genius evil

Chapter 1003 Born to be proud

Chapter 1003 Born to be proud
"Be careful, you are so powerful, you actually scared that guy Yu Changhe away, no, my heart is beating wildly now, you have to comfort me." Just listen to Huang Chan, startled He said, running over, he just hugged Wen Qingxin.

"Brother Qing, it feels good." After hugging Wen Qingxin, Huang Chan blinked and said playfully.

"Be careful and slap you away in a while, don't blame me for not reminding you in advance." Jiang Chen said dumbfounded.

Fortunately, Huang Chan is a woman, otherwise Wen Qingxin wouldn't have slapped her away, Jiang Chen would have slapped her away long ago.

"Brother Qing, don't scare me. Be careful, you like me the most, don't you, be careful." Huang Chan said happily.

Wen Qing's heart was full of black lines, but Huang Chan's temperament was too out of touch, and no matter what she said, she just opened her mouth, which made her feel slightly ashamed, as if she had been molested by Huang Chan .

It's just that he couldn't care less about Huang Chan, his feet moved slightly, he broke free from the restraint of Huang Chan's hands, and stood beside Jiang Chen.

"Brother Qing, Xiaoxin even ran over on his own initiative, hurry up and hug Xiaoxin, it feels really good in the hand." Huang Chan signaled.

"Sister Qing, do you still need to tell me about this kind of thing?" Jiang Chen said angrily.

"If I didn't tell you, how would you know?" Huang Chan said innocently.

"Naturally, it's because Jiang Chen hugged Xiaoxin..." Jin Ling pulled the Sleeping Beauty over and said, she felt a little awkward about the title "Xiaoxin", she hesitated for a while, and then said it out .

The reason why Jin Ling felt that this title was a bit awkward was that, in her opinion, the title "Xiao Xin" was full of pleasant taste.

But the strength that Wen Qingxin showed just now, Jinling is not at all, there is no way to connect the words Wen Qingxin and Keren.

It's not that Wen Qingxin is not beautiful enough, nor is it that Wen Qingxin's figure is not good, nor does it mean that Wen Qingxin doesn't have that kind of temperament... but, a woman who is full of domineering gestures, no matter how beautiful she is No matter how good the figure is, no matter how refined the temperament is, Jin Ling doesn't think that it can be described by the word "beautiful".

"Brother Qing, have you really embraced Xiaoxin?" Huang Chan asked, with a look of disbelief.

Jiang Chen just gave Huang Chan a vicious look, how could he not know that Huang Chan's persistent urging him to hug Wen Qingxin was actually deliberately provoking Sleeping Beauty.

Then, if Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty get into a fight by accident, she can watch the show from the sidelines.

"Brother Qing, I asked you something, why didn't you answer me." Huang Chan said aggrievedly.

Hearing what Huang Chan said, Sleeping Beauty also looked at Jiang Chen, as if she was waiting for Jiang Chen's answer.

Jiang Chen suddenly wanted to strangle Huang Chan to death. Can this woman hope for something from him?Is it necessary to pit him to death?

"Brother Qing, don't you even have the courage to hug Xiaoxin? Or, are you worried that Xiaoxin will slap you away?" Huang Chan asked innocently.

Jiang Chen chuckled, hugged Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty with his left and right hands respectively, and said with a smile: "Sleeping Beauty, let me introduce you, her name is Wen Qingxin..."

He said to Wen Qingxin again: "Her name is Ling Qingluo."

Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty looked at each other, and they both smiled softly. Wen Qingxin has an elegant temperament, so naturally she won't be jealous, while Sleeping Beauty has long known that Jiang Chen is very fickle, and if he really wanted to be jealous, he would probably drown in In the vinegar jar.

"Master Wen, I have admired your name for a long time." Sleeping Beauty said.

"Nice to meet you." Wen Qingxin said.

"No!" Suddenly, Huang Chan yelled.

When everyone's attention was drawn to her, Huang Chan continued, "The reaction of the two of you is not right, hurry up and scold, fight, pull your hair, take off your clothes, play and roll, anyway. Well, that's not the way to react."

Both Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty looked at Huang Chan like idiots, as if they couldn't understand what Huang Chan was saying.

Seeing the two of them looking at him like this, Huang Chan felt frustrated.


Why is this?

Why didn't Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty play their cards according to the routine and tear their skins apart?How does this make her watch the show?

"Jiang Chen, let's take a step first." The four of them came over, and Gu Momo said.

Wen Qingxin made a move and knocked Yu Changhe back, which gave them a shocking feeling. Even though they had heard of Wen Qingxin's existence early in the morning, they never knew that Jiang Chen and Wen Qingxin had such a relationship .

Reminiscing about Jiang Chen, it seemed that the Yu family hadn't been taken seriously from the beginning to the end, and the four of them were a little relieved. After all, with Wen Qing's heart, Jiang Chen might not be, as he was afraid of the Yu family.

Jiang Chen didn't know what the four of them were thinking.

If he knew, Jiang Chen would definitely be dumbfounded.

The reason why he didn't take the Yu family to heart was naturally not because of Wen Qingxin, and even Jiang Chen never thought that Wen Qingxin would appear.

He has a strong mind and is born with pride. He has been a human being in two lifetimes, and he has experienced many difficulties and dangers. In terms of his experience and vision, how can he take a mere family of ancient martial arts to heart?

This has nothing to do with cultivation, it's purely due to Jiang Chen's pride.

"I have to work today, and I, Jiang Chen, will remember this kindness." Jiang Chen said to the four of them.

