there are more than two, it should be three." Li Nengchao pushed his glasses, raised his hand, and muttered.

Cao Feng's face changed slightly. Although his math grades are not bad, he is still a bit worse than Li Nengchao. Li Nengchao is a well-known academic master. Since Li Nengchao said there are three kinds, it means that his answer is yes. omission.

Tangyue smiled slightly, and said, "Student Cao Feng said two kinds, and Li Nengchao said three kinds. Does anyone have a different answer?"

"Teacher, I have carefully considered this question. There are only three methods, and there cannot be more." Li Nengchao said confidently.

"No, there are four ways." Xu Anqi said softly.

Li Nengchao had just finished speaking when Xu Anqi's voice sounded. He opened his mouth so wide that he could almost stuff an egg in, and looked at Xu Anqi dumbfounded.

Tangyue nodded in satisfaction, Xu Anqi was able to think of four ways to solve the problem in such a short period of time, which is very good.

Tangyue's gaze withdrew from Xu Anqi's body, swept across, and happened to land on Jiang Chen's body.

Seeing that Jiang Chen didn't know what he was thinking, and didn't even look at the blackboard, Tang Yue felt slightly displeased. When she was in class before, even if Jiang Chen couldn't understand at all, she listened very carefully. Since last night At first, Jiang Chen seemed to be a completely different person. He no longer respected her as much as before, and he was so distracted in class.

"Jiang Chen, do you think there are several ways to solve the problem?" Tangyue asked in a cold voice, biting her white teeth.

"What's the problem-solving idea?" Jiang Chen raised his head and said in a little astonishment. He was struggling with English books, so he didn't have the heart to listen to Tangyue's class.

Tangyue's face darkened slightly, and the classmates of Ganqing discussed it for a long time, but Jiang Chen didn't listen to a word?

"I mean, how many ways do you think there are to solve this problem on the blackboard?" Tangyue was even more dissatisfied, and her tone of voice became a little heavier.

Jiang Chen understood, and smiled helplessly. He raised his head, his eyes were a little lazy, and he fell on the topic on the blackboard. After thinking for a while, he said with a faint smile, "Five."


When the other students heard this, they were subconsciously stunned for a moment, and then burst out laughing.

"Just now Xu Anqi said four, but Jiang Chen actually said five. I didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so honest and funny."

"Yeah, when the teacher asked him just now, he clearly didn't even know what the teacher was asking, so he just opened his mouth and said five things. Isn't that nonsense?"

Bao Shifan, who was sitting on Jiang Chen's left, was sweating profusely, and kept gesturing to Jiang Chen, indicating that it was four, definitely not five.

Jiang Chen shook his head at Bao Shifan, and said lightly, "Why, I said five, do you have any objections?"

"Jiang Chen, Xu Anqi said long ago that there are only four ways to solve problems, but you said there are five. Could it be that you think you are better than Xu Anqi?" Guo Hu looked at Jiang Chen and said mockingly.

Guo Hu didn't know how Jiang Chen would say that there are five ways, but Guo Hu was sure that Jiang Chen would make a joke, and at this time, he would naturally add insult to injury.

"Guo Hu, are you talking nonsense? Of course I am better than Xu Anqi." Jiang Chen said confidently, and then silently added in his heart, at least in the subject of mathematics, he is much better than Xu Anqi.

If he hadn't read the math books in the previous two classes, Jiang Chen would not have dared to say that. However, after reading the books, he could memorize the contents of the books without mentioning them, and he could easily draw inferences from one instance.

In the final analysis, Jiang Chen has a powerful soul. Even if it is those complicated and complicated cultivation classics, Jiang Chen can never forget them, let alone just a math class.

Mathematics class seems difficult to many people, but in Jiang Chen's eyes, it is only the most basic logic class, so how can it be difficult for Jiang Chen?

"Jiang Chen, you are too shameless." Zhang Dapeng shouted.

Everyone in the class nodded in agreement. Did this guy throw his face into the Pacific Ocean? He even said that he was stronger than Xu Anqi.

"Jiang Chen, since you are so good, then tell us the five ways of solving the problem, so that we can learn more." Guo Hu shouted loudly, Jiang Chen didn't think he didn't feel ashamed enough, so he would get angry Add fuel, let this guy have no face in school in the future.

Jiang Chen's face was very calm, he didn't know that he had committed the anger of the public, he said leisurely: "I don't really like showing off."

Everyone was dumbfounded, thinking that if you said five things and denied Xu Anqi's answer, wouldn't you be calling out the limelight?
After a pause, Jiang Chen spoke out the five ways of solving the problem at an extremely fast speed.

After Jiang Chen finished talking about the third option, Li Nengchao was stunned.

After Jiang Chen finished talking about the fourth type, Xu Anqi was stunned.

When Jiang Chen finished talking about the fifth way of thinking, everyone in the class, including Tang Yue, was stunned.

All the students were taken aback. They looked at Jiang Chen like a ghost. Tang Yue was also very surprised. It wasn't that Jiang Chen was wrong, it was because Jiang Chen was right.

There are indeed five ways to solve this question, but because one of them is quite out of the way and not often used, Xu Anqi said four, which Tangyue has already recognized as the best answer.

The reason why Tangyue asked Jiang Chen to answer the question was entirely to make things difficult for Jiang Chen. She didn't think Jiang Chen could answer the question, but she deliberately made Jiang Chen embarrassed. She didn't expect Jiang Chen to give her a big surprise instead.

His gaze swept across Tangyue, and Jiang Chen said with a half-smile, "Teacher Tang, do you think I'm wrong or right."

When Jiang Chen's gaze swept towards her, Tangyue clearly noticed that Jiang Chen's gaze was fixed on her chest for a second or two.

Her delicate body trembled slightly, and she suddenly felt a sense of powerlessness. Tangyue only felt that under Jiang Chen's gaze, a certain part of her chest began to swell.

"This bastard, is he teasing me?" Tangyue was a little dazed, thinking in a daze.

Tangyue unconsciously remembered the charming scene in Nanxing Lake last night, and a burst of shame appeared on her slightly angry pretty face. She glanced at Jiang Chen with a complicated expression, and said, "That's right, this question has a total of There are five ways to solve the problem."

Then, Tangyue turned around, quickly wrote another problem on the blackboard, stared at Jiang Chen closely and said, "Jiang Chen, how many solutions do you think there are for this problem?"

Didn't Jiang Chen want to provoke her?Then she would deliberately make things difficult for Jiang Chen.

As soon as Tangyue said this, everyone's eyes fell on Jiang Chen, waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

"I don't know." Jiang Chen casually glanced at the title and said casually.

"Although this question is a little more difficult than the last one, you don't even know a way to solve it. Why?" Tangyue asked puzzled.

"I don't understand why I need to know, Teacher Tang, are you making things difficult for me on purpose?" Jiang Chen said innocently.

"Haha--" There was a loud laugh in the classroom, and it was Guo Hu who laughed. When Guo Hu smiled, other people also laughed.

"Jiang Chen, what nonsense are you talking about? Why did the teacher make things difficult for you? You treat yourself too much like an onion."

"Jiang Chen, you are not good at studying, so you can only show off a little bit of cleverness. It really makes people wonder if you have seen that problem before, so you know five ways to solve it."

"A waste is a waste, no matter what, it's a waste, and you have the nerve to say that the teacher made things difficult for you, so why don't you be ashamed?"

"This guy thought he was lucky enough to run into a dead mouse, so he would be a scumbag and counterattack a scumbag. A scumbag will always be a scumbag. Don't even think about counterattacking a scumbag for the rest of his life."

"If it's not embarrassing me, how can you give me a wrong question?" Spreading his hands, Jiang Chen said to himself.

Tangyue looked back, she didn't write the wrong question in a hurry, her face flushed instantly, wishing she could dig a hole in the ground and get in there, Tangyue didn't say anything, she quickly picked up the chalk and corrected the question.

The students watched Tangyue's actions, all dumbstruck.


Guo Hu, who was laughing loudly, was like a duck with its neck strangled...

(End of this chapter)

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