genius evil

Chapter 1002 The Secret of the Yu Family

Chapter 1002 The Secret of the Yu Family

"It's so powerful." Frowning, Jiang Chen said in his heart.

Yu Changhe's aura was extraordinary, Jiang Chen knew that he could suppress You Ying with the power of his soul just now, but no matter what, he couldn't suppress Yu Changhe.

"Do you have an opinion?" Jiang Chen said with a faint smile.

"Haha...that's an admission, right?" Yu Changhe laughed loudly.

"There's nothing to admit. If you don't have any big opinions, I can demonstrate it to you." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Boy, you still dare to talk nonsense in front of the Patriarch. I will let you taste the taste of dismembering corpses with swords, and let you see with your own eyes how you died." Behind Yu Changhe, a man dressed in a suit, The old man in the purple robe said.

"Just now that guy named You Ying pretended to be a ghost in front of me, but he was killed by me with a single strike. Tell me, how many blows can you withstand?" Jiang Chen asked with a half-smile.

"What a big tone, but I want to learn from you. What methods do you have? Patriarch, please allow me to take action and kill this son here." The old man in the purple robe asked Yu Changhe for instructions angrily.

"Patriarch, this son is arrogant, let me wait for the three of you and kill him." The other two also asked Yu Changhe for instructions.

Yu Changhe laughed loudly, and said: "It is said that the brother who fights the tiger is a father and son soldier. Since Jiang Chen wants to kill my son, I will take it personally."

"Do it yourself?"

Hearing this, the three of them were slightly moved, even Na Yu Zizai was extremely surprised.

They almost couldn't remember how many years, Yu Changhe hadn't made a move in person, could it be that he wanted to make an exception for Jiang Chen?
But Jiang Chen's strength was good, even You Ying died in Jiang Chen's hands, but they all believed that there was no need for Yu Changhe to take action himself.

To put it bluntly, they believed that Jiang Chen did not have the qualifications for Yu Changhe to act personally.

Yu Changhe personally acted, completely flattering Jiang Chen, even if Jiang Chen died in Jiang Chen's hands, it would be an honor.

"Patriarch, it's a trivial matter, why do you need to do it yourself?" the old man in the purple robe persuaded.

"Needless to say, I've made up my mind." Yu Changhe waved his hand and said without doubt.

"Boy, I didn't expect that the Patriarch decided to kill you himself. Enjoy it. This will be the greatest honor in your life." The purple-robed old man said to Jiang Chen with a strange expression.

"Are you mentally ill?" Jiang Chen cursed loudly.

This Yu Changhe is going to kill him, the damn purple robed old man actually said it was his honor, why not give this so-called honor to this idiot for free?
"Things with sharp teeth, do you know how many years it has been since the Patriarch didn't do it himself?" the old man in the purple robe said angrily.

"It's none of my business." Jiang Chen was still yelling.

"" The old man in the purple robe had his beard and hair stretched out and his face turned blue from Jiang Chen's anger. If Yu Changhe hadn't decided to do it himself, he couldn't help it at this moment and wanted to do it.

"Father, in a moment, don't let Jiang Chen die too easily. As I said, I will kill him with my own hands to avenge my brother." Yu Zizai said.

"Wait--" Jiang Chen shook his arm, then looked at Yu Zizai in great bewilderment, and said unhappily, "What do you all mean by this, could it be that I, Jiang Chen, seem to be easy to kill?"

"Brother Qing, just treat yourself as a bunch of psychopaths talking crazy, don't argue with them." Huang Chan comforted.

"But I'm still very angry." Jiang Chen said angrily.

"Then you for a while, don't let this guy die too easily, I'll help you kill him." Huang Chan said with a smile, and pointed at Yu Changhe with his hand.

Jiang Chen and Huang Chan sang and chorused, and they cooperated incomparably tacitly. In an instant, they were scolded back, and the corners of Yu Zizai's mouths twitched non-stop.

After all, Jiang Chen said that it was not easy to kill him. Could it be that killing Yu Changhe was easy?
You need to know that looking at the entire ancient martial arts circle, there are probably not many people who dare to say such a thing.

"Jiang Chen, let's make a move. I'll give you a chance to use the sword." Despite Jiang Chen and Huang Chan's ridicule, Yu Changhe said indifferently, unmoved.

"Brother Qing, remember, don't kill him with a single strike, otherwise it won't be fun." Huang Chan said.

"No problem, I will kill him slowly." Jiang Chen narrowed his eyes and said.

After the words fell, Jiang Chen's right arm shook slightly.

This Yu Changhe, since he was given a chance to strike with a sword, Jiang Chen would not be polite and modest with Yu Changhe.

Under the vibration of Jiang Chen's right arm, the green steel long sword in his hand also buzzed and vibrated, and there was a sound of sword cry. At this moment, Jiang Chen's aura suddenly changed, as if transformed into a sharp long sword. sword.


Pupils contracted slightly, and Yu Changhe looked at Jiang Chen in surprise. He had an illusion, as if Jiang Chen and the sword in his hand had merged into one, he was the sword, and the sword was him.

"The fusion of human and sword? Could it be that it really exists?" Yu Changhe said in his heart.

Yu Changhe is a strong man with a half-step congenital realm. When his cultivation reaches his level, he will naturally be very clear that the congenital realm is by no means the end of ancient martial arts cultivation.

The Yu family has a long history of education, Yu Changhe is less than 50 years old, he has only half a foot into the innate realm, and he is always pursuing a higher realm.

But so far, looking at the entire ancient martial arts world, it seems that the innate realm is already the last barrier that no one can break.

