genius evil

Chapter 1005

Chapter 1005
Shen Shijing saw that Jiang Chen was about to move, as if he really wanted to come and hug him, he was inevitably panicked, forcibly shook Huang Chan away, turned around and left.

"So strong." Huang Chan stuck out her tongue and said to herself.

Shen Shijing didn't make too violent movements, but when Shen Shijing moved, an irresistible force immediately separated her and Shen Shijing like a moat, silently and silently. Shake it away.

This reminded Huang Chan of the scene where Wen Qingxin broke free from her embrace. It can be said that if Wen Qingxin and Shen Shijing were unwilling, she would not be able to get close at all.

"Brother Qing, who is this beautiful woman?" Huang Chan asked Jiang Chen curiously, but he didn't know where Jiang Chen came from to know so many women with terrifying strength.

Although she was optimistic by nature, when this happened again and again, she was very stimulated, wanted very, very much, and complained about Jiang Chen.

"Her name is Shen Shijing." Jiang Chen said simply.

"A beauty is a beauty, even the name is so nice, almost as nice as my name." Huang Chan said.

"Sister Qing, you are really shameless." Jiang Chen said with disgust.

If Huang Chan wants to praise Shen Shijing, he can do it. After all, Shen Shijing is not only beautiful, but also has a poetic and picturesque name. A typical person lives up to his name and is impeccable.

But since it is praising Shen Shijing, can't it be good?What's the matter with involving herself for no reason?

"Brother Qing, I'm already beautiful." Huang Chan giggled coquettishly, winking and said: "Beauty Shen seems to have a problem with you, even a hug is so stingy. Brother Qing, look It looks like you really have to work hard."

"Sister Qing, you are wrong. How could Miss Shen be willing to have an opinion on me? Look, she is waiting for me there." Jiang Chen stretched out his hand and pointed in one direction.

Looking in the direction Jiang Chen pointed at, Huang Chan couldn't help being stunned.

She thought that Shen Shijing left angrily, but that was not the case, Shen Shijing did not go far, standing there quietly, his whole body exuded an aura that was more pure and flawless than the moonlight.

"Miss Shen should be looking at the moon." Huang Chan said.

"Where is the moon as beautiful as me?" Jiang Chen expressed his disapproval, leaving Huang Chan behind, and walked towards the direction where Shen Shijing was.

"The guy who values ​​sex over friends... No, the guy who values ​​sex over younger sisters." Huang Chan rolled her eyes, but this time, she didn't go to join in the fun and entered the tent.

"Miss Shen, we had a little misunderstanding." Jiang Chen said as he walked towards Shen Shijing.

"I came to see you tonight because I have something to help you resolve the grievances with the Yu family." Shen Shijing said directly.

The reason why she didn't leave immediately was because she didn't have time to say what she wanted to say.

"Heavenly Alliance?" Frowning, Jiang Chen asked.

"That's right, if you enter the Heavenly Dao League, the Yu Family will no longer trouble you." Shen Shijing nodded.

"What if I don't want to?" Jiang Chen asked with a smile.

"Are you sure about dealing with the Yu family?" Shen Shijing asked instead of answering Jiang Chen's question.

There is no need for Shen Shijing to answer, through Shen Shijing's words, Jiang Chen already understood what Shen Shijing was going to say.

That is, if he is sure to deal with the Yu family, then naturally, he can ignore the Tiandaomeng, otherwise, the Tiandaomeng will ignore his life and death.

The implication is that Shen Shijing threw him a multiple-choice question.

But any smart person will understand how to choose this multiple-choice question.

"Honestly speaking, I'm not very sure. If you, Miss Shen, talk to the Heavenly Daomeng about it and ask them to help me out and destroy the Yu family, maybe I will agree to it after seeing the sincerity of the Tiandaomeng." Jiang Chen Said.

"This is impossible." Although she knew that Jiang Chen was joking, Shen Shijing's tone of answering the question was still extremely serious, and she said seriously, "Jiang Chen, you have to understand that the current you are not in alliance with the Heavenly Dao. Bargaining qualifications."

"Then, let's wait until I am qualified to discuss the matter of joining the Heavenly Dao League." Jiang Chen said casually.

Jiang Chen naturally knew very well that he didn't have that kind of qualification for the time being, but it was precisely because he didn't have the qualification, so no matter what benefits the Heavenly Dao League offered, Jiang Chen couldn't accept it.

This is just like when he joined the Tianzu. At the beginning, no matter how Qin Wenyan invited him, Jiang Chen never let go, because he knew very well what he needed, because what he needed was an equal identity. , he needs the absolute right to speak, only in that way can he maximize the benefits he deserves.

Otherwise, Jiang Chen would never do the thing of making wedding clothes for others.

Jiang Chen said it very casually, but after listening to Jiang Chen's words, Shen Shijing knew that his lobbying this time was once again disappointing.

Feeling slightly regretful, Shen Shijing sighed and said, "I should go."

"Wait." Jiang Chen stopped Shen Shijing and said, "The moonlight is good tonight, watch the moon with me."

Shen Shijing glanced at Jiang Chen, hesitated for a while, and did not refuse.


The waves, the sand.

A round of moon hangs in the sky.

The waves were churning, and the waves were blowing. Jiang Chen and Shen Shijing sat quietly on the reef.

"The moonlight tonight is so beautiful." Shen Shijing said softly.

She asked Jiang Chen, "Do you have something to tell me?"

"It used to be there, but now it's gone." Jiang Chen smiled lightly.

He wanted to ask about the situation of the Yu family, but now he felt that there was not much difference between asking and not asking, so why bother to destroy the atmosphere of getting along with each other.

