genius evil

Chapter 999 Live for Oneself

Chapter 999 Live for Oneself

In mid-air, Xin Qihu spat out several mouthfuls of blood one after another, and then, like a broken sack, fell heavily on the ground.

"Ling Qingluo," Xin Qihu reluctantly raised a finger, pointing in the direction of Sleeping Beauty, his eyes were filled with disbelief.

He really wanted to question Sleeping Beauty a few words, but before he could say those words, he lost his breath and lost his vitality.

"After all, I will kill him." Seeing Xin Qihu's death, Sleeping Beauty said silently in her heart.




Seeing this, all the disciples turned pale with fright, and rushed towards Xin Qihu's body one after another.

"Dead, Master is dead." Reaching out his hand and probing Xin Qihu's breath, Lynch said in a choked voice.

"Senior Sister Ling, you actually killed Master."

"Junior Sister Ling, you are really cruel."

"Senior Sister Ling, do you still have humanity?"


After learning that Xin Qihu had died, everyone glared at Sleeping Beauty and loudly criticized her.

"Don't talk nonsense, it was the master who wanted to kill the senior sister first, and then the senior sister killed the master. If the master didn't kill the senior sister, how could the master die?" Jin Ling explained in shock.

Although Jinling also finds it difficult to accept the fact that Xin Qihu was killed by Sleeping Beauty, Jinling believes that it is unreasonable to blame all the faults on Sleeping Beauty, which is unfair to Sleeping Beauty.

"Shut up, Jinling, Senior Sister Ling killed Master, each of us saw it with our own eyes, we cannot argue." One person said angrily, the voice was deafening, and nearly made Jinling cry.

Jin Ling muttered, wanting to explain Sleeping Beauty again, telling everyone that Sleeping Beauty couldn't help herself, but when she saw everyone, she had a ferocious look of anger on her face, knowing that no matter what she said, she wouldn't Some people listened in and had to keep their mouths shut.

"Junior Sister Ling, if you killed Master, you must pay with your life."

"Senior Sister Ling, as a disciple, you are a disobedient and immoral person who deserves death."

"Junior Sister Ling, kill yourself quickly, and accompany Master to the Nine Springs."


A group of disciples were furious, roaring loudly, accusing Sleeping Beauty all over.

Regarding these words, Huang Chan couldn't bear to listen to a single sentence, she just wanted to stand up and defend Sleeping Beauty, but Jiang Chen stopped her with his eyes.

It's very simple to fight for the Sleeping Beauty, scold them back, or just kill them all, then naturally they can't blame them.

However, it is easy to curse back, and it is easy to kill people, but it is not an easy task to untie Sleeping Beauty's heart knot.

From Sleeping Beauty's killing of Xin Qihu, Jiang Chen could see clearly that Sleeping Beauty was completely forced by Xin Qihu, and Xin Qihu's last attack was a sure-fire move that would hurt both sides.

Once Sleeping Beauty has a soft heart, it is not Xin Qihu who will die, but herself.

Sleeping Beauty was forced by Xin Qihu to have no choice but to harden her heart and kill Xin Qihu.

It has to be said that Xin Qihu is really extremely treacherous, he can clearly see that Sleeping Beauty may not have the courage to kill him, that's why she will use such a big killing move.

However, Xin Qihu may not have thought that he would seek benevolence and benevolence, and really died at the hands of Sleeping Beauty.

Sleeping Beauty killed Xin Qihu, although it was not voluntary, but this is definitely not the ending that Sleeping Beauty wanted, even if the friendship between master and apprentice, so what?

Easier said than done!

Xin Qihu said that there is no friendship between master and apprentice. This is the first knot of Sleeping Beauty. Xin Qihu wants to kill Sleeping Beauty with his own hands. This is the second knot of Sleeping Beauty. Beauty's third knot.

There are three knots in total, one linked to another.

There is absolutely no way for outsiders to untie Sleeping Beauty. Only Sleeping Beauty can untie these three knots.

And once the heart knot is untied, Sleeping Beauty will break through the barrier of the state of mind, and her cultivation will go a step further, not to mention killing a strong man like Xin Qihu who has just entered the ninth level of Gu Wu Hou Tian, ​​even if he faces Gu Wu Hou Tian The strong in the middle stage of the ninth level can also fight!
"You all think like this? Every one of you hates me and wants me to die, don't you?" Sleeping Beauty looked at the group of brothers and sisters and said softly.

"Junior Sister Ling, you killed Master, your crime is unforgivable." Someone said.

"Junior sister also said just now, if I don't kill him, he will kill me." Sleeping Beauty said.

"You are Master's disciple. Everything you have is given to you by Master. Even if Master wants to kill you, it must be your fault." Another person said.

"After all, I have to die, right?" Sleeping Beauty asked.

"Of course you don't want to die, but do you have the face to live in this world?" Someone said viciously.

"Have you?" Sleeping Beauty laughed.

Why do you have no face to live in this world?

Her previous way of life had always been too repressed, and she had always lived in the shadow of her master.

At the beginning, when she fell asleep several times and almost couldn't wake up, who in the teacher's family really cared about her?

Her life, before today, has always been living for others.

She is so tired.

She really wanted to live for herself and for those who loved her. Could it be wrong?


Sleeping Beauty shook her head, this is absolutely not wrong, not only is it not wrong, it is the most correct way of living.

Even if he is cast aside by everyone in the world, so what?