Yu Changhe discovered that Jiang Chen had an unusually weird temperament. He didn't know what kind of temperament it was, but he had a vague feeling that he would gain a lot from fighting Jiang Chen. .

Thinking of this, deep in Yu Changhe's heart, he suddenly felt a little more longing. He couldn't wait to learn Jiang Chen's sword skills.

Naturally, Jiang Chen would not disappoint Yu Changhe. Under the vibration of the long sword, he struck out with a sword, which seemed slow but fast, pierced through the air in an instant, and appeared in front of Yu Changhe's eyes.

Yu Changhe stretched out his big hand, Xu Xu grabbed it forward, completely ignoring the edge of the long sword, and grabbed the long sword in Jiang Chen's hand with his big hand.

This grab seemed casual, but it surprised Jiang Chen slightly when it fell into Jiang Chen's eyes.For a while, the feeling of strangeness from the previous battle with the shadow haunted my heart again.

It wasn't that Yu Changhe's catch was so subtle, but that Jiang Chen clearly discovered the secret.

Sure enough, just when Yu Changhe's palm was about to touch the edge of the long sword, a surging force was directly transmitted to the long sword.

"Huh?" In Jiang Chen's eyes, the strange color became more intense.

That force neutralized most of his attacks. If he was not careful, the long sword in his hand would fall into Yu Changhe's hands. Of course, Jiang Chen would not allow that to happen.


The sound of sword cries resounded again, and Jiang Chen shot several swords in an instant, the sword's momentum pierced Changhong, and slashed at Yu Changhe's right hand with an unrivaled momentum.

Yu Changhe changed his moves, turned his palms, and slapped out several palms. The air trembled. When he slapped each palm, it was just right, cutting off Jiang Chen's follow-up attack.

"This can't be done with fighting skills. Could it be that it's martial skills?" Jiang Chen shook his shoulders, stepped back, and said silently in his heart.

Ancient martial arts practice naturally has a lot of fighting skills, but all kinds of fighting skills, no matter how they change, are always the same.

Martial skills can also be said to be combat skills, but they are the embodiment of the mastery of combat skills. At least, before Yu Changhe, Jiang Chen had never seen any ancient martial arts practitioner who had practiced martial arts.

"What Youying showed just now is also a martial skill." Jiang Chen said to himself again.

He finally understood where that strangeness came from.

It's just that this Yu Changhe, not to mention that he has practiced martial arts, even the shadow of one of the four heavenly kings has also practiced martial arts. The background of this Yu family is really extraordinary.

"Boy, do you have a name for your swordsmanship?" Yu Changhe asked.

It seemed that because he didn't grasp the sword in Jiang Chen's hand, his tone was a little annoyed.

"In exchange, you can tell me the name of your palm first." Jiang Chen stared at Yu Changhe and said slowly.

Hearing the sound, Yu Changhe's heart moved slightly, he looked at Jiang Chen in surprise, and immediately smiled: "Boy, it seems that you really know a lot."

"So?" Jiang Chen asked.

"So, I can't keep you even more." Yu Changhe said in a deep voice.

Yu Changhe didn't tell Jiang Chen the name of his palm, because Jiang Chen's question suddenly made him vigilant, and he realized that Jiang Chen had seen something.

And this is the biggest secret of the Yu family, except for the few people closest to him, no one else knows about it.

The reason why the Yu family has been able to pass on for hundreds of years and has always been the number one cultivating family relies on the secrets of this family.

No matter what, Yu Changhe would never allow this secret to be leaked out.

Before, even though he wanted to kill Jiang Chen, but now, Yu Changhe's desire to kill Jiang Chen became stronger.

How shrewd Jiang Chen was, once he heard what Yu Changhe said, he understood that there must be something wrong with Yu Changhe's house.

"Boy, die." Yu Changhe's killing intent was determined, and he struck out like a thunderbolt, with a palm, carrying the force of thunder, towards Jiang Chen, and suddenly slapped it.

"I said earlier that it is not an easy thing to kill me." Jiang Chen said indifferently. Yu Changhe's murderous intentions were fierce and he had no reservations. Jiang Chen also no longer reserved his strength and directly used his current state Next, the strongest sword shot.




With a mighty palm and invincibility, Jiang Chen stepped back step by step, and the green steel long sword in his hand was shattered inch by inch as he retreated step by step.

"Boy, the long sword is broken. I want to see what you can use to fight me." Yu Changhe's face was full of ferocity, and he stretched out his big hand, and slammed at Jiang Chen with another palm.


But at this time, there was a voice of coquettish shouting, and a figure in red came scurrying over, with slender jade hands, he slapped Yu Changhe with the palm.


After a slap, Yu Changhe and the figure in red each took two steps back. Yu Changhe looked at the figure in red with a puzzled expression on his face, and said angrily, "Wen Qingxin, how dare you meddle in my business?" .”

"I will not allow you to kill Jiang Chen, Patriarch Yu, please leave now." Wen Qingxin said slowly.

"Wen Qingxin, you alone can't stop me." Yu Changhe said coldly.

"Patriarch Yu, the ancient martial arts alliance conference has not officially started yet. Could it be that your Yu family is planning to show all their cards right now?" Xiumei frowned, Wen Qingxin asked.

"--" Yu Changhe stared at Wen Qingxin, his eyes flickering, seemingly angry and unwilling, but he finally waved and said sharply, "Follow me."

Yu Changhe walked quickly, and as Yu Changhe left, the rest of the people also left. At this moment, Wen Qingxin turned her head to look at Jiang Chen. She was a little angry at first, but she saw Jiang Chen looking at him with a playful smile. She just can't get angry anymore...

(End of this chapter)

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