"Jiang Shao, you are being polite." Fang Yunfei said modestly.

He didn't think that the appearance of the four of them had helped Jiang Chen much. If it wasn't for Yu Changhe's appearance, Jiang Chen alone would be enough to fight against half of the Yu family. The existence of the four of them would not have affected to the situation.

After some politeness, the four of Nanny Gu left, while Huang Chan took Wen Qingxin with one hand and Sleeping Beauty with the other, and got into the tent.

"Jiang Chen, have you forgotten what I told you?" Jin Ling said angrily while looking at Jiang Chen with her hands on her hips.

"What?" Jiang Chen said with a little bit of astonishment.

"I warned you, you must be devoted to my senior sister, and you must never be sloppy, let alone flirtatious." Jin Ling said angrily.

Jin Ling felt that Jiang Chen had gone too far, even if he was skittish, he was so obviously skittish, just like the ancient Pan Jinlian.

From Jin Ling's point of view, Jiang Chen clearly showed that he didn't care much about Sleeping Beauty. After all, Wen Qingxin was stunningly talented regardless of her demeanor or demeanor. What's more, Wen Qingxin's cultivation base was terrifying. Words are a huge threat.

Although Sleeping Beauty is very concerned about the existence of Wen Qingxin, Jin Ling believes that Sleeping Beauty must be uncomfortable in her heart.

In terms of Sleeping Beauty's personality, it was impossible to say such things to Jiang Chen.

But if Sleeping Beauty doesn't talk, she will.

"It's not crazy, and it's not flamboyant." Jiang Chen said lazily.

"Isn't this called gossip? Isn't this called flamboyance?" Hearing this, Jin Ling was about to explode in anger.

Could it be that Jiang Chen had to wait until the 72 concubines of the Six Courts of the Three Palaces before he could be called a free-spirited woman?Isn't Jiang Chen afraid of exhausting himself to death?

"Of course not." Jiang Chen's tone was serious, serious, and he said, "It's called a love match."

"From my point of view, you and every beauty are very compatible." Jin Ling said mockingly.

First Huang Chan, then Wen Qingxin, both of them are unique beauties, no matter how much Jin Ling favors Sleeping Beauty, it can be seen that Sleeping Beauty has no advantage at all in front of the two women.

Even from another point of view, Sleeping Beauty is not as charming as Huang Chan, nor as elegant as Wen Qingxin. If Jiang Chen is partial to Huang Chan or Wen Qingxin, wouldn't Sleeping Beauty have no status at all? up?
Jin Ling said that that kind of situation would never be allowed to happen, so she had to defend Sleeping Beauty.

Jiang Chen laughed and said, "Little girl, I fall in love with every beautiful woman, but not every beautiful woman falls in love with me. Do you understand?"

Leaving these words behind, Jiang Chen moved towards the tent.

"What do I know, isn't that the same meaning?" Jin Ling muttered, rolling her eyes, but followed Jiang Chen and got into the tent together.

This tent is uniformly equipped, comprehensive and exquisite, and the most important thing is that it is very large, even if ten or eight people are stuffed inside, it will not be crowded at all.

As soon as Jiang Chen and Jin Ling got into the tent, they couldn't help being taken aback. They suddenly saw that Huang Chan and the three daughters were playing cards. To be sure, they were playing Dou~Landlord.

Huang Chan's card skills are superb, and he can play with ease. Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty are a little unfamiliar, and they both seem a bit clumsy when Huang Chan keeps throwing cards.

Jiang Chen looked at it twice, he couldn't laugh or cry, he didn't need to think about it, he also knew that this was created by Huang Chan, and only Huang Chan could be so different.

"Senior Sister, hurry up and crush her to death, or she will run out of cards." Jin Ling stood behind Sleeping Beauty and helped her up.

"Little sister seems to be very good at playing cards." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"That's right, you just bully and bully my senior sister. If you play cards with me, you won't even have any pants left if you lose in minutes." Jin Ling said confidently.

Then, Huang Chan said to Sleeping Beauty again: "Senior Sister, your poker skills are too bad, let me do it."

"Don't worry, I'll take my time." Sleeping Beauty said, seeming very interested in playing Dou~Landlord.

"Little...Master Wen, how about I help you fight?" Huang Chan begged Wen Qingxin pitifully.

Wen Qingxin smiled softly, and said, "It seems very interesting. I'll play with you again in a while."

Jin Ling couldn't wait for a minute, because she knew very well that Sleeping Beauty and Wen Qingxin wouldn't let her play now, and they wouldn't give up after a while until they became proficient in playing.

"Dou~Landlord is too boring. Let's play with four players to level up. That's the most challenging way." Eyeballs rolled around, Huang Chan said bluffing.

"So can the four of us still play together?" Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty looked at each other, their eyes brightened.

Seeing the reactions of Sleeping Beauty and Wen Qingxin, Jiang Chen once again had an extremely strong urge to strangle Huang Chan to death.

It's not good to play cards, but it's good to play cards. Four women are playing cards. What is he playing?
Obviously, the four girls ignored Jiang Chen's existence. Perhaps because they thought Jin Ling's proposal was good, Huang Chan quickly took out another deck of cards, and the four girls started to play with leveling up.

Both Wen Qingxin and Sleeping Beauty were extremely intelligent, and after a while, they figured out the rules of leveling up, and soon, the poker table was full of enthusiasm, so Jiang Chen had nothing to do...

(End of this chapter)

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