"You just said that we had a misunderstanding." Shen Shijing said again.

Jiang Chen smiled, looked at Shen Shijing, and said, "I don't want to admit that it was a misunderstanding right now."

Shen Shijing was a bit confused, and didn't quite understand what Jiang Chen said, but she didn't ask too much, because she felt that it would be good to just look at the moon with Jiang Chen.

About an hour later, Shen Shijing got up to leave. Jiang Chen watched Shen Shijing leave with a slightly complicated mood.

One thing, Jiang Chen is very clear, that is, at this time, Shen Shijing brought up the matter of the Heavenly Dao League again, entirely for his own good.

He rejected Shen Shijing again, and unlike last time, this time, Shen Shijing must be disappointed even more.

"But, after all, there is no way to agree." Jiang Chen murmured.

If it is not what he wants, how can he force it?

It wasn't until Shen Shijing's figure disappeared from sight that Jiang Chen got up and walked towards the tent.

"Brother Qing, I didn't expect you to have such a romantic side? Watching the moon with Miss Shen, Miss Shen must be very touched." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"Your brother Qing, I am naturally romantic." Jiang Chen said solemnly.

"Brother Qing, when will you invite me to watch the moon? I like watching the moon the most." Huang Chan said.

"You can go to see the moon right now, and go with Jin Ling. It's best to watch it all night. After watching the moon, you can see the sun. The scenery is guaranteed to be so beautiful that you won't want to leave." Jiang Chen said.

"Brother Qing, if you want to get rid of me and little sister Jinling, just say so. Maybe if you just say so, I will agree to you." Huang Chan couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Since you understand what I mean, don't hurry to see it." Jiang Chen urged.

There is only one tent, and although there is no problem sleeping four people, it is obviously inconvenient in the case of three women and one man, especially with the small oil bottle of Jinling.

Obviously, even if Huang Chan was willing to let him sleep in a tent tonight, Jin Ling would definitely not be willing, so Jiang Chen had to act first and send Jin Ling away.

As for Huang Chan, she could only be involved in a small sacrifice once.

"Brother Qing, I forgot to tell you. When you were watching the moon with Beauty Shen, Sleeping Beauty and Little Sister Jinling and I discussed something." Huang Chan said with a smile.

"The thing we discussed was that you will sleep outside alone tonight, and the three of us will sleep in a tent. Jiang Chen, you must have no objections, right?" Jin Ling hurriedly said.

Sure enough!

No comments?

Just kidding, idiots are fine.

"Sister Qing, I agreed that you like watching the moon the most. It's wrong to keep your word. Take Jinling to see it quickly. I believe Jinling will also like it very much." Jiang Chen said.

"I really like watching the moon, but that moon was seen by you and Miss Shen tonight, so I decided to watch it tomorrow night." Huang Chan said.

"It will rain tomorrow night." Jiang Chen reminded.

"It's okay, I can watch the moon in the rain." Huang Chan said indifferently.

"Sister Qing, do you have a fever? Why are you talking nonsense? If it rains, can there be a moon?" Jiang Chen asked in confusion.

"Brother Qing, why are you so stupid? At worst, I'll watch it the day after tomorrow, so it's fine?" Huang Chan rolled her eyes, anyway, she refused to agree.

"Jinling..." Jiang Chen said to Jinling again, trying to persuade Jinling.

Although Jiang Chen understood that the difficulty of convincing Jin Ling was more than a hundred times more difficult than persuading Huang Chan, he still had to try. If he didn't try, how would he know it wouldn't work?
Maybe, Jin Ling likes watching the moon very much?

"What I hate the most is looking at the moon." As soon as Jiang Chen opened his mouth, Jin Ling understood what Jiang Chen was going to say, and said without thinking.

"Then it's a pity, I can only go to see the moon with Sleeping Beauty." Jiang Chen said helplessly.

"No, senior sister will sleep with me tonight, this is what I discussed with senior sister in advance." Jin Ling said.

"It doesn't matter, I happen to be going to sleep with your senior sister tonight, or we can sleep together." Jiang Chen then said.

"You think beautifully, don't try to take advantage of me, I'm still a child." Jin Ling was so angry that she stretched out her hand to push Jiang Chen out.

"Could it be too much?" Sleeping Beauty, who had been silent all this time, looked at Jiang Chen's embarrassed appearance and asked amusedly.

"Sleeping Beauty, you know, my love brother is notoriously aggressive. Tonight, if you want him to sleep in a tent, I will not be responsible for what happens." Huang Chan Yoyo said.

It doesn't matter to her, anyway, she is inconvenient, even if Jiang Chen wants to harm her, he still can't get in, but if Jiang Chen can't help but harm Sleeping Beauty, if Jin Ling sees it, That would be fun.

As for Jiang Chen's integrity, Huang Chan definitely didn't believe it, because she didn't see any integrity in Jiang Chen's body.

"Okay." Sleeping Beauty was persuaded by Huang Chan, after all, Jin Ling couldn't be kicked out and Jin Ling could sleep outside alone.

Jiang Chen stood outside the tent by himself, almost vomiting blood in depression. He just wanted to find a place to sleep well. Is this too much to ask?
The tent is so big, how can it sleep four people?Is it necessary to guard against him like a thief?Can't you take care of his feelings a little bit?
With a depressed mood, Jiang Chen wandered around under the small island, looking for a place that was more suitable for sleeping.

"Little brother, do you want to buy a tent?" However, Jiang Chen was looking for it when a sudden voice sounded behind him...

(End of this chapter)

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