They forced those so-called morals on her, and who has said morals to her?
So why care about the opinions of these insignificant people?
Killing Xin Qihu once caused Sleeping Beauty's mood to be turbulent, but in the face of these countless tyrannical accusations, Sleeping Beauty's mood gradually calmed down.

Even Sleeping Beauty smiled slightly, and she said seriously: "I will live, and I will live well, although this will disappoint you, but this is my truest thought, you hate It doesn't matter if you hate me or blame me, if you want to hate, hate, if you want to blame, then blame."

"Smelly shameless, shameless."

"Kill her and avenge Master."

"Senior Sister Ling must have been bewitched by that Jiang Chen, so we killed Jiang Chen and helped the door."


A group of disciples were stunned by what the Sleeping Beauty said, and they couldn't accept that Sleeping Beauty would say such a thing.

They were all murderous, as if they wished they could fight Sleeping Beauty.

"Xin Qihu died at my hands, none of you are my opponents, don't take it upon yourself." Sleeping Beauty said expressionlessly.

Her heart knot has been completely untied.

Today, the way she looks at problems has undergone tremendous changes.

She will cherish the people around her more, but she will also be more cruel to her enemies.

After hearing the sound, all the disciples of the disciples changed their expressions drastically, and became silent like a cicada, and they no longer had the arrogance they had before.

That's right, even if Xin Qihu is not the opponent of Sleeping Beauty, how can they kill Sleeping Beauty? If Sleeping Beauty kills her, they must be the ones who die.

"Junior Sister Ling, don't you even want the bare minimum of shame?" Lynch questioned.

"Lynch, you are wrong, I am not your junior sister." Sleeping Beauty said lightly, "If you think you are right, you can avenge Xin Qihu. I believe that no one will stop you."

Sleeping Beauty's sharp words made Lynch choke and could no longer speak.

"Little Junior Sister, come here." Sleeping Beauty waved to Jin Ling and greeted her.

"Junior Sister, don't go there." Lynch said immediately.

"Senior Brother Lin, Senior Sister has treated me very well. I know that Senior Sister will not harm me. Moreover, I think you are very unreasonable." Jin Ling said, walking towards Sleeping Beauty step by step.

"Junior Junior Sister, Ling Qingluo and Jiang Chen will definitely die today, and you are going to die in the past." Lynch said loudly.

Hearing what Lynch said, Jin Ling hesitated for a moment, but she walked firmly to Sleeping Beauty's side after all.

"Senior Sister, I support you, your actions are right." Clenching her fists, Jin Ling said to Sleeping Beauty.

"What a silly child." Sleeping Beauty smiled wryly.

"Senior sister, how am I stupid? Besides, I'm not a child anymore." Jin Ling muttered.

"Jiang Chen, who is this woman?" Soon, Jin Ling pointed at Huang Chan and asked.

"I'm his love sister, do you have any objections?" Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Sister Qing? Hmph, what are you talking about so nicely? You are a mistress. I have never seen anyone who acts as a mistress so confidently." Jin Ling said.

"You're wrong, I'm just Jiang Chen's love sister, nothing else." Huang Chan corrected her sternly.

In Huang Chan's view, there is undoubtedly a big difference between Xiaosan and Qingmei.

Another point is that there are so many women around Jiang Chen, even if she wants to be Jiang Chen's mistress, then it is estimated that she can't even be ranked fifth or sixth, right?

Therefore, Huang Chan thought that she had to correct Jin Ling's wrong ideas, lest she misunderstand her.

"Sister Qing is the mistress, isn't it? In other words, it's just a little nicer, but in essence, you are still Jiang Chen's mistress." Jin Ling said.

"Little sister, are you still unreasonable?" Huang Chan suddenly became unhappy, she had explained everything, why Jin Ling still couldn't understand?
Is it really difficult to understand the difference between Qingmeimei and Xiaosan?
"It's the most unreasonable thing for you to be a mistress, isn't it?" Jin Ling asked back, and then said, "From now on, I will always be by my senior sister's side, take care of my senior sister, and at the same time, help my senior sister beat up mistresses like you." , if you don’t want to be beaten by me, hurry up and stay away from Jiang Chen, or don’t blame me for being rude to you.”

"Whatever, you can't beat me anyway." Huang Chan said angrily, before explaining to Jin Ling lazily.

"Jiang Chen, my senior sister has made such a big sacrifice for you, don't you feel moved at all? How can you show some face to find Xiaosan in front of my senior sister?" Jin Ling then turned to Jiang Chen. Difficult to dust.

"Is it possible to carry it behind your back?" Jiang Chen said in a very embarrassed way, feeling that Jin Ling's suggestion would be very difficult to implement.

"What I mean is, you have to be devoted to my senior sister. You must absolutely not be volatile, let alone flirtatious. Otherwise, even if my senior sister has made a lot of sacrifices for you, you will easily lose my senior sister." Jin Ling pouted and said.

"If you lose it, you lose it. It's enough for brother Qing to have me as sister Qing." Huang Chan said cheerfully, as if looking forward to it.

"Shameless." Jin Ling began to curse.

Jiang Chen and Sleeping Beauty looked at each other, and then they both laughed. There was tenderness flowing in each other's eyes.

"Nonsense time, it can be over, let's do it." Yu Zizai said coldly.

The matter between Sleeping Beauty and Xin Qihu, Yu Zizai still wanted to watch a good show, but the final ending, in his opinion, was bloody, and he thought it was a waste of his time...

(End of this chapter)

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