genius evil

Chapter 1006

Chapter 1006

Hearing the sound, Jiang Chen turned his head to look, and suddenly saw a short fat man standing three meters away behind him, with a tent on his shoulders.

That short fat man, with a strange and funny shape, has a natural sense of joy, who else can he be except Luo Song.

"I said, the business on Penglai Xiandao is basically monopolized by you. Is it necessary to fight like this?" Jiang Chen asked wonderingly.

"Little brother, you don't know about this." The short fat man waved his hand, put down the tent casually, and complained: "Business is hard to do, and every penny you earn is one penny. My big family, come on!" There are old and young and young, but they all count on me to make money alone, if I don’t work harder, my 80-year-old mother and eight-month-old child should drink the northwest wind.”

"You say it like this, it seems that I have to buy your tent tonight." Jiang Chen said with a smile.

Naturally, Jiang Chen didn't even believe the punctuation marks in what the short fat man said.

This guy is only 26 and seven years old, not to mention whether he has an eight-month-old child, but it is absolutely impossible to have an 80-year-old mother.

To say that there is an 80-year-old grandmother waiting for him to earn money to go back and support her is not bad.

Of course, Jiang Chen was very pessimistic about whether the short fat man would be able to find a wife with his appearance and figure.

"Little brother, don't you do this? When it comes to business, what matters is what you love and what you want, and you can't make a slap, right? I, Luo Song, never do such things as forced buying and selling." Humpty Humpty said sternly, as if he was such a moral fellow.

"But if you don't buy and sell by force, what about your 80-year-old mother? What about your eight-month-old child?" Jiang Chen said with a half-smile.

"So, it's up to you, little brother, to act righteously. It's just a tent. After you buy it, little brother, you can guarantee that you won't suffer a loss or be cheated, and it will also make your family happy, your career successful, and your peace and harmony. Meimei, all wishes come true." Humpty Humpty said with a smile.

"Why didn't I know that this tent has so many benefits before, or I just buy it, how much is it?" Jiang Chen asked casually.

"Eighteen thousand eight hundred and eight." Humpty Humpty opened his mouth and came.

When the words fell, seeing Jiang Chen's face was very ugly, the short fat man just smiled and said: "Little brother, this is eight thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. The price I sold to those people outside, based on me and the little brother Naturally, your friendship will be greatly discounted."

"How about this, I will reluctantly part with you, and I will sell half and half to you, little brother. You only need to pay [-], little brother, and this tent is yours." After a slight pause, the short fat man patted the tent with his hand. , looking like he was bleeding profusely.

"Dare, the friendship between the two of us is worth 80 yuan?" Jiang Chen immediately became unhappy.

Although, he didn't think that there was any friendship between himself and this short fat man.

But since Humpty Dumpty believes that he has friendship with him, Jiang Chen doesn't mind, but the question is, what is the meaning of this 80 yuan friendship?
"Little brother, you don't know about this. The purchase price of this tent is very expensive. I promise to earn your money, little brother, and it will not exceed 80 yuan." The short fat man said seriously.

"How much?" Jiang Chen picked out his ears, as if he didn't hear clearly, he motioned for the short fat man to say it again.

"Eight hundred." Humpty Humpty changed his words immediately without changing his face, as if he had said eight hundred from the beginning, definitely not eighty.

If someone thinks it is eighty, it must be an auditory hallucination, and he himself is not responsible.

"How much? Brother Luo, why can't you even speak clearly?" Jiang Chen asked.

"Eight thousand." The Humpty Dumpty sighed and said, "Little brother, with the friendship between you and me, I naturally have nothing to hide from you. To tell you the truth, I can earn you 8000 yuan by selling a tent. But little brother, you have to understand my difficulties, after all, it's not easy for me to have seniors and juniors."

"How much?" Jiang Chen asked directly, playing word games with this guy.

The corner of Humpty Humpty's mouth twitched, he sighed again, and said, "Well, this time it's really true, I can earn [-] if I sell this tent to someone else, but because of the small Brother, you are half buying and half selling, so basically, I am not making any money."

As he spoke, the expression on Humpty Humpty's face was one of helplessness, as if he had given the tent to Jiang Chen at a cost price, and it was heartbreaking.

"So, you are planning to sell this tent to me for 80 yuan, right? For the sake of your sincerity, I will reluctance and buy it." Jiang Chen said.

While talking, he took out money casually, until he took out all the change from his pockets all over his body, Jiang Chen managed to scrape together 79 yuan.

Jiang Chen walked over, stuffed a handful of small change into Humpty Humpty's hands without any explanation, and then took the tent away while Humpty Humpty was stunned.

Jiang Chen was going to set up the tent. You can't sleep in a big tent over there, but you can sleep in a small tent. After all, having a shelter from the wind and rain is much better than sleeping in the open.

"Little brother, you must be kind." The short fat man held the money Jiang Chen stuffed in his hand, counted and counted, and counted three times. He was sure that it was 79 yuan instead of 80 yuan. Like parents.

Is it easy for him to come over at night to sell tents?
Even if Jiang Chen doesn't earn [-], at least let him earn [-]. Now it's good, he still has to lose one dollar.

For just one dollar, it could almost kill Humpty Humpty.

Seeing his aggrieved face, it seemed that he was about to cry.

"Hey, don't just stand there, come over and give me a hand, I don't know what to do with this thing." Jiang Chen called out.

At any rate, he bought something from Humpty Humpty, and he spent money. Of course, Humpty Humpty is responsible for the after-sales.

"Little brother, you are eating my flesh and drinking my blood." Humpty Humpty was devastated.

"I suddenly understand you a little bit. It seems that the friendship between the two of us is really good." Jiang Chen said.

Humpty Humpty's life, according to Humpty Humpty's own statement, is worth one yuan, and the friendship between him and Humpty Humpty is worth 80 yuan at least.

What is this concept?
In other words, his status in Humpty's heart is worth eighty times more than Humpty's own life.

Eighty times the weight, it is conceivable that because of the previous misunderstanding of Humpty Man, Jiang Chen was a little ashamed. After all, Humpty Man really had nothing to say to him.

"For the sake of our good friendship, little brother, you have the heart to cheat me? At least make up this one yuan? I have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I feel flustered when I see this number." Humpty Humpty said dejectedly.

"Why didn't you say it earlier." Jiang Chen blamed, snatched the money from the short fat man, counted out nine yuan and stuffed it into his pocket, and stuffed the other 70 yuan into the short fat man, saying: "It's a round number now, to meet your obsessive-compulsive needs, don't be in a daze, hurry up and help."

The Humpty Humpty Man held 70 yuan in his hand, and he wanted to hit his head to death.

When Jiang Chen took the money just now, the short fat man thought that Jiang Chen was going to give him a one hundred bill. In that way, after deducting the cost, he could still earn 20 yuan for traveling expenses, so he didn't stop him.

After all, although mosquitoes have few legs, they are still meat, which is better than losing money and making money.

Who would have thought that Jiang Chen would do things so terribly, directly turning him from a loss of one dollar to ten dollars.

Too ruthless, so direct and so unpretentious.

Humpty Humpty was twitching. He had always thought that he was quite ruthless, but he never thought that this time he met a ruthless character, and Jiang Chen was even more ruthless than him.

"Little brother, I think we need to have a good talk about money matters." Humpty Humpty said mutteringly.

Even if Jiang Chen was unwilling to give him a 100 yuan bill, it would be good to return the nine yuan. Humpty decided to work hard and fight for himself.

"Set up the tent first, otherwise there is nothing to talk about." Jiang Chen said without doubt.

Hearing what Jiang Chen said, Humpty Humpty immediately moved into action, which was faster than a rabbit. He motioned Jiang Chen to watch from the sidelines, and in less than 3 minutes, he set up a tent.

"The workmanship is good." Jiang Chen took a few glances and nodded in satisfaction.

"Of course, I am the one who sells this tent. In terms of after-sales service, I will definitely satisfy the customers. The customer is God, right?" Humpty Humpty said triumphantly.

Originally, it took Humpty Dumpty about 5 minutes to set up a tent, but now it only took 3 minutes to set it up. Dumpty Humpty himself expressed his satisfaction with his own efficiency.

"That's good. In the future, if there is any problem with this tent, I will call you at any time, and you have to be there on call. Okay, I'm going to sleep, so let's go." Jiang Chen waved his hand and signaled.

The tent is not big, but it is more than enough to sleep one person, and the quality seems to be pretty good. I have to say that although Humpty Humpty is a bit treacherous, at least he didn't cut corners.

"Little brother, we agreed to talk about money." Humpty Humpty said hastily.

He lost ten yuan, and no matter what, it was impossible for him to leave.

"How about this, you go and get me a bottle of mineral water, we will talk about the money issue later." Jiang Chen said.

"A bottle of mineral water is two hundred." Hearing that Jiang Chen needed something else, the short fat man immediately opened his mouth, and he had to make up for the loss of the tent in one go.

"Whatever, go." Jiang Chen said.

Humpty Humpty laughed secretly, turned around and ran to get the mineral water, while Jiang Chen got into the tent, closed his eyes, and fell asleep soundly.

One minute later, Humpty Humpty came over with a bottle of mineral water, and saw Jiang Chen falling asleep in the tent. For a moment, Humpty Humpty was so angry that he almost threw the mineral water over Jiang Chen's face.

"Little brother, you are really kind, you will lose me as a friend." Humpty Humpty said with deep resentment, after putting down the mineral water, he left reluctantly.

Unlike the energetic few seconds ago, when Humpty Humpty left, he kept moaning and sighing, and his back looked so lonely.

"A tent, make a friend, Humpty, has anyone ever said that you are really good at doing business?" Eyes opened, Jiang Chen took the bottle of mineral water, took a sip, smiled, and for a moment For a while, I felt that the behavior of this short fat man was really interesting. Even if he intended to befriend him, such a way was definitely not what ordinary people could imagine.

The reason why Jiang Chen understands this is because Jiang Chen knows very well that it is impossible for a short fat man to appear on this small island where he is for no reason. This in itself is a very risky thing. If you break in, you will most likely stay here forever.

Humpty Humpty has the shrewdness of a businessman and a philistine. Jiang Chen could hear the last sentence, and it was clearly an excuse for him to listen to.

"Friend?" Jiang Chen whispered to himself, faintly feeling that having a friend like Humpty Dumpty is quite a good thing!

(End of this chapter)

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