genius evil

Chapter 1000

Chapter 1000 The Four Heavenly Kings
"Master Yu, please be merciful."

However, following Yu Zizai's order, suddenly, a voice came from afar.

Accompanied by the sound, several figures shot towards Jiang Chen, and in an instant, they appeared in front of Jiang Chen.

"Gu Momo, why are you here?" Jiang Chen asked in surprise.

The four figures rushing over were people from several big families, and the one who made the voice just now was this ancient nun.

"After such a big incident, how can I not come?" Gu Nai smiled wryly, and Fang Yunfei and the other three also looked at Jiang Chen with wry smiles on their faces.

Jiang Chen has never been a fuel-efficient lamp, and they are very clear about this.

After Jiang Chen came to this Penglai Immortal Island, he forcibly claimed the title of a murderous madman, and it could be said that he never stopped for a moment.

Originally, because of the title of Jiang Chen, a murderous madman, it was already frightening. Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would be so inefficient that he would actually offend someone from the number one cultivating family? It is called Yujia.

But how can this Yu family be easily provoked?

"It's just a little thing." Jiang Chen said with a light smile.

"Jiang Chen, this is not a small matter." Gu Momo solemnly reminded, thinking that Jiang Chen didn't know much about the Yu family, so he underestimated the existence of the Yu family.

Otherwise, in her opinion, no matter who it is, as long as they know a little about the Yu family, they will definitely not call it a trivial matter after offending the Yu family.

Gu Nai just wanted to briefly talk about the stakes of this matter with Jiang Chen, but Yu Zizai said in an extremely displeased voice: "You four, are you here to prevent me from killing Jiang Chen? of?"

Yu Zizai didn't know the four of them, Nanny Gu, but seeing the aura fluctuations on the four of them, he knew that the strength of the four of them was not weak, so their expressions were a bit ugly.

"Young Master Yu, I think there is a little misunderstanding between your Yu family and Jiang Chen." Gu Nai said.

"Misunderstanding?" Yu Zizai sneered, and said in a cold voice: "This Jiang Chen killed my brother, you told me it was a misunderstanding?"

"Master Yu, there must be a reason for Jiang Chen to kill Young Master Yu." Yuan Qingping said.

"Are you telling me that my brother deserves to die?" Yu Zizai sneered.

"This—" Yuan Qingping was speechless at Yu Zizai's words.

"Tell me directly, are you planning to help Jiang Chen deal with me, if not, get out of here as soon as possible." Yu Zizai scolded.

"Young Master Yu, you are too arrogant." Yuan Qingping's face was very ugly.

"You don't need to talk nonsense in front of me. I'll give you three seconds to tell me directly, yes or no." Yu Zizai said.

Yu Zizai was aggressive, and Yuan Qingping's face became more and more ugly. He glanced at the three of them, Gu Nai, and then at Jiang Chen, hesitating, not knowing how to answer Yu Zizai's question.

He waited for the four of them to appear, and it was precisely because of Jiang Chen that he came, and he didn't want Jiang Chen to die under Jiang Chen's hands.

After all, Jiang Chen was inextricably linked with their family, and if Jiang Chen died, it would be of no benefit to them.

However, it is one thing not to want Jiang Chen to die, but it is another thing to offend the Yu family because of this, and one has to weigh it carefully.

"Three seconds have passed, very good, kill them all." Yu Zizai ordered in a deep voice.

"Yu Zizai, you are deceiving people too much." Fang Yunfei said with a red face.

"Then you just pretend to be me, it's too good to be a bully." Yu Zizai didn't care much.

Killing one Jiang Chen is killing, killing a few more people is also killing, so Yu Zizai doesn't mind at all, killing a few more people.

"Gu Momo, you four, retreat, this matter is between me and the Yu family, and has nothing to do with you." Jiang Chen said at this time.

Jiang Chen didn't think about asking Nanny Gu and the others to help. It was already a great favor for them to come.

As for letting them join him against the Yu family, Jiang Chen didn't think it was necessary.

"Jiang Shao, the Yu family didn't take me seriously at all, thinking that we could kill if they wanted to, and I would let them understand that we are not easy to bully." Yuan Qingping said viciously.

He didn't want to fight against the Yu family, and stood up for Jiang Chen. In his opinion, he had done his best, but Yu Zizai didn't take them seriously at all. Yuan Qingping also had his own pride Yes, his pride will not allow Yu Zizi to trample on it at will.

"Jiang Shao, Master Yuan is right. Today, I will be with you to learn the methods of the Yu family." Dong Yun, who hadn't spoken since he appeared, laughed loudly.

"Count me in." Fang Yunfei said, "This Yu family is so arrogant, does it mean that everyone in this world is afraid of them?"

Gu Momo didn't express her position, but she was very firm and walked to Jiang Chen's side, and this was her attitude.

"Very good, a group of things that are worth dying for." Yu Zizai said coldly.

There were people who openly confronted the Yu family, but before that, all those who dared to confront the Yu family were all dead.

Jiang Chen will not be that exception, and Gu Momo and the others will not be that exception either.

At the same time, Yu Zizai will not allow this so-called exception to happen.

"Kill!" Yu Zizai said viciously.

The battle was about to break out, and as Yu Zizai said this command, immediately, several figures rushed out of the sky, and rushed towards the four of them respectively.

There were two other people with powerful auras, and they rushed towards Jiang Chen. Two green steel long swords pierced Jiang Chen's left and right sides.

"So strong." Jin Ling said.

Sleeping Beauty nodded silently. With her current cultivation level, it can be seen at a glance that these six people have good cultivation levels, and the worst one has the peak strength of the eighth-level ancient martial arts acquired.

Usually, there is only one such strong man, and it is extremely rare to see them. However, the Yu family sent out six of them in one go, which shows how amazing the Yu family's background is.

"What about me?" Huang Chan glanced at the fighting aspect, blinked, and asked Yu Zizai.

"Don't worry, I will help you after they are dead." Yu Zizai said lightly.

"How can you not be in a hurry? I'm about to die of anxiety, hurry up and get someone to kill me, otherwise these people will all be killed by my brother Qing." Huang Chan said anxiously, so impatient .

"Are you so impatient to die?" Yu Zizai frowned and said, he felt that Huang Chan's words like this clearly meant that he was impatient to live.

However, as Yu Zizai said this, he suddenly saw a sword light flashing past his eyes.

Suddenly, among the two who attacked Jiang Chen, there was a sword mark on the neck of one of them at some point, and blood spewed out like a fountain, and he fell heavily on the ground.

The sword in that person's hand appeared in Jiang Chen's hand at some point. Jiang Chen casually swiped the sword. It seemed that there was no fancy or skill at all, but it was accurate and sent the tip of the sword into the other side. One's heart.

From No. 1 being killed to the second person being killed, the interval was less than three seconds. Such a scene fell into his eyes, and Yu Zizai's eyelids twitched involuntarily.

"Have you seen it clearly, I said that they will be killed by my brother Qing soon." Huang Chan said with a smile, looking proud.

Jiang Chen held the green steel long sword in his hand and killed two people in a row. With a single point of the sword in his hand, he slashed in the direction where the ancient mother was.

The matter started because of him, so it will naturally be resolved by him, Jiang Chen doesn't want to implicate the four of them.

"Hurry up and call someone to kill me." Seeing Jiang Chen's actions, Huang Chan yelled, with an appearance of fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

The wind of the sword was blowing, and Jiang Chen was holding a long sword, like a god of killing. The so-called Gu Wu Houtian nine-layer powerhouse was completely vulnerable in front of him.

Jiang Chen killed the woman who was fighting with the Gu Nanny with two simple sword strikes, and turned to kill in three other directions.

"Yu Zizai, are you stupid? My love brother's murderous posture is so cool, isn't it?" Huang Chan asked.

"He will die soon." Yu Zizai said with a livid face.

With Jiang Chen's sword in his hand, no one could block it. Yu Zizai knew that Huang Chan was right. If this continued, those people would all be killed by Jiang Chen.

In the end, when Jiang Chen freed his hand, he was the one to kill.

With this in mind, Yu Zizai no longer hesitated, and quickly moved his big hand in a direction behind him.

Just as Yu Zizai's big hand waved, a figure, like a ghost, appeared beside Yu Zizai in an instant.

The person who appeared was covered in black clothes from top to bottom, making it impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman for a while.

However, seeing this person appearing suddenly, Huang Chan's face changed drastically, and she said in a low voice, "Four Heavenly Kings."

"What are the Four Heavenly Kings?" Jiang Chen took a few steps, appeared in front of Huang Chan, and asked.

"Brother Qing, do you still remember that I told you that there are several experts in the Yu family who are at the peak of the Ninth Level of Ancient Martial Arts Houtian? To be precise, there are four of them in total, and these four have a name , they are called the Four Heavenly Kings." Huang Chan explained to Jiang Chen.

"So that's the case." Jiang Chen nodded, glanced at that person, and said, "Didn't you mean the Four Heavenly Kings? Why are you the only one?"

"It's enough for me to kill you alone." A hoarse voice emerged from the throat of the black-clothed figure. He didn't see any movement, but the words fell, and the next second, he appeared in front of Jiang Chen. A pale hand, strangely, reached for Jiang Chen's heart.

"What a fast speed." Jiang Chen said to himself in his heart.

The speed of this black-clothed figure is at least ten times faster than that of the average Guwu Houtian ninth-level expert. Jiang Chen knew that this person's specialty must be in the field of speed.

But the speed of the black-clothed figure was fast, and Jiang Chen's speed was not slow at all. His feet were staggered, Jiang Chen's figure flickered, and instantly appeared five meters away from the black-clothed figure.

"Are you planning to compete with me in speed? Looking for death?" the black-clothed figure said, appearing in front of Jiang Chen again like a shadow.

"call out!"

"call out!"


Then, everyone saw that Jiang Chen and the black-clothed figure were constantly shifting and changing places.

The black-clothed figure was like a tarsal maggot, no matter which direction Jiang Chen appeared in, he would always appear in front of Jiang Chen at a speed almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

"As expected of the Four Heavenly Kings." Huang Chan said silently in her heart, on that delicate and small face, there was a rare and serious color.

"Jiang Chen, you can't escape. What Youying is best at is speed. In front of Youying, you can't use any means." Yu Zi said proudly.

"Really?" Jiang Chen grinned, he could see that his big feet stepped forward, at that speed, the incredible surge, disappeared in the shadow's sight...

(End of this chapter